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Text editor question

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  • Level 5*

If you want to get something fixed, it really helps if you are specific in your criticisms and recommendations. Otherwise, it just comes off as unfocused complaining.

So what exactly would you like to see fixed?

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Why is it the text editor in Evernote which is the primary purpose of Evernote Sucks so bad and for so long that it's government level frustrating?

Please stop spamming the board with your criticisms of the text editor. I posted a reply to you in one of the other threads.

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  • 5 weeks later...



This is my first post and its a rant.


Forum moderator take note - most folks don't have the time nor patience to spend wading through past posts or searching through them. We want to leave a note, rant, complaint, funny or whatever and go.


The only reason I'm here is because I'm moved to complain about Evernote's Text Editor and I will not apologise for placing it in the wrong thread. The point is, if your Text Editor truly was excellent - oh, how I wish it was - I wouldn't be here complaining about it. 


The only reason I use Evernote is because it accurately captures texts and images on web pages (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up), otherwise I would drop this software as easily as a crumpled piece of paper into the bin.


Indeed, going further, InstaPaper does the same job - better and easier - except there's no search engine for later look-up. Sigh. 


Meanwhile, like most folks who have a love-hate relationship with Evernote, it's the text editor that kills it for me. Every time. Here's why:

  1. The bloody thing has a mind of it's own. I assign formatting, Evernote disregards this and goes off on an independent formatting spree, applying bold, italics and paragraphs at random.
  2. It splits sentences at will. 
  3. Did I mention it has a mind of it's own? to the point where opening a note becomes a fascinating lesson in self-control and patience? Oh *****, I need to edit a note in Evernote...here goes, let's see what happens this time..DOH!

Bugs for the Evernote team's reference:

  • Many a time, the first character of the articles first word comes in as Bold text. Selecting it and removing the Bold makes the rest of the characters in the paragraph Bold. Now the fun starts. Undo-ing takes on a myriad of mind bending forehead slapping shenanigans that always ends with my shouting colourful abusives at the screen. When I start shouting "F" words, I invariably go back to the web page and hit the Read Later Instapaper button, which saves the article in no time to the cloud, intact, and exactly as I want it, albeit without a means of searching for it later - SIGH - all because I tried to remove Bold formatting from within Evernote.
  • I've clipped an article (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up - you're getting this, catching my drift here, right?) and I want to add more texts to the end. I scroll down, place the cursor at the end of the last paragraph, I hit enter...and.....and...and what happens? a blank paragraph magically appears BEFORE the last paragraph, that's what bloody happens. Can you hear me slapping my forehead? It bloody hurts. Ach, it getsworse; before I can stop myself I instinctively hit UNDO and nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, off Evenote goes on one of it's independent formatting sprees, cocking a snoot and a finger or two along the way. Reminds me of Word 6.
  • I clip an article (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up - yeah, really) and Evernote decides on changing the article's typeface despite the fact I've chosen Segoe as the default. I can't tell you what happens when I select all and change the typeface because the results are different every time.

This text editor of yours - supposedly remodeled and improved - is really, really incompetent.


But hey! it is free - and I truly Thank You for that, very much appreciated. However, I'd prefer to upgrade to Premium just as soon as your Text Editor starts to pull its weight. 


You can deliver this, right? I mean, you guys are busy beavering away, about to release an astonishingly smooth working drop-dead simple Text Editor replacement, anytime now. 




ADDENDUM: Forgot to mention that each note ought to be "open" from the get go - no need to click the Edit Note button to "open" the note.



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Why is it the text editor in Evernote which is the primary purpose of Evernote

No, text editing is not the primary purpose of Evernote. It's primary stated purpose is to store your information and allow you to find it easily. Some people use Evernote for text editing but I believe almost everyone agrees that it's not Evernote's strong suit. Especially on iOS devices, I always use something else and send the content to Evernote for filing.

Can't speak to your problems with Clearly as it has worked almost flawlessly on my Mac using Chrome. I have found that if I want to add notes to a clipping, it seems easier if I just used the standard Evernote clipper, not Clearly. I tend to use Clearly for things I plan on simply reading later, not editing. Have you tried the standard clipper to see if it works better for you?

