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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. But this old and unsupported application was able to show very actual messages like we all saw ๐Ÿ˜‰ Either their was a big plan since 13.12.21 (build time of Evernote Legacy executable) or there is a possibilty to show up some messages from anywhere... ๐Ÿค”
  2. It seems like EN converts anything that looks like a domain name (like StartWatchTicket.sh ;-)) or starts with http[s]:// to an URL. Unfortunately all other that should be converted to an URL (like file:///... or even evernote://...) is not recognized to be a valid hyperlink address ๐Ÿ˜ž)
  3. Yes at all... Already done (see headline). The trick might be to use a special server address by cheating the registry. I promised not to tell anyone about that (if it is possible ๐Ÿ˜‰) Our (it's not my problem ๐Ÿค”) hope is/was that the login server is not responding for the moment because message says "Try again later..."
  4. <after having sent this issue to support and got well-formulated automated answers...> I know that Legacy has been decommissioned end of March and how to install and use EN10. Itโ€™s OK that Legacy is no more able to sync with the server(s). If I try to log in to EN Legacy, it tells me that connection to server is not possible, and I should re-try it later: So whatโ€™s โ€žlaterโ€œ? We had some local notebooks in Legacy that are no longer accessible with EN10. Because it is not able to log in to EN Legacy, we cannot export the notebook content to ENEX format. Moreover the Legacy's local notes database is our last-chanche backup as long as we meet some problems with EN10's handling of attachments... So we need a possibility to log in to EN Legacy. Is there really no chance?
  5. FYI (Update from my ticket): Problem has been moved to development 10.84.3 shows the effects also and more: Itโ€™s impossible to show notebooks in Favorites (within Teams-account in EN-10.84.3 on Win11) If you try to do so, the notebook appears correctly with EN-10.84.3 on Win10.
  6. That's a good solution - and discloses the inner structure of the feature: All collapsable functionality to bound to the upperst level of the note text. If you try to insert a bulleted list inside a table cell, it's not collapsable... This is true for headlines also: You may use Headline text inside table cells but text sections beneath these headlines are not collapsable.
  7. Another reason to get a possibility to adjust spacings on user's site... As I read the headline, I hoped to get smaller spacings in note list lines. I'm loosing hope to get a compacter display. ๐Ÿ˜ž
  8. I'm used to use such lists since ever - most often to explain technical topics. Yep. It's implemented with scripting inside EN's text editor - and not with <details><summary>...</summary></details> directly in HTML (which would work very fast ๐Ÿ˜‰) After having seen 10.83.4 with an update on the problem, I reworked my https://tinyurl.com/missing-in-EN10 to use collapsable sections (headers and bulleted list) as a test medium. Unfortunately you cannot see collapsable lists in this publicly shared version of the note (collapsing is not supported there ๐Ÿ˜ž). But if you import this note to your account, you can see (and play) with collapsable items within EN...
