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Eduardo Estefano

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Everything posted by Eduardo Estefano

  1. I am against this feature. It would make the notebook structure just as messy as every folder structure I have ever come across.
  2. It does work on Mac! I was trying with lowercase but it appears to be case sensitive. Thanks, now it makes total sense.
  3. Makes sense. But I would like to confirm how exactly this scope restricts searches in general. As far as I know there is no "stack:" operator in the search. So EN would have to have some logic behind it that would somehow limit the search scope. For example, if I have Stack A, Stack B, Stack C and 5 notebooks outside of stacks, including the Archive notebook. How does EN limit the search scope in this scenario?
  4. @csihilling now I am curious. Won't the archived notes show up in the result if I don't exclude them with -tag:archived ? is there a difference in search results if the notebook is in a stack or not?
  5. It is also possible to filter using the note list. After you select the first tag to filter, just click on the tag filter icon again and it will show you a subset of tags still available for filtering
  6. I understand this problem is fixed in the 6.11 beta. It used to work on 6.10 but some update on Sierra broke it.
  7. I usually do this when I finish a project and in the end delete the original notebook I have short lived consulting projects and I share the notebooks with clients. Something like: Client-Finance Client-Sales etc. I break the information into notebooks because they are shared with specific people. Then I place my Clients Stack of notebooks in my Favorites At the end of the project I Archive and delete. I am a mixed tag and notebook user.
  8. The way I do it: Tag the note with the notebook name: notebook.myNotebook Tag the note with the stack name: stack.myStack Tag the note: Archived Move the note to the Archives notebook This way it is still searchable, you can recreate the notebook scrutcture, and you can exclude from a search with -tag:archived
  9. Evernote Mac here. On Windows, is it also possible to edit table background color?
  10. Hi @csihilling. I just executed the procedure and it worked fine for me. I'm on a Mac with Sierra and my default browser is Chrome. When I click the daily email links they open on the desktop app (and open a browser window as well) Eduardo
  11. +1 for a lock feature as a global option: able to start or not a Note in edit mode. But then gives also a shortcut to place the note into editable State.
  12. I just tested the relevance on the Mac and on the Web (no relevance). The results are much better on the Mac. For example, if the words a searched are in the title of a note, this note shows up first. Anyone on the Windows Beta know if this is already implemented in the next version?
  13. @DTLow I didn't quite get it. Are you able to sort by relevante on the windows version or was this screen shot on windows? By the way, are you a mac or windows user, hehe? On the Mac all search results are automatically sorted by relevance (at least for me). I checked the web version and it does not have this feature.
  14. +1 on the stack sharing both for notebooks and for tags
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