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  • Level 5*

The only reason I use Evernote is because it accurately captures texts and images on web pages (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up), otherwise I would drop this software as easily as a crumpled piece of paper into the bin.


Indeed, going further, InstaPaper does the same job - but better and easier - except there's no search engine for later look-up. This might change as I heard today the owner has sold Instapaper to the same company that owns Digg. We'll see.


Meanwhile, like most folks who have a love-hate relationship with Evernote, it's the text editor that kills it for me. Every time.


Here's why:

  • The bloody thing has a mind of it's own. I assign formatting, Evernote disregards this and goes off on an independent formatting spree, applying bold, italics and paragraphs at random.
  • It splits sentences at will, much worse than any version of Word up until the Office 2007 release
  • Did I mention it has a mind of it's own?
Examples for the Evernote team's reference:
  • Many a time, the first character of the articles first word comes in as Bold text. Selecting it and removing the Bold makes the rest of the characters in the paragraph Bold. Now the fun starts. Undo-ing takes on a myriad of mind bending forehead slapping shenanigans that always ends with my shouting colourful abusives at the screen. When I start shouting out "F" words, I invariably go back to the web page and hit the Read Later Instapaper button, which saves the article in no time to the cloud, intact, and exactly as I want it, albeit without a means of searching for it later, all because I tried to remove Bold formatting from within Evernote.
  • I've clipped an article (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up) and I want to add more texts to the end. I scroll down, place the cursor at the end of the last paragraph, I hit enter...and.....and...and what happens? a blank paragraph magically appears BEFORE the last paragraph, that's what bloody happens. Can you hear me slapping my forehead? It bloody hurts. So, before I can stop myself I hit UNDO by instinct and nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, off Evenote goes on one of it's formatting sprees, cocking a snoot and a finger or two along the way.
  • I clip an article (using Clearly and only when I've manually selected the content, otherwise everything gets screwed up - yeah, really) and Evernote decides on changing the article's typeface despite the fact I've chosen Segoe as the default. I can't tell you what happens when I select all and change the typeface because the results are different every time
This text editor of yours - supposedly remodeled and improved - is in a class of Microsoft Word 6 - really, really incompetent.


But hey! it is free after all - Thank You for that, much appreciated. Yeah, but show me a top-notch text editor in a class of its own and I'd upgrade to Premium quite happily. 


Until then, my dilemma remains; which software to use to accurately capture text AND images from a given web page with minimum fuss, with the ability to add texts and images later without inflicting damage to the formatting or my forehead. 


Right now, I'm using Evernote. I'll probably give up on it again shortly and come back in six months time to see if the latest hype lives up to the truth.


In the meantime, sorry Evernote team, your Text Editor (browser-based, Mac and PC apps) is full of bugs that ought to have been fixed a long time ago.



Hi. Welcome to the forums. Thanks for the feedback. I also hope to see more improvements to the editor, but I guess we are probably working with it in different ways.

If I understand you correctly, you are trying to edit articles that have been imported into Evernote. I'd say that this is unlikely to go very well. It doesn't work so great in Word either. There are so many variables involved when you go from one programming language to another, or when you try to edit something in HTML (the language used for web sites and for Evernote). There are bound to be hiccups, especially with changes in font sizes, styles, and so forth.

This might not alleviate your frustration, but hopefully it gives you a sense about the potential for improvement. Perhaps I am simply pessimistic, but I don't see this making huge strides forward. Working with what we have available now, I would suggest considering web clippings as PDFs (print to PDF). The formatting doesn't always come out just right, but you can easily mark up PDFs.

Also, I have found it useful (not just in Evernote) to keep a copy of a source in one note / file and my comments on the source in another one. I link the two together so that I can review my notes if I want, or go back to the original source if necessary. Changing your workflow in this way might remove headaches. Yes, I know you probably don't want to adapt to Evernote, but if the app is unlikely to adapt to you (at least, not in the next few weeks or months), this might be the best approach for maintaining your sanity. And, who knows? You might find the new workflow better (that is what happened with me).

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  • 1 month later...

