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Dave Green

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Everything posted by Dave Green

  1. They seem to be gone. You can use these replacements: contains:enTodo contains:enTodoFalse contains:enTodoTrue
  2. I agree with you both on being possible and desirable, although presently, the page that is back-linked to is still pointing to the note that went to trash or still exists if you chose that option. This would have to be thought through. As an example: TestMain Note with links to Test 1 and Test 2 Merge Test 1 & Test 2 to new note TestMain still links to the original Test 1 and Test 2 (in trash or still in existence).
  3. Cool. I looked for a way to do it on the Mac but it was not as simple, one can use the new Shortcut mechanism to program an open and paste the URL there. That said, I assumed that the OP was likely a Windows User, so I was looking for an approach that worked there, but yours is much better.
  4. The Drafts program claims to do this with this plug-in: https://actions.getdrafts.com/a/2Js. It does this through email, so it should work unlike some of the other shortcuts which are dependent on things Evernote no longer supports.
  5. In the application, you get the link by using Note | Copy Internal Link | App Link or by using the keyboard shortcut for copying the internal link of the page you are on (on the Mac, it is ⇧ + ⌥ + ⌘ + C. I don't have a great solution for launching Evernote to the note, but one can persuade your browser to help. I was able to do this on the Mac. 1. Create a small .html to launch the Evernote URI when it loads <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> window.location.href = "evernote:///view/176135/s3/ba7e9e37-e9d2-2ac0-e948-7f05a72e4f30/d07804e3-e653-c3bb-4a37-2406fb22b528"; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> The Evernote link needs to change to the one you want to launch. It should launch the desktop application. 2. On my Mac, I have this .html file launch Safari (it also worked for Firefox). 3. I permit Safari to open Evernote each time it sees the URI by answering "Always Allow" when it launches the first time. 4. Save the .html file on your desktop (or wherever you want to click). 5. This should launch Evernote to the page cited, which, if the link is to a note in the folder you want, should either show the folder too or be one more click away from doing so (by clicking the folder of this note).
  6. Yes (⌘+J on Mac); not sure why I did not say that instead. Thanks.
  7. I have seen that tags don't sync down to an evernote-backup sync, so I am hopeful that better sync would help that. I have also see tags slow to be reflected in multiple windows, etc.
  8. I generally have a note named "+ <notebook name>" in each notebook to facilitate going to a notebook (and potentially having a table of contents. The leading "+" kind of pins it to the top when sorting by title.
  9. Are you using different browsers on the two devices?
  10. One can install a tool like backup-evernote to locally sync (with some limitations) the Evernote content locally and use it then to export all notebooks at once. There are conversations in this forum with more detail.
  11. The linked note does contain the title of the note (assuming the default creation method and that the has not been retitled), so one may be able to use the text as a search (intitle:"<text>") to find the note. This is the basis by which other tools like Obsidian imports rebuild linkage when being initialized with an Evernote export.
  12. Strange, I looked at the Releases Page: And saw the .exe file implying Windows to me.
  13. I am a Mac User so I can't try the Windows code but it reads like a folder of notes gets converted to a single .enex file representing a Notebook.
  14. Lots of neat stuff. It has an importer (although it appears to be cloud-based, which is good for configuration, perhaps a privacy risk.) It seems to be missing internal links and sharing notebooks with others. It does not seem to have internal app links or reminders. Looks to be under active development.
  15. Inconsistency, sometimes, it works, sometimes Home screen, and sometimes, something else I have looked at recently. I got to a point where it was consistently going to the Home screen then I held down ⌥ while clicking on Help, and chose Troubleshooting > Reload -- next time, it worked (and continued for a while).
  16. What happens if you confirm cookies from captured page? Long shot but worth trying. It seems like it is (some part of) Evernote reaching into Instagram given the reference to Meta.
  17. Also On 6/6/2021 at 12:56 PM, Peter Olins said: You can create a new print workflow by editing the PDF print menu. Briefly: cmd-P click on PDF select "edit menu" navigate the finder to the application folder select Evernote You can rename this Print Workflow, if you wish, e.g. "Print PDF to Evernote" That's it. Now you have a new menu option for PDF to Evernote.
  18. It also works in Mac, one has to substitute %20 for any spaces in the URI. Other than that, it works well. You can also to tel:8005551212 for URI to a phone number, app:string to apps that support URI invocation. They have even fixed handling of x-app:// uri's.
  19. I do, it has a calendar (which I use to create meeting notes), my next actions list, a menu note to other pages, as well as most recently changed, most recently captured. I don’t have it come up as the first screen, but I like being able to go to it easily.
  20. Have you tried 1. Exiting Evernote and restarting? 2. Rebooting? I don’t have the problem on my Mac either. I have, infrequently had weird behaviors that did not resume after restarting Evernote.
  21. I believe you will find any links between the notes you are restoring and links into the notes you are restoring are broke. The links in the restored notes to notes that are still in Evernote should work.
  22. A bit off-topic but I think it might be helpful… I just drop files on the Evernote icon in the (Mac) Dock and they import into Evernote in a separate note.
  23. While you can't delete it, you can select in the settings to have Evernote start-up where you were when you quit so don't have to see Home.
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