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Email to feedback@evernote.com vs. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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Many of us have gotten the advice to mail feedback to feedback@evernote.com - but this a black hole and you will never get any feedback 😞

If you go to the support pages, you'll find a button called "Feedback and feature requests". By clicking that button, you can enter a new personal request (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). For the moment (as long as support is nearly non-existant), you will not get a meaningful answer. But your request is logged in your support-area with incident ID (7-digit number) and the possibility to added further comments to your text. Because it's named incident, the support team should answer your request anytime in future...

So (question to all who recommend the simple eMails): Why do you recommend this instead of logging valid requests?

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  • Level 5

These are 2 different things, and although there may be an overlap, each one is intended for a specific task:

The support path is meant for bug reports. Or questions (that require an answer to be solved) about handling issues. Or - a classic - account and payment issues.

The feedback path is meant for feature requests. Or what you want to tell the EN team without requiring an answer (support is …). Or just to tell them they do a great job.

Can’t speak for others, but I try to understand what’s posted / intended, and advise to use the one or the other contact option accordingly.

To whatever it may be worth, which we can’t say.

P.S. Did you know that black holes preserve information ? Or at least they should, if our understanding of quantum physics is correct.

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Maybe that's their intention - but the wording is confusing 🤔. If the support path is meant for bug reports or questions only, they must not call the button "Feedback and feature requests". Because I require an answer (as I do not want to talk agaist a wall), I'll use and recommend the support path only.

PS: Yep - black holes preserve information - until the next Big Bang at which all this information will reappear. But we all will not be part of this (my believe)...

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  • Level 5

Lookup „Hawking Emission“ (Hawking Strahlung) for an interesting perspective.

Since Support answers are mainly minted by reusing predefined text elements, I would question that getting an answer means being answered.

One of the general feedback rules I learned long ago is that feedback is accepted, but not answered.

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  • Evernote Expert

For sure, if you want a response, the Email option is not for you. The Feedback Emails were used for suggesting the quality of life tweaks some of which have arrived since the the beginning of the year so they are useful for some things.

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  • Level 5*

For what it's worth I get a polite little "thankyou" note every time I send in feedback emails,  so it's not a complete blank wall - and that note refers you here or to Support for more help...  don't see how they could do more.

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16 minutes ago, gazumped said:

.  don't see how they could do more.

They could provide some basic support and start to fix bugs.

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22 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

When I send an email to feedback@ from the email linked to my EN account it shows up in my support portal with a ticket number.

THX - had not seen this so far.

And nice: If you send an eMail to Support-Webform@Evernote.com you'll get the same "Thanks" message with a bolded line "This email address is not the designed channel for submitting new support requests." - but it is listed in my requests with a unique ticket# 😉

Moreover: Answers from this eMail address contain a hint "[THIS IS AN AUTOMATED MESSAGE - PLEASE DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL]" - but if you try exactly this, your answer is added to the comments of your ticket 👍

This means: EN's ticket management software is really working fine. It uses hidden eMail header lines to your answers to the correct ticket thread. 😃


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