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Everything posted by WilliamL

  1. It’s great they are working so hard to resolve the issues. Yes, there are features missing we want, yes the app didn’t launch as stable as it should have but it’s clear they are trying and I’m thankful for that.
  2. We need at least share via PDF on all platforms as soon as possible. Ideally word as well but PDF at minimum. The shared element of the note is not the same as sending an attachment which is only intended to be read and perhaps held onto. Other companies offer these and I hope, and expect, these are high on the list for Evernote.
  3. I had a few issues as I tested it out, puzzlingly though, as I tried to discuss them here a few users acted like I had just kicked their dog or something. The software seems ok, it’s subscription model is good value, support is good - emailed Steve the chap who writes it and he was back to me in hours. Disengaging though due to some of the responses here, what I though was a conversation on tech was apparently, bizarrely, something more personal.
  4. Please before I engage with anything else you have said, let’s deal with this - how does one used cmd b on the iPad touch keyboard? If you can answer that I’ll engage with the rest. Otherwise, what I said is entirely valid and what you have retorted with is well, not.
  5. I downloaded keep it to give it a better test. It seems 'ok' i guess? That folders only seem to go one depth is a little frustrating in comparison to bears unlimited nesting, i guess similar to evernote. The part that really gets me is the rich text files, to make something bold - its not on the keyboard, I have to open another box which obscures part of the text to make something bold or interact with text in any way, thats odd and would become really frustrating really quickly. I know Evernote has elements of this but the basics are right at hand when it comes to text formatting. There seems to be no export options for rich text either, no check boxes for organization. I guess for those who dont user their notes software for organization of tasks/projects it might be really useful, for me this is a key aspect of my use.
  6. Have you used bear much? It’s much more than that. It’s export options are on another level, it can store anything I would need it to. I guess our usage impacts what we consider good and useful. I think it is excellent software for notes but I am content to stick with Evernote and allow them time to fix things without creating I quit mantras and leaving for subpar software like keep it etc. I’m just not impressed by it at all I’m afraid.
  7. Thank you for issuing these and listening to the community here - we really appreciate this
  8. Something locked to ios/mac is of no use for me. This is one of evernotes strengths, if I wanted ios/mac only there is only one choice - Bear, keep it doesnt come close to it.
  9. Thank you @Shane D. I’ll test this out this evening and see if it appears to be working better. you know.....a change log on the updates would save you having to post these 😉
  10. hey I have had this issue too and it’s been an disaster for me. I have reported it here and I think I know what’s causing it. If Evernote is sitting in the background open when you bring it back to the foreground sync seems to fail. It doesn’t tell you this is the case but who you add content it will not sync and that content will ultimately be lost. The only work around I have is to fully close the app completely once finished using it and that way sync will work when you reopen it. You can also check on the web app to see if the content you have added has synced properly. this isn’t ideal at all, I know that but it is a workaround that seems to stop this bug. Hopefully at some point Evernote staff will see fit to respond and engage about what is the worst possible kind of bug - up to this point I have had complete radio silence about this issue.
  11. Whilst I have newer software, this is an easy one - go check the notion app reviews on the App Store - it uses Electron too - yet these complains of slow and sluggish are not there, why is that? Same with Discord...i get you are ideologically opposed to Electron for whatever reason but the actual ground experience is not holding up to the claims being made here,, otherwise notion would be *****, so would Discord and Microsoft teams and the list goes on, yet they are not getting those reviews.
  12. I hope this goes well for you. I gotta wholly disagree about electron though, so many apps use this, notion for instance which everyone raves about, discord which I use frequently, no issues at all and the beta app on my PC was now using less RAM than the native app was. Are there bugs, absolutely, have there been mistakes - definitely but I don’t subscribe to this all is doomed because its the worst possible platform and it can never ever be good - when other apps clearly are. As I said I hope this works out for you, but I felt i had to challenge what you are claiming as I don’t think it’s entirely accurate and it may worry others.