Oh heaven forbid anyone criticize Evernote.  I agree with previous poster that some of us have lives beyond our computers and don't have time -- every single time we sit down to use Evernote -- to relearn it.  In addition, I just want to use it to scan stuff and organize it.  You change the functionality of it and, boom, I can't use it the same way as I used to.  Why can't I open my docs in Preview anymore?  Why can't I effectively search for answers to problems on your "knowledge base"?  Most of what I find on the EN website are efforts to sell me *****.  How about standing behind the product you've already taken my money for?  I am unable to work today and I'm really, really frustrated.  Documents that were previously OCR'd are not that way any longer.  Unbelievable.  And then you get snippy when YOUR CUSTOMERS get angry?  Wow.

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And then you get snippy when YOUR CUSTOMERS get angry?  Wow.

No one who has replied in this thread works for Evernote. You're problem doesn't sound as if it's related to text editing. You might want to start a new thread with a subject line describing your problem. Then, explain what problems you're having. There are lots of very helpful (non-Evernote employees) here who have a lot of knowledge.

Best of luck.

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  • 2 months later...

I have to agree about Evernote being horrendous for simple text editing.  I've just been fighting with it for about an hour.  I keep hearing how great it is and I got a premium account and try putting all my notes in it.  Then I hit really dumb omissions in its features and give up for a few weeks and then repeat :)

I'm trying it again because I'm a big Pocket Informant users and they just put a lot of tight Evernote integration into their app.


I'm just trying to type in some simple bulleted lists but Evernote keeps ***** up the indents and then won't let me delete some of the lines with bullets!  I also don't see how to have a block of text aligned with a bullet level that's not itself bulleted.  Plain text just goes back to the left margin.  The simplest hack I've found is to create a 1-by-1 table and put the text in their.  This is just crazy.  Evernote has all these menus for text editing, but it's not as functional as 10-year-old Wordpad.  If you're not going to provide a stable editor with reasonable features, and require users to type everything in a separate program and then copy/paste, then just get rid of the editing features so you don't encourage disappointment when a user tries to do anything more complicated than making a word bold.


I also wasted a bunch of time yesterday trying to put in simple html web links.  Again, I can copy/paste them fine from another doc. And, after searching google, I found out how to create one from scratch.  But there still appears to be no way to edit an existing link / description text.  Again, just unacceptable to not have this. 


It's actually kind of funny and ironic that the simple editor I'm seeing right here in your forum posting page has more features than your actual program!

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I have to agree about Evernote being horrendous for simple text editing. I've just been fighting with it for about an hour. I keep hearing how great it is and I got a premium account and try putting all my notes in it. Then I hit really dumb omissions in its features and give up for a few weeks and then repeat :)

I'm trying it again because I'm a big Pocket Informant users and they just put a lot of tight Evernote integration into their app.

I'm just trying to type in some simple bulleted lists but Evernote keeps ***** up the indents and then won't let me delete some of the lines with bullets! I also don't see how to have a block of text aligned with a bullet level that's not itself bulleted. Plain text just goes back to the left margin. The simplest hack I've found is to create a 1-by-1 table and put the text in their. This is just crazy. Evernote has all these menus for text editing, but it's not as functional as 10-year-old Wordpad. If you're not going to provide a stable editor with reasonable features, and require users to type everything in a separate program and then copy/paste, then just get rid of the editing features so you don't encourage disappointment when a user tries to do anything more complicated than making a word bold.

I also wasted a bunch of time yesterday trying to put in simple html web links. Again, I can copy/paste them fine from another doc. And, after searching google, I found out how to create one from scratch. But there still appears to be no way to edit an existing link / description text. Again, just unacceptable to not have this.

It's actually kind of funny and ironic that the simple editor I'm seeing right here in your forum posting page has more features than your actual program!

E.x.a.c.t.l.y. I completely agree with you and I'm actually happy that there are other people who are frustrated like me. If there's a broken feature, by definition, you will be getting critisim and ranting until it's fixed. You cannot tell people to stop doing it - it's offending. If editing is not the purpose of the service, Remove It. Just remove it! Leave only Plain (no formatting, no anything). There will be no affordance and people will not complain. As simple as that.

