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Showing "syncing temporarily paused, you can continue edit while evernote reconnects"

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When I saw this message showing- I waited for it to sync and carried on with my revisions. I thought it will automatically recover.

Yesterday, the ad for an upgrade persistently popping up and all over. My main concern was the notes that were not yet synced. I tried syncing them to my other devices- but it won't go through. So i waited for it to settle hopefully it will recover. I logged in and logged out of that account, the ad continued. And so- I upgraded for the personal package. the problem persist. Even after i have paid for the package. so i though right, maybe i refresh on my other devices, my notes will show? unfortunately, it did not. i redownloaded the app for Evernote- and all the notes i have done since- "syncing temporarily paused, you can continue edit while evernote reconnects" all gone.

Please do help me with this. I have tried every possible way to get my notes back and gave all the info needed to the support team. My exams is in april, and I have worked hard for my notes. I really dont know what to do, I have spend the last 24h crying and panicking. Please Help!

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Hi.  You really do need to deal with Support on this (we're mainly other users here).  If you have contacted the support team,  you will have a ticket number as a reference.  If you can post that ticket number here,  we can flag it for a Forum Admin to contact Support internally and see what they can do.

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Also, have you tried using the web client?  It's possible that your content made it to Evernote's servers but not back to your other devices.  The web client gives you essentially a direct view of what's stored on the servers - your master database - so you may find some or all of your notes there.



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On 3/9/2024 at 8:22 AM, student99city said:

I have tried every possible way to get my notes back

My first idea was to export last edited notes as ENEX just before trying all other stuff - but unfortunately this is impossible with notes that contain images and attachments 😞 I've logged this as 054 - Export to ENEX with attachments is impossible when offline for further discussions and submitted a ticket.


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This first started happening to me with the web client about a year ago.   It's now happening with the desktop client.
I spoked with support about the web client and they offered zero help.  The problem turned out the that Evernote is using WebSocket for syncing data.   My company firewall blocks all WebSocket traffic (there's nothing I can do about that). 

I suspect this is the same problem with the desktop client.  I don't have any sync issues when using Evernote outside of my office network.

I've had a small number of times when data did not get updated from my work desktop, to the evernote servers.  But most times when I see this Syncing temporarily paused message, the server does get updated eventually.   With this sync issue, if have a note open on my work desktop and make changes from anywhere else, those changes will rarely show up on my work desktop.  It somehow gets in it's mind that the work version is what is needed and never loads those other external changes, and I'll end up with note conflicts on both sides. 


I really liked the old Evernote much better than what we have today.  Seems something gets messed up, or new changes that I really dislike, with just about every update. I would have jumped ship a while ago if I didn't have so much invested in my past notes.

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  • Level 5

Your company takes care of a secure network, and the culprit is EN ?!

Sorry, but your logic escapes me. Follow the IT security rules at your company. Either EN is whitelisted because it is an officially allowed tool there, or simply stop using not authorized software on company hardware and network.

Life could be so easy.

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17 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Follow the IT security rules at your company.

Or change to a different company with different IT policies!  😁



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4 hours ago, VincentC said:

Or change to a different company with different IT policies!  😁

Unfortunately these companies follow a most stupid course of believing the train will not hit them if they only keep their eyes shut.

Stupid and costly strategy …

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Maybe add it to the list of questions you ask when considering a new empoloyer:  "Do you guys allow us to use Evernote at work?"  

If not, go to the next job listing!!



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Actually anybody should follow the rules set by the employer. If you are the guy who gets the servers encrypted through a phishing site, you will not be a happy employee any more.

We all have private mobile devices - use them if the employer runs a locked up network.

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On 7/25/2024 at 7:18 PM, PinkElephant said:

Your company takes care of a secure network, and the culprit is EN ?!

Sorry, but your logic escapes me. Follow the IT security rules at your company. Either EN is whitelisted because it is an officially allowed tool there, or simply stop using not authorized software on company hardware and network.

Life could be so easy.

If only it were that simple...  Yes Evernote is the culprit.  To be more specific, Bending Spoons is the problem, their acquisition is when the problems started.

