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Everything posted by AlbertR

  1. Seems like an incomplete search index and|or incomplete sync. We have notebooks with 7.500 notes in sum whereby the biggest contains 1.550 notes and no problem to search within... One idea might be: Try to export the desired notebook to an ENEX file. This will force all notes to be synced during the export. I hope this will also complete the index... But you have to take some time: Exporting thousands of notes is much slower than in older versions 😞
  2. Yep - EN sends a "Thanks for reaching out..." eMail - but forgot to mention the ticket# with the eMail 😞 But you can go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests after submitting the ticket and you will find a list of all your tickets. You can sort the list by "Created" and "Status"...
  3. Re-Check: Problem occurs only on a Win11 system with 10.82.2. It works fine with older EN versions and on Win10.
  4. Update: I'm on a Win10 maschine now - and it works fine. In the afternoon I'll re-check it on Win11 (on which I encountered the fail)
  5. Bug/Feature/Problem Description Normally the dialog to move a note to an other notebooks shows possible destination notebook along with typing the new names. This works fine for my Professional account - but fails in Teams. ... Dialog show ohne Spaces - no Notebooks: Expected behaviour Show notebooks according to typed input Workaround None See also: Support ticket: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/3858655
  6. Does it stop working at all? On Windows, it remains intact and stopped only syncing. Export is possible there (even if offline - instead of EN10-apps that refuse to export even synced notes in this case 😞.
  7. Was it your first try to install version EN10.* on this Win7 system? It needs much more system resources that oder EN6 (Legacy) versions 😞 I'm not sure whether EN supports Win7 - maybe you have to upgrade your computer to at least Win10 πŸ€”
  8. It's a known problem in EN10.80.* that working with notes that contain bullet lists or headlines got slow (veeery slow in some cases). I hope EN is working on this. If you've saved a later version (EN10.79.*) you may try to uninstall 10.80 and re-install that older version (without warranty).
  9. This command simply tries to open a mailto:-link which in turn should open a mail windows of a mailing program of your choice. To change the standard eMail app, goto your System Settings and redefine the Standard-App for MailTo-URLs.
  10. You are right - some space definitions should be reworked (tables, cells, below and above life links, within note lists, <many others>, ...) - but not by EN! We want to get a possiblity to define our own rules πŸ˜‰ PS.: the 48 pixels on the left are to be used by navigation icons of collapsable bullet lists or chapters with headlines...
  11. Do you know which version of EN10 tells you "not supported"? Did you (re-)install the newest version (10.81.4)? Be carefull: EN6 does not work just fine. You're able to work with it locally (even exporting to ENEX) but it will not sync your changes to server of any other clients.
  12. πŸ™‚ No, sorry. Paying user with hope to get as productive as in the past...
  13. Yep - doubling in one year is hard. But if you count all the years with no price increases, the raise is not that outstanding... I would save the time (my opinion). It has been tried by many other - with less success. If you're an EN user over a long time, you it's very hard to find a real replacement. I don't think so. Really upsetted people have been using free accounts with no income for Evernote. No income -> no future. Stable income -> bright future πŸ˜‰
  14. As long as this new feature causes performance problems, EN should offer a possibility to disable it (at all or better: enable/disable it for specific notes). In my case there is no problem with the display speed (moderate size of notes on a speedy maschine πŸ˜‰). But I miss accelerator buttons to open/close list items.
  15. This will not work 😞. It's by intention. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56391081/how-to-fix-refused-to-display-in-a-frame-because-it-set-x-frame-options-to-sa for an explanation.
  16. ... but waiting helped 😀 It's so frustrating that EN lets us assume failures as long as it is "only" a missing (and very long lasting) sync 😞. If I want to view a note that contains attachments that are not synced so far, a "waiting for sync" message should appear instead of "untitled" or "unknown" or whatever. Syncing these attachments should be prefered so that we would see a "waiting for sync" only for a few seconds...
  17. I have this issue not only after posting images. Some of my PDF attachments appear as untitled after sync on a completely new installed Win11 system with EN10.80.3. Reload does not help.
  18. Hi @Ferol, Amelia is our friend. I've got answers to two tickets of mine from her (beside others). It seems like she's not the only but an active one there πŸ˜‰
  19. This is only to force a broken file. EN will see the file (anytime later - maybe closed automatically from operating system) and re-import it. I hope (and cannot imagine any other) it will be re-imported only after it is closed. If EN would try to import a file that's currently opened for write from any other process, this would be a big fail.
  20. I don't think so. An attachment is a single item that will not be separated to pieces to be transferred between EN client and server. If an attachment is incomplete, it is a problem of the foreign application (corrupted during save because of application died?, file system problems?, ...)
  21. As long as EN10 does not show the updated date of attachments, it's very hard (nearly impossible) to track whether changes are re-imported. I've already submitted a ticket on that (see 053 - Show update time of attachments)
  22. That's an other case: What you see (and want to see) is a Tooltip that shows other information than the title. In this case, the Tooltip is placed well because you what to see all information regarding your task. A "Tooltip" just to display a complete title because it's shortened should be placed exactly over this title line (or should be opted out completely πŸ˜‰)
  23. The background/"highlight" issue is the same in Notebook view in left pane, but as follows: Hovering over lines in left pane makes the line darker (vs. lighter in note list) Selecting a notebook is not visible (vs. lighter in note list) But: Selecting a tag makes in darker πŸ€” Best practise should be to follow the same rules in left pane and note list.
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