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  • Level 5*

I have to agree about Evernote being horrendous for simple text editing. I've just been fighting with it for about an hour. I keep hearing how great it is and I got a premium account and try putting all my notes in it. Then I hit really dumb omissions in its features and give up for a few weeks and then repeat :)

I'm trying it again because I'm a big Pocket Informant users and they just put a lot of tight Evernote integration into their app.

I'm just trying to type in some simple bulleted lists but Evernote keeps ***** up the indents and then won't let me delete some of the lines with bullets! I also don't see how to have a block of text aligned with a bullet level that's not itself bulleted. Plain text just goes back to the left margin. The simplest hack I've found is to create a 1-by-1 table and put the text in their. This is just crazy. Evernote has all these menus for text editing, but it's not as functional as 10-year-old Wordpad. If you're not going to provide a stable editor with reasonable features, and require users to type everything in a separate program and then copy/paste, then just get rid of the editing features so you don't encourage disappointment when a user tries to do anything more complicated than making a word bold.

I also wasted a bunch of time yesterday trying to put in simple html web links. Again, I can copy/paste them fine from another doc. And, after searching google, I found out how to create one from scratch. But there still appears to be no way to edit an existing link / description text. Again, just unacceptable to not have this.

It's actually kind of funny and ironic that the simple editor I'm seeing right here in your forum posting page has more features than your actual program!

E.x.a.c.t.l.y. I completely agree with you and I'm actually happy that there are other people who are frustrated like me. If there's a broken feature, by definition, you will be getting critisim and ranting until it's fixed. You cannot tell people to stop doing it - it's offending. If editing is not the purpose of the service, Remove It. Just remove it! Leave only Plain (no formatting, no anything). There will be no affordance and people will not complain. As simple as that.
I think the OP may have had a different problem than this poster.


The post you quoted has a more general problem that is not uncommon to see mentioned on the forums. There are a few things to consider before ditching the editing.

The behavior of the service varies somewhat from client to client, I am afraid. I generally prefer plain text (there is a plain text option in several clients) in order to avoid formatting issues. It isn't really plain text (it doesn't handle tabs as plain text ought to, for example), but it is close enough for most people. Evernote doesn't support markdown, but you can always copy/paste the content into an app that does to get the formatted version. It is a pain, but it is a solution to deal with what we've got.

In my opinion, we need user-defined style sheets and markdown support , but I doubt we will see such things in the near future, if we see them at all, because this kind of slightly geeky customizability doesn't seem to appeal to Evernote, which tends to focus on only including new features that are easily accessible to everyone.

People complained about the lack of formatting in the past, and that is why we have it now. They'll complain either way :) Fortunately, Evernote is working to improve the editor experience. Over time, we may see the improvements people are wanting to see. In the meantime, I recommend the plain text mode.

Which client(s) are you using, and what (specifically) are your issues?

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Hey hi GrumpyMonkey,

If I can share my personal experience, mostly I have problems with the Android client, although I've experienced what unfrostedpoptart and others said with the Windows client - formatting and layout issues. I may post about them in case it hasn't been done multiple times before me.

The problem is how this whole and similar situations is handled. As far as I understand they don't post roadmaps. OK. There is no UserVoice or similar service. OK. Add to that the replies of people, who I understand are not working for Evernote, who are basically telling us to shut up and resort to the web UI. Now all this combined leads to an extremely bad customer service.

Frankly, after looking at the web site, the blog, reading the marketing message of the company, using the Windows and Android clients, and the service for the last few years I feel cheated and used. I don't know what this promising company is doing - basic, stupid bugs still exist and there is no info on the Why. The whole ecosystem has is there and has great potential but it's like the users, which are marketed as the part of that ecosystem are actually not part of it. Or, there is a discrimination between iOS/Mac OS and Android/Windows users. That's the only reasonable explanation I have accepted. Oh, and the lack of good customer experience.

Phew. I really love the whole idea ( I've recently became a Premium member ) but I still don't see it. Only an inflated balloon that could burst at some point.

