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Is there a way to turn off new text into arrows feature?

Go to solution Solved by Mike P,

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I have several HTML documents saved in notes. The new text-to-arrow feature turns HTML end comments --> into an arrow. I would like to turn this feature off if possible as it's messing up my saved source code! I'm definitely not in love with this new feature!


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You can't turn it off. Personally I don't think it should work within code blocks but it does. The good news is that if I copy it from the code block and paste it back into my IDE it returns it back to the original string.

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It is almost amusing, were it not so terrible, that every new feature comes with a major drawback. EN has ideas, I give them that. What they do not have is proper testing and QA (quality assurance). And for some reason they seem to hate options religiously. One could easily put an on/off option into settings for ever new feature they introduce. But no, they wouldn't. Why, oh why?

And text replacement -- for whatever reason -- in code blocks is a really 'novel' idea.

And: what happens with encrypted text (not encrypted by EN, but by, say a PGP-variant)?

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15 minutos atrás, Razmataz disse:

It is almost amusing, were it not so terrible, that every new feature comes with a major drawback. EN has ideas, I give them that. What they do not have is proper testing and QA (quality assurance). And for some reason they seem to hate options religiously. One could easily put an on/off option into settings for ever new feature they introduce. But no, they wouldn't. Why, oh why?

And text replacement -- for whatever reason -- in code blocks is a really 'novel' idea.

And: what happens with encrypted text (not encrypted by EN, but by, say a PGP-variant)?

I thought the same thing. Each new feature released means a flood of complaints. This is proof that it is impossible to please everyone. No matter how much Evernote improves there will always be a lot of users here complaining.

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Oh, I disagree. Users do not complain (well, most of them don't) for no good reason. EN should simply not give this many reasons to complain, and it will get better. Much better. An easy and cheap solution to the problem: options for the new features!

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  • Level 5*
45 minutes ago, TomKat77 said:

Who can I contact to explain why this shouldn't work in code blocks?

Submit a support request and let them know.  I agree they should exclude this from code blocks.  That said, and to @Mike P’s point is this actually causing a problem?  How does it render for you when it’s copied back into your IDE?

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1 hour ago, s2sailor said:

Submit a support request and let them know.  I agree they should exclude this from code blocks.  That said, and to @Mike P’s point is this actually causing a problem?  How does it render for you when it’s copied back into your IDE?

At the moment I can't even figure out how to submit a support request! The website seems very wonky. I love Evernote, but my frustration with them is really growing!! The options that you can select from are ridiculous (there are only 3 options), nothing really about problems. Most of the options are about deleting or closing your account. I wonder if they are trying to tell us something??

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

The selection box for the ticket can be scrolled. Technical Issues are down the list.

Thanks, though I had scrolled down, but obviously hadn't gone far enough. I've submitted it now. Appreciate everyone's help! Hope the implement a toggle or something!

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I heard back from Evernote and there is no way to turn this off. But the good news is that it's only visual. If you copy and paste the code into something else, it goes back to -->. I tested and confirmed this, so I can live with it being only visual. Still frustrating that there isn't a way to turn this off.

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Proper syntax highlighting in code blocks is also coming at some point so I would imagine that would solve this issue. 

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