  13. Recent notes would be one, Short cuts another, maybe reminders too?
  14. I am in the UK and downloaded and installed 10.0.2 days ago. Not sure why you have not got it? Have you tried refreshing the downloads list?
  15. I am seeing the issue that is mentioned here too. If evernote is open in the background and i bring it to the foreground again it doesnt sync. More so, it cant, pulling down the notes doesnt do anything and even going into settings and sync from there doesnt work. The major problem with this is I added content to a note on the ipad and it couldnt sync it. Thankfully i noticed this, i copied the info into another platform, checked the web app - content not there, closed my ipad app, reopened it and then re added the content, then it synced. This is a dangerous situaton though as if people dont know about this issue much work could be lost.
  16. There seems to be a bug when Evernote is open in the background. I have noticed recently that I have had to close the app completely and reopen it to get it to download content. Tonight I realised this is the same with upload too. I was working on a document and then clicked tick, i checked note info and it was last updated 8 hours before. Checked online on the web app and the content isnt there. Naturally I don’t want to close the app fully as I will lose the content I have written so this isnt really ideal.
  17. Yeah the app definitely feels more stable. Listened to the interview with @Ian Smalltoo and it looks like we might have a lot of new features coming our way soon too so hopefully that’s us on the upward curve now. Some teething problems getting this out, no doubt but it feels more stable now. They just gotta go through the same thing now with Mac, windows and android, oh what fun lol.
  18. Disappointing there is no change log - but two updates this quick should be noted as impressive - they clearly are trying to eliminate the bugs and get this app as stable as possible. It would be good to know which issues they think are resolved as then we could feedback but updates are encouraging none the less.
  19. Yeah, I don’t get the issue with electron, its used by notion, teams, discord and countless others. I use discord a lot and I have no issue whatsoever with the app. That doesn’t concern me at all, the bugs with the ios version does, but I think as long as they take time to resolve this before releasing another publicly this can be fixed. If they rush out another client there will simply be too much bug squashing etc to be done and more concerns will grow.
  20. I Can't disagree regarding the ios version. I was surprised it went from beta to public and hoped it would be stable, its clear from here this isnt the case, I too am very concerned about this. I think what is more concerning is the complete absence of communication since, no leadership is evident to the community who pay and therefore keep this company afloat. We get silence which for me is the most concerning thing. We could cut some slack if they owned the mistake and explained a roadmap but we get silence, in what, the hope this goes away? I dont know but like yourself I am not feeling optimistic and looking for alternatives to Evernote, issue is finding one which has similar features, multi platform, tags etc. My subscription still has 6 months to go but at this moment it wont be renewed.
  21. It’s great that an update is out already, this is good - what is not is not telling us what has been fixed, in moments like these communication is utterly essential, it is the only way to rebuild trust, Evernote cannot be silent on these things. @Shane D. please get across how vital it is communication improves vastly!
  22. Personally I think the electron argument is a little unfair. This isn’t some terrible software that shall cripple Evernote, its the same software platform that the much exalted notion uses, Facebook messenger, Microsoft teams and many many more use. Are there issues with the current iOS app, absolutely, but these I think are for Evernote to fix - and quickly hopefully, they need to show true agility here and urgent transparency because they need to get on top of the concern being expressed. im not concerned by electron though, as long as we get an app that works, others are clearly implementing it well.
  23. Let us know how you get on. Personally I find roam and notion far too complex and unproductive. I want to write not spend as long finding a structure to write. Evernote has some handy features and if you are gonna do some serious study etc the tags feature will be really handy.
  24. Hey all, curious to see if anyone is anywhere near that 100,000 limit and how you manage your notes to stay under it? I’m new(ish) so I’m waaayyyy low just now.
  25. It’s a real frustration when that happens. The only way I have found to counteract it is to use split screen on the iPad. On the phone you would be better downloading the pdf I think and viewing it through another app. Hopefully this is resolved on the upcoming new app. It really hinders productivity which is kinda the point of Evernote. edit - I actually had to copy and paste my note into another notes app earlier! Not only did the note refresh when the screen switched off (I was reading from it for a recording) it then opened a different note once it had refreshed.
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