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Dave Green

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Everything posted by Dave Green

  1. I was having CPU usage issues. I do have quite a few notes and am seeing quite a bit of CPU usage and the corresponding reduction in how long my MacBook Pro 13 can run on battery -- to me this is a critical issue. Perhaps optimization will help this soon. After a second restart after the 10.5.7 upgrade, CPU usage dropped substantially. Perhaps, there is an issue between the Helper(s) and the main Evernote when software upgrades happen since they seem to be happening within the main application.
  2. In case any took a minute to find this (like I did) one has to select "Notebooks" on the sidebar, go to the inner display of notebooks and then export a notebook. It is not available right-clicking on the sidebar.
  3. In Evernote 10.4.4 I have posted about this before. There are times when I have multiple windows open that keyboard shortcuts or menu options will not respect the active window. I think I used Printing when I last reported this. The problem still exists and is sporadic. Here is a short video demonstrating the problem with copy link using the ^⌥⌘ .
  4. Printing to the Evernote selection works for me. I have legacy installed in parallel and it was loaded.
  5. I did get an email a couple hours after my post (and my safari update).
  6. Just for future improvements... I am disappointed that Evernote did not issue an announcement that the web clipper would not be available on Safari 13 to its user base that it has info on to suggest we consider between upgrading and losing clipper or postponing and keeping clipper. You can see how much we depend on this and to have it lost without warning is sad.
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