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Eduardo Estefano

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Everything posted by Eduardo Estefano

  1. Yes! Specially when you have encrypted text. Please please implement!
  2. They could implement a reminder on the checkbox level, creating a more robust "task" control For the business version, having the ability to add a user to the checkbox task would also be great.
  3. COMMAND + DELETE is also a problem as it is the default shortcut in Mac for deleting text up to the beginning of the line. If you are someone who uses this command while writing, you end up accidentally deleting the note you are currently editing. I think the best thing would be to allow us to customize shortcuts.
  4. Hi Nemi. DTLow is not an employee of Evernote. Employees are marked "EMPLOYEE" under their names.
  5. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012107027-Operating-system-requirements-for-Evernote older versions: http://evernote.en.uptodown.com/mac/old
  6. +1 I would also like to see some sort of protection for an encrypted block. It is very easy to delete the block accidentally. And if you are not premium with access to Note history, you are in trouble.
  7. Anyone know of an external service to be used to see notes in a map?
  8. +1 for this to be implemented. Allow scrolling up and type at the top of the page displayed, like in Word.
  9. I'm trying to investigate a scenario when one note ALWAYS goes to a specific person, independent if someone else is working on it or not. Only happens to a specific note.
  10. This is true DTLow. But, most likely, the decision maker in the company will have access to all notebooks. At least this is the case on my company. But luckly we are just 6 users and we don't have lots of images in our workflows. There is always a workaround: Create an "Archive" notebook and after you are done with a project, move the project to the Archive. And if you need to keep track of permission access to notebooks, create an Archive notebook for each Real Notebook. But.....would be much easier to control what is downloaded to your laptop with a native functionality (selective sync, archive, or something else)
  11. Voted. We need this ASAP. Imagine how much space Evernote takes from Business users. 10GB max per user, multiplied by 50 users = 50GB possible data added per month. For a standard 256GB SSD, this means you will need to uninstall Evernote from your laptop in about 3-4 months. Evernote will not prosper in the Business environment with this kind of imitation.
  12. Hi Johnathan. Please take a look at this Support Ticket. It may have something to do with the HTML table pasting issue on 6.11



  13. A lot of people asking for this feature but only 5 votes. If you wish this feature implemented please help by clicking on the upvote button above. It is not a guarantee that it will be implemented but it will definitely stand out from the other requests.
  14. Hi Everyone. Is this feature still not available? Could not find anything else about this.
  15. I would say Superior in the sense you can "place" a note in more than one notebook using tags.
  16. Tags are great. But I personally need notebooks in order to share groups of notes. Currently, the note sharing process is not so great. The note is only visible via workchat. A combination of notebooks and tags for me at least eliminates the need for nested notebooks.
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