  9. OK, but in this case, the current search phrase should be appended automatically by a simple Blank ๐Ÿ˜‰
  10. Unfortunately EN only describes what a rate limit is (see Rate Limits) - but they do not describe how it is counted ๐Ÿ˜ž I meet this message often with my scenarios (mainly to adjust Reminder times) and asked support for help (better description, tools to observe current usage, enlarge limits, ...) but got nothing except the above link... Most often a RATE_LIMIT_REACHED error comes up with "RTE room has already been open for note". This means that a note cannot be processed because the interactive client has locked the note for API access even some time after you released it in your app. On Make's site scenario is re-executed if such a problem is encountered. At first time after 5 minutes. If it this second try fails, scenario is re-executed after another 5 minutes. Then after an 10 minutes, Then after an hour, then after 3 hours, ... In most cases my scenario succeeded after the 2nd or 3rd try. But this is a only a (working, but worse) workaround. From my point of view, EN should widen the limits in any way, close RTE rooms faster or (best) find a way to enable API access in parallel to interactive work. This in turn might be solved with an explicit sync which they refuse to implement ๐Ÿ˜ค
  11. My main reason to still keep using Evernote is my huge note repository - Well maintained with crreation dates, titles, attachment names, commenting images, tags, ... All tries to move that -together with my workflow- to an other environment failed so far. So I've to continue with EN. But I'm optimistic that they will fix my complaints in the foreseeable future - hopefully ๐Ÿ™
  12. No, never seen this on Windows - so Apple users are to blame for the misery... ๐Ÿ˜‰
  13. Yep - but this is a personal opinion and depends on user needs. New, occasional users and those who might use new "all-in-one" features like calendar, tasks and life-links to Youtube will like it. Professional with well-defined workflows that depend on quick responses, well formatted note lists, API extensions (and therefore relyable syncs) have ongoing problems. I count myself to the professionals - and feel somewhat disappointed from EN's conduct of handling this group of users. I really hope that they will find ways to improve note list functionality (sort by Reminder times, show and sort Reminder done times) space requirements (around note lists, tables and images) UI inconveniences (note lists hidden, by notes, favorites horitzontally above all, silly dialogs to change reminder and other dates, ...) "user friedly" time format (I would prefer a fix format in all cases like "dd.mm.yy hh:mm") and (last but not least) an option to work offline until I press a Sync button ๐Ÿ˜‰ I do not cry for speed and lower prices. And I appreciate some of the new ideas like Backlinks, Life Links and the very new Files view. ๐Ÿ‘
  14. Seems like an incomplete search index and|or incomplete sync. We have notebooks with 7.500 notes in sum whereby the biggest contains 1.550 notes and no problem to search within... One idea might be: Try to export the desired notebook to an ENEX file. This will force all notes to be synced during the export. I hope this will also complete the index... But you have to take some time: Exporting thousands of notes is much slower than in older versions ๐Ÿ˜ž
  15. Yep - EN sends a "Thanks for reaching out..." eMail - but forgot to mention the ticket# with the eMail ๐Ÿ˜ž But you can go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests after submitting the ticket and you will find a list of all your tickets. You can sort the list by "Created" and "Status"...
  16. Re-Check: Problem occurs only on a Win11 system with 10.82.2. It works fine with older EN versions and on Win10.
  17. Update: I'm on a Win10 maschine now - and it works fine. In the afternoon I'll re-check it on Win11 (on which I encountered the fail)
  18. Bug/Feature/Problem Description Normally the dialog to move a note to an other notebooks shows possible destination notebook along with typing the new names. This works fine for my Professional account - but fails in Teams. ... Dialog show ohne Spaces - no Notebooks: Expected behaviour Show notebooks according to typed input Workaround None See also: Support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/3858655
  19. Does it stop working at all? On Windows, it remains intact and stopped only syncing. Export is possible there (even if offline - instead of EN10-apps that refuse to export even synced notes in this case ๐Ÿ˜ž.
  20. Was it your first try to install version EN10.* on this Win7 system? It needs much more system resources that oder EN6 (Legacy) versions ๐Ÿ˜ž I'm not sure whether EN supports Win7 - maybe you have to upgrade your computer to at least Win10 ๐Ÿค”
  21. It's a known problem in EN10.80.* that working with notes that contain bullet lists or headlines got slow (veeery slow in some cases). I hope EN is working on this. If you've saved a later version (EN10.79.*) you may try to uninstall 10.80 and re-install that older version (without warranty).
  22. This command simply tries to open a mailto:-link which in turn should open a mail windows of a mailing program of your choice. To change the standard eMail app, goto your System Settings and redefine the Standard-App for MailTo-URLs.
  23. You are right - some space definitions should be reworked (tables, cells, below and above life links, within note lists, <many others>, ...) - but not by EN! We want to get a possiblity to define our own rules ๐Ÿ˜‰ PS.: the 48 pixels on the left are to be used by navigation icons of collapsable bullet lists or chapters with headlines...
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