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Date & Time Stamp

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There is a very nice feature in OneNote that allows me, thru a single button, to add a date & time stamp to my text entry.

Is there a similar capability in Evernote? Ideally, I'd like to see this in the iOS and Windows products.

Can this be added to the wish-list or is there a "plug-in" that already exists.


Jon ...

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Hi Jon, welcome to the forum :)

There is a hotkey for this in the Windows Client:

Ctrl + ;


Alt + Shift + D

More on Evernote Keyboard Shortcuts:

As for iOS, I am pretty sure that this is not available. (though, I believe with iOS5, you can use text expansion, which may help)


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  • 2 years later...

Is there a shortcut key for just the time? I want to use this multiple times and have the date all over my note is annoying.   





On the Mac client, the hotkey is cmd-opt-shift-d


On Windows I suspect it would be ctrl-alt-shift-d

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I use TextExpander on my Mac. Even after the date/time hot keys got added to the Mac version, I kept using it as it is so seamless. I believe there are similar utilities for Windows.

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  • Level 5*

Is there a shortcut key for just the time? I want to use this multiple times and have the date all over my note is annoying.

There is no shortcut key that inserts the time on the Windows client, that I know of. Best bet is to use a 3rd-party program like AutoHotKey to add a shortcut that does what you need.
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  • 1 year later...

I have tried to use these two shortcuts on Windows to to a date stamp in the title field, but it wouldn't insert into the title field, it would insert the stamp in the note. Help! I can do the date stamp in the title field on the Mac version easily.

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  • Level 5*

Try a text expander tool and create your own hotkey.  I use Phase Express on Windows and I am sure there are equivalent products for Mac.  I use Ctrl-Win-D to create a date, and it does work in the title area in Windows.

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  • 3 months later...

Frankly, it is baffling as to why Evernote has not built in a "date / time stamp" feature on the editor... ?  Pretty ridiculous... 


I love evernote and use it every day, but there are a few features that are either completely ridiculous and not helpful... or completely baffling as to why they don't have it... 

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  • Level 5

I use the built-in Evernote date / time feature on the editor for many of my notes, especially my receipts.


After scanning a receipt, I use the "Create date/time" to reflect the actual purchase date and time. 






If I want a Date & Time in the text of my note, I use the keystroke combo:  Ctrl + ;

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