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Kudos on the Transcribe Button

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Not the function; I haven't tried that yet, although I definitely see a use for it.

Too often, when BS releases something new, they ram it down our throats with constant popups and reminders.

But the new Transcribe button is obvious, but not obtrusive. Very nice. 

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Amusingly I was very pleased at the Audio transcribe feature - I'm packing up some books and games into storage,  and I planned to take pictures of everything going into one box,  then use audio transcription to create a listing of the content from my images rather than have to type my own description. 

Now we have image transcription,  which is one better.  All I need to do is take the pictures and hit a button.


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For my workflow it is annoying and intrusive, the "transcribe image" sign does not allow me to see the title of any of my images.

I use the annotate image button a lot and now it's annoying to see the transcribe image sign instead the button options I can perform on the image.

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5 hours ago, carlosgm said:

For my workflow it is annoying and intrusive, the "transcribe image" sign does not allow me to see the title of any of my images.

I use the annotate image button a lot and now it's annoying to see the transcribe image sign instead the button options I can perform on the image.

Strange, on all of mine, the title is very far from the button. This is on Win Desktop, but I have pretty high resolution.


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@carlosgm Intrusive … not see title … Really ?


I am highly critical about the fact that feature above feature is added, while at the same time overall quality goes down the drain.

But this argument is (sorry) only laughable.

One tap, and the picture opens in View mode. A second, and it is in Edit mode. The same number of taps as before.

Where is your problem ?


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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

I am highly critical about the fact that feature above feature is added, while at the same time overall quality goes down the drain.

I agree with this point, however in the last couple of weeks I feel that QA has been improving a little. Still not perfect but it seems like they are getting their footing slowly. Have you noticed the same?

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40 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

Still not perfect but it seems like they are getting their footing slowly. Have you noticed the same?

I can't say that I have.  The recent no note found problem with tasks rendered tasks unusable for me on mobile devices for a few days.  It is now fixed but these types of problems should not have been missed.  It seems like the developers working on problems, work to fix the problem but then do no QA to see if their latest code breaks anything else.

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The latest iOS app releases are a plain disaster.

EN on iOS has performed reasonably for me since EN iOS 10.6 (!), and pretty well since 10.10.

10.101.4 started the crappy performance, and all next ones didn't fix anything. Opening a note takes seconds, and offline download is plain impossible. This on several iOS devices - the bad behavior starts the moment a device is updated to 10.101.4 or above.

Since the Mac desktop install doesn't provide a reliable offline capability neither, we are now without any offline capability.

For me as a freelancer (often traveling by train or sometimes plane) this kills one of the most important abilities. My tickets about the problems on the Mac are 6 and 1 month old, unanswered, unfixed. I used the full download on iOS as a workaround - which has been destroyed now.

Thank you for NOTHING, EN team.

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5 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

My tickets about the problems on the Mac are 6 and 1 month old, unanswered, unfixed. I used the full download on iOS as a workaround - which has been destroyed now.

Thank you for NOTHING, EN team.

If any of the EN team are hear reading this this post should make them sit up and start sweating.

@PinkElephant has been a major supporter and source of help here for years.

I am amazed to see him post such a response.

Helloooooo EN Wakey Wakey........time to get your act together, stop fantasising about what people "want" ( big clue= they don't) and fix the current iteration.

Or face the consequences......

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I have both, android and Iphone, and surprisingly the download of notes and offline capability works on android whereas it is broken on ios.

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3 hours ago, AKARJLUK said:

Helloooooo EN Wakey Wakey........time to get your act together, stop fantasising about what people "want"

EN don't read posts in real time - this might get reviewed in a week,  or a year... or maybe never.  Try contacting them via feedback@evernote.com or via  https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us.

3 hours ago, AKARJLUK said:

reading this this post should make them sit up and start sweating.

See comment above...  and occasional (polite) rants are freely allowed here.  ;)

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12 hours ago, AKARJLUK said:

I am amazed to see him post such a response.


I'm not... always very honest.

I'm just a fanboi!!

Is the slowness during normal use oe during RENT conversion?

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The RENT conversion went fast on all of my iOS devices, maybe 2-3 minutes each.

The stalemate is what follows. It was worst with 10.101.4 - here some notes didn't open within any reasonable time frame. With 10.103.0 it’s better, but several seconds is still way too long for any real world use.

And offline download is nearly completely broken - it managed to download some handful of notes within 24hrs, on charger and with autolockscreen disabled.

All this on recent i-hardware and the latest iOS.

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