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  • Level 5*

Hey hi GrumpyMonkey,

If I can share my personal experience, mostly I have problems with the Android client, although I've experienced what unfrostedpoptart and others said with the Windows client - formatting and layout issues. I may post about them in case it hasn't been done multiple times before me.

The problem is how this whole and similar situations is handled. As far as I understand they don't post roadmaps. OK. There is no UserVoice or similar service. OK. Add to that the replies of people, who I understand are not working for Evernote, who are basically telling us to shut up and resort to the web UI. Now all this combined leads to an extremely bad customer service.

Frankly, after looking at the web site, the blog, reading the marketing message of the company, using the Windows and Android clients, and the service for the last few years I feel cheated and used. I don't know what this promising company is doing - basic, stupid bugs still exist and there is no info on the Why. The whole ecosystem has is there and has great potential but it's like the users, which are marketed as the part of that ecosystem are actually not part of it. Or, there is a discrimination between iOS/Mac OS and Android/Windows users. That's the only reasonable explanation I have accepted. Oh, and the lack of good customer experience.

Phew. I really love the whole idea ( I've recently became a Premium member ) but I still don't see it. Only an inflated balloon that could burst at some point.

Hi. I get where you are coming from here. I think you have two issues that might be a good idea to untangle. One, you want to know what the company is working on and where it is headed. I think this is fair, considering that you are investing yourself into the app, and the future direction can have a huge impact on your experience. Unfortunately, and understandably, Evernote is reticent about releasing details of their roadmap. In this way, they are not unlike Google, Apple, Toyota, or any number of other innovative companies.

It can certainly be frustrating, and I do wonder if there is a kind of happy (or happier) medium that can be found. For example, "We are aware of the issues with bullets, and we are working to solve them. We appreciate your patience, but we cannot provide any dates at this time. Please keep your clients updated and keep the feedback coming!" Even though you won't find this wording anywhere, I think you can piece it together from comments on the forums. The Evernote staff members are reading the forums and know about the problems.



However, any data you can provide will give them that much more to work with when they design solutions. I doubt there is any "discrimination" going on here. They have different teams and, as far as I know, they get the same level of support within the company. Sure, the iOS team might enjoy more cupcakes on Fridays than the Android team that just gets pita chips (I am making this up), but overall I think Evernote has a strong commitment to the major platforms (Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android). I use iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac. And, I have complaints (as well as praise) about all of them! They are equally in need of more work, but I think they are all undeniably better than they were this time last year, so I think you ought to expect a lot in the coming year. In fact, my understanding is that the developers appreciate your having high expectations for their work, so don't hold back on your criticism :)

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  • Level 5*

In fact, my understanding is that the developers appreciate your having high expectations for their work, so don't hold back on your criticism :)

But be as specific as you can about 1) what is broken, and 2) what you want to see as features.
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Hey GrumpyMonkey,


Without sidetracking from the main thread (a lot), I just want to say that I'm familiar with a bunch of companies, which are innovative and some of them are even small, that have lots of transparency in their developing/planning process, e.g. and this is my favorite - Trello. I can stand behind one thing with confidence: transparency, not full, any, greatly impacts the developer-user communication process in a positive way. I have yet to see a case where it has negative effects. Once you have transparency, the tolerance of the users towards the company/developers increases, users start to contribute to the product with ideas, actually they even drive the product direction to some extent. Of course, there must be people who can say: 'Stop, this is not getting in because 1), 2), 3) ... N)', which are the technical people/designers/creators behind the product and there must say stop whenever things don't make sense. Anyway, to me comparing Evernote to Google/Apple, etc. is just not appropriate in relation to this matter for reasons I will not state here.


As for the discrimination and the different platform teams' commitment, I hope you are right. That could be a bit reassuring.


I know well that ranting in the forums or anywhere else is doing good to no one, so when I have the time, I'll compile all the issues I have with the Windows and Android clients and will post about them here. Hopefully, I'll get some responses.


Thanks for this conversation, GrumpyMonkey.




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  • Level 5*

Anyway, to me comparing Evernote to Google/Apple, etc. is just not appropriate in relation to this matter for reasons I will not state here.

