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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. A real slap in the face for all of us preview and beta testers who have spent hours not only finding all the problems but carefully documenting them and saying why they are important to our workflows. I know it's not the final version and I know we can still use the full functioned "old" version but what do EN hope to learn by making it a general release? They are just going to be told all the things we have been saying for months.
  2. The short cut for find notes (alt-ctrl-F) does not work if the sidebar is collapsed. Raised and acknowledged by the EN team in the beta but released anyway. 😒
  3. I think you will find it is shift-alt-D for the date not ctrl-alt-D. ctrl-shift-D gives the time
  4. Solved my own problem. The answer is here: (although I didn't get error 2732) Here is the Ultimate Fix -Go to 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp\Evernote.msi' and execute it
  5. Sadly boiler95's method doesn't work for me. If I attempt to uninstall the current version I get an "install server not responding" message. Reinstalling the current version on top of the current installation doesn't help. Do I need to uninstall manually or something? Where is the update thread that Gazumped refers to?
  6. Same here. Been trying to update now for several days.
  7. It's not a feature I personally use for many of the reasons you outline. If I do need to select all the child tags I manually select them by clicking the parent tag and then shift + clicking the last child tag in the list and then changing "all" to "any" in the search details.
  8. In the windows client there is an option "automatically select child tags" which works perfectly.
  9. Great solution to something that has been bugging me for a while. As an alternative to the hyperlink I found I could just drag the shortcut from my desktop into a note - double clicking it then ran the search.
  10. When this first happened to me I thought I was going mad! I can confirm that both the work arounds described above also work for me: Open the note containing the link in a new window and then proceed as normal Right click the link and choose "Open in New Window" or just shift-click. I didn't understand the comment by DTLow that: There doesn't seem to be anything relevant in Help -> Release Notes, but perhaps he meant something different.
  11. I found this thread as I was trying to solve the same problem. I too have concluded that there is no complete solution but I would offer the following suggestions which helped me. The main feature that a bookmark has that an article etc may not have is the URL in the text of the note. A clipped article will only have a URL in the body of the note if there was one there in the original website text. Secondly bookmarks are small. While i cannot find a way of searching by size you can sort in order of size and save this view for the saved search (on Windows anyway). In addition a bookmark will not contain a pdf or a jpeg image (if an image is included it is in png format). So: source:web.clip* -resource:image/jpeg -resource:application/pdf http and then sorting by size will at least help. For me it went from 1094 notes just searching on source:web.clip to 234 of which about 90% were genuine bookmark notes; at the top of the list they all were. Once you've used the saved search you can then add additional search criteria (e.g. tags, text etc) in the search box to find what it is that you are looking for. The best solution is probably to remember to add a tag (e.g "bookmark") when you clip, but for going back over existing notes or as a check that you've remembered to tag, this search might be useful. Edit: My more recent notes seem to have the source web.clip7 instead of web.clip. I have therefore amended the search to include source:web.clip*
  12. This sometimes work - see my suggestion number 2 above. However, in my experience, formatting is not always preserved. Also if the html has links to other files (eg images) you don't get the images in the html document. Using the copying tools within the Windows version of EN, for the files I need to copy, is the most reliable method I've come across so far (see my suggestion 3 above)
  13. I've also struggled with this. I have a script that generates an html file that i want to save to Evernote. In the end I resorted to uploading to a web site and clipping from there. That only works because I have a website I can upload to and the contents of the file are not confidential. I've just discovered option 3 below and that seems to work for my file! Here are some other possible workarounds. The problem with most of them as that the formatting is messed up. Some of these may only work on Windows. 1. Copy and paste the contents of the html file into a new note 2. Use the windows upload folder feature. Just place the html file into the folder. This only works if it is a self contained file without links to images etc 3. Use the Evernote windows clipper accessed from the EN icon at the bottom right of the screen. If you highlight the html file you can then copy it directly into EN using the options found by right clicking the icon. In my experience this is most likely to preserve formatting. It can be achieved quite quickly with ctrl-A to copy and win-shift-A to paste directly into EN
  14. I know this post is a bit old but I found it while searching with the same problem. There are various potential solutions that I have eventually discovered. Direct import of an html file (via the import folder in windows Evernote) only works for simple files and normally fails to include pictures and also changes the formatting. In my experience this is actually more likely to fail if you embed pictures etc in the file. My best solution is as follows: Save the html file to dropbox. Open the file on the dropbox web interface - you need to open in a new tab in order to see it without any dropbox clutter. You can then use the webclipper. Another solution that works is to cut and paste the file from chrome into gmail and then either use the webclipper from there or even better, if you are a premium user, e-mail into Evernote
  15. While I maintain that shorter notes and tags are the way to go (see my post above) I made a serendipitous discovery today. Alternote is a Chrome plugin which gives additional editing features for Evernote. I use it mainly to make the cells of tables different colours. I discovered today that it has a fairly primitive "collapse child items" feature. It's by no means a complete solution but might be worth playing with.
  16. Here's two possible workarounds: Have each section as a separate note and then pull the whole thing together by creating a table of contents note. It's not exactly what you wanted and the main disadvantage is that you need to recreate the TOC note each time you add a new note. Another similar approach is to have separate notes again and tag each one with the same tag. Searching for that tag (I suggest saving the search to make it just one click) would pull up all the notes. You could then easily click the one you wanted, especially if you organise notes alphabetically by title. This would be my preferred option. I think Evernote works best when you have notes which are just little chunks of information and then create the hierarchy though tags, notebooks or tables of contents. It doesn't really create structures within a note.
  17. I think the reference to folder is to make it clear that the notebook structure is analogous to the folders structure in Windows. Tags is definitely the way to go. I ditched most of my notebooks and put everything in one notebook except for special notebooks which I have for shared or offline notes. The multiple tags means that you can tag with tags that are not in the same tree (it's not just the equivalence of AB and BA). So in the OPs original folder structure a note could be tagged with "to buy" and "kitchen". There would also be no need for two notebooks (or tags) named "on-site notes".
  18. The location field is still there. You can search by it. You can sort by it. Clicking the field brings up google maps with the correct location. I know that this doesn't give you quite what the atlas did. It sounds like a great (and presumably not very hard) opportunity for somebody to integrate this into google maps as a third party app.
  19. I use tags to provide a custom order when merging notes. Tags like !a will appear at the top of the list when sorted by tags rather than date. This certainly works on Windows.
  20. iOS does support multi-tag filtering but you need to use the search syntax not rely on point and click. The key document is https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 so for example any: tag:Google tag:ipad will return all posts tagged with Google or ipad It's worth having a working knowledge of the advanced search syntax because it allows you to do lots of useful non-standard searches. e.g. all notes which are untagged, notes not tagged with a particular tag and notes with an attached pdf
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