Evernote used to work perfectly (maybe a year ago and for the last 15+ years).  In the last year, there are new issue fairly often.  As of yesterday, evernote stopped writing local notes to the server (local use only), but it reads from the server just fine.   Nothing has changed on my end in all this time.   So they took something that worked (for me) and made it not work (for me).  The web interface is sort of working now, where a few weeks ago, it didn't work at all (again with no indication of where the problems are).

The real frustrating part for me is that there is no local indication of issues other than the Syncing temporarily paused message.  There isn't anything to diagnose what the issue issue is.  I detailed log of what is going on would be very useful.  If I had this, I could get with our networking group to help resolve the issue.

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  • Level 5

You have established yourself that EN uses WebSocket, and your companies IT is blocking it.

It is very obvious this is a network policy issue, and your company decided for a reason to block it.

It is not EN doing the blocking, and it is your obligation to follow the (IT-) rules that come with your work contract.

You can’t use EN while connected to the company network, and that’s nobodies fault, because nothing is wrong. It’s just the employment of an IT security policy, colliding with the function of an app. Security wins ..

As your employer I would ask you WTF you are trying to use an app that is not provided by the company on company hardware in the company network.

Because that’s how security disasters start, nowadays.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/2/2024 at 12:36 PM, tom@armisteads.com said:

If only it were that simple...  Yes Evernote is the culprit.  To be more specific, Bending Spoons is the problem, their acquisition is when the problems started.

Evernote used to work perfectly (maybe a year ago and for the last 15+ years).  In the last year, there are new issue fairly often.  As of yesterday, evernote stopped writing local notes to the server (local use only), but it reads from the server just fine.   Nothing has changed on my end in all this time.   So they took something that worked (for me) and made it not work (for me).  The web interface is sort of working now, where a few weeks ago, it didn't work at all (again with no indication of where the problems are).

The real frustrating part for me is that there is no local indication of issues other than the Syncing temporarily paused message.  There isn't anything to diagnose what the issue issue is.  I detailed log of what is going on would be very useful.  If I had this, I could get with our networking group to help resolve the issue.

Yeah, makes sense Tom. EN has been a mess certainly for the last year - all three clients I use have been sporadic even on a very consistent home network. I just found that 2/3 of the notes I've taken on an Android haven't sync'd in 2 months, even notes that have been taken within minutes of each other have  different sync'g successes. And, maybe worse, the little spinning green circle in the android client occurs for most of my historical notes further back even years. Again, about 2/3 of the notes have this. I'm afraid if I uninstall and reinstall the Android app, the last two months of my notes originating on that device will disappear. That would be extremely unfortunate, possibly devastating.

If there is one thing any notes program has to do without fail, its data preservation (thus the Elephant logo).  EN has been failing based on what I'm reading today across the community.

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Robert1984 said:

If there is one thing any notes program has to do without fail, its data preservation (thus the Elephant logo).  EN has been failing based on what I'm reading today across the community.

If you're basing your opinion on what you're reading,  rather than actual experience, you have much more faith in other user's competence and coherence than I do. 

The post you're responding to (in case you didn't notice) is from someone wanting Evernote to compromise their company's net security so that they can enjoy their (likely unauthorised) note taking without inconvenience.

If you are having sync issues I'd strongly recommend contacting Support,  because my experience recently has been that any change on one device is more or less INSTANTANEOUSLY transferred to any other device in the network.

If you have a different experience,  you're doing something very wrong.

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38 minutes ago, gazumped said:

If you're basing your opinion on what you're reading,  rather than actual experience, you have much more faith in other user's competence and coherence than I do. 

The post you're responding to (in case you didn't notice) is from someone wanting Evernote to compromise their company's net security so that they can enjoy their (likely unauthorised) note taking without inconvenience.

If you are having sync issues I'd strongly recommend contacting Support,  because my experience recently has been that any change on one device is more or less INSTANTANEOUSLY transferred to any other device in the network.

If you have a different experience,  you're doing something very wrong.

While I have contacted support, thanks, I would leave you with the thought that "you're doing something very wrong"  because you are not seeing any issues is a troll-ish thing to say. And writing off everyone's comments as incompetent and incoherent until they prove themselves to you means this is not a Community. Sorry.

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