This isn't really about comparing Evernote to anybody (except as exemplars of a particular policy). It's any company's choice as to how to present themselves in public, and openness/transparency is one axis. Understandably, many customers would want more transparency rather than less, but Evernote has chosen its policy, and that's pretty much that, at this time.


As for the discrimination and the different platform teams' commitment, I hope you are right. That could be a bit reassuring.

What GM says is pretty much my understanding as well.


I know well that ranting in the forums or anywhere else is doing good to no one, so when I have the time, I'll compile all the issues I have with the Windows and Android clients and will post about them here. Hopefully, I'll get some responses.

That would be great, thanks.
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  • Level 5*

Hey GrumpyMonkey,


Without sidetracking from the main thread (a lot), I just want to say that I'm familiar with a bunch of companies, which are innovative and some of them are even small, that have lots of transparency in their developing/planning process, e.g. and this is my favorite - Trello. I can stand behind one thing with confidence: transparency, not full, any, greatly impacts the developer-user communication process in a positive way. I have yet to see a case where it has negative effects. Once you have transparency, the tolerance of the users towards the company/developers increases, users start to contribute to the product with ideas, actually they even drive the product direction to some extent. Of course, there must be people who can say: 'Stop, this is not getting in because 1), 2), 3) ... N)', which are the technical people/designers/creators behind the product and there must say stop whenever things don't make sense. Anyway, to me comparing Evernote to Google/Apple, etc. is just not appropriate in relation to this matter for reasons I will not state here.


As for the discrimination and the different platform teams' commitment, I hope you are right. That could be a bit reassuring.


I know well that ranting in the forums or anywhere else is doing good to no one, so when I have the time, I'll compile all the issues I have with the Windows and Android clients and will post about them here. Hopefully, I'll get some responses.


Thanks for this conversation, GrumpyMonkey.




It's always a pleasure. I look forward to hearing your comments, and I am sure the developers will appreciate them.

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I have to agree with many of the comments here from frustrated users.  I originally started using the app to clip recipes and other web content, but also keep a few simple lists, notes, etc.  (After all, the name of the app is Evernote, right?  As in NOTE!)  Yet even entering simple unformatted text is an adventure.  Sometimes I can add a space, sometimes I can't.  Sometimes the Delete key deletes, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the Backspace key functions, sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes Tab works . . . well, you get the picture.  And this is NOT on imported content!  It is a simple note that I have created inside the app.  This should not be rocket science.


Sure, I could use some other app to do this, but I am trying to keep my stuff in ONE place and Evernote is NOT making that easy!

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  • 1 year later...

So it's been a few years of asking, begging, complaining and and still text editing is still "an adventure". Example, I can't delete a center justified line without it quitting and even then it won't delete without deleting one of my bullets on the next line.


I think it's time to realize that adding chart or some other *****/clutterware is more important to the team at EverNOTE than a reliable and predictable text editor. 

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  • 1 year later...

This forum is now over three years old, and Evernote has continued to ignore the text editing problems.   There are now so many problems with the apps and software that the program has become more trouble than it is worth.  It's hard to list all the problems with Evernote.  There are so many.  It doesn't stop with the text editing.  The failure to sync, the lack of a sync button anywhere except the main app page, the glitchy text selection process, lost data, lack of an undo button, the general wasted screen space, lack of a 'favorites' in the desktop version although its still in the mobile versions, poorly designed folder displays without colors or icons, and now I can't access pictures on a mobile without going into slideshow mode, which is prompts me to pay up.  I cancelled my paid membership when my professional data was lost the last time.  Anyway, I have switched to Google Docs for my actual note taking and work.  I use just Evernote to keep receipts and other non-vital things.  I use their cloud space to store my mundane junk.  They have been relegated to stuff that I don't really need, but just want to store somewhere.  They have become my electronic junk drawer.  It's so sad how they let this great program wither and die.  I used to enjoy interacting with Evernote.  I like how the prior poster called it "clutterware."  That's what this program really has become.  Abandonware and Clutterware.  Evernote should hire anybody from this forum to school their team about the user experience.  

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