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Layout Issues - Wasted Space

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I use the Legacy version on my laptops but keep the latest version running as well. 

I prefer the legacy version due to the quick and easy clipper, the general layout, and easy access to features.  I do not use shortcut keys much.  Too much conflict with other apps.

However, I do update the current version and look at it occasionally to see if it is converging on the classic version and meets my expectations.

It was getting close for a while but seems to have regressed. 

I decided to give it another shot today and immediately was struck by how little content is now on the screen and how things are widely spaced to no apparent benefit compared to the classic version.  I seemed to recall a zoom feature some time back that allowed reducing the wasted space and getting more on screen but could not find it, and "help' was no help. 

Below is a comparison of the same page at the sametime on boith versions.  The old one is very obviously far superior.  Note how much more data is in both left columns and the note window --- and the extremely handy shortcut band across the top.  I did not expand the colour coded tags in Legacy for privacy reasons but it definitely is far superior.

Is there any way to simulate the Lagacy version, activate a compact view to reduce the wasted spaces, or zoom the pages to get more content on a screen? 


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  • Level 5

For those of us who use v. 10 constantly, the new UI, which does include a lot of extra space and a new, larger default font to make it "cleaner" (i.e., less full of content), has provoked a hornets nets of dissent: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/.

WRT Legacy, I  hope you've checked your email. Look for the one with subject "Action required ⚠️ You must update Evernote." Similar content on the blog: https://evernote.com/blog/legacy-decommissioning. Legacy has 1 more month remaining.

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1 hour ago, allendick said:

Na svojich notebookoch používam staršiu verziu, ale ponechávam si spustenú aj najnovšiu verziu. 

Dávam prednosť staršej verzii kvôli rýchlemu a jednoduchému orezávaču, všeobecnému rozloženiu a ľahkému prístupu k funkciám. Klávesové skratky príliš nepoužívam. Príliš veľa konfliktov s inými aplikáciami.

Aktualizujem však aktuálnu verziu a občas sa na ňu pozriem, aby som zistil, či sa približuje ku klasickej verzii a spĺňa moje očakávania.

Chvíľu sa to približovalo, ale zdá sa, že sa to vrátilo späť. 

Rozhodol som sa tomu dnes dať ešte jednu šancu a okamžite ma zarazilo, ako málo obsahu je teraz na obrazovke a ako sú veci veľmi rozmiestnené bez zjavného prínosu v porovnaní s klasickou verziou. Zdalo sa mi, že som si pred časom spomenul na funkciu priblíženia, ktorá umožňovala zmenšiť premárnený priestor a získať viac na obrazovke, ale nevedel som ju nájsť a „pomoc“ nepomohla. 

Nižšie je uvedené porovnanie tej istej stránky v rovnakom čase na oboch verziách. Tá stará je zjavne oveľa lepšia. Všimnite si, o koľko viac údajov je v ľavých stĺpcoch a v okne poznámky --- a mimoriadne praktický pás skratiek v hornej časti. Nerozšíril som farebne označené značky v Legacy z dôvodov ochrany osobných údajov, ale rozhodne je to oveľa lepšie.

Existuje nejaký spôsob, ako simulovať verziu Lagacy, aktivovať kompaktné zobrazenie, aby sa zmenšil nepotrebný priestor, alebo priblížiť stránky, aby sa na obrazovke zobrazilo viac obsahu? 





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6 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Pre tých z nás, ktorí neustále používajú verziu 10, nové používateľské rozhranie, ktoré obsahuje veľa miesta navyše a nové, väčšie predvolené písmo, aby bolo „čistejšie“ (tj menej plné obsahu), vyvolalo sršne siete. nesúhlasu:  https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/ .

WRT Legacy, dúfam, že ste si skontrolovali svoj e-mail. Vyhľadajte ten s predmetom „Vyžaduje sa akcia ⚠️ Musíte aktualizovať Evernote.“ Podobný obsah na blogu:  https://evernote.com/blog/legacy-decommissioning . Legacy má ešte 1 mesiac.

Or in chrome use this



steps in app is for me too much... 

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Evernote is full of surprises, and few of them pleasant -- for my purposes at least.

It seems the developers give us what they like, not what we like. 

Instead of the handy multi-purpose shortcut bar along the top, they give us graphics or empty space. There is a whole inch at the top of my screen that is basically empty! Legacy fills the entire screen to the top with content.  And where is the status bar?   Why are tags at the bottom? 

 I, for one do NOT want a 'clean' interface.  I want things where I can see them and I don't want keyboard shortcuts or long distances between common mouse functions.  

At least they got rid of that smarmy greeting line. 

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Well, they don't give us what you like. I actually liked the "smarmy" greeting line, which was at least friendly and more useful than "Dave's Home" and asking me if I'm ready to do what I came there to do. I greatly prefer keyboard shortcuts to a bunch of mouse searching and clicking. Tags at the bottom - status bar - shortcuts on the left instead of the top: all bee-hitched about thoroughly since v. 10 first appeared, and for me a resounding "Meh!"

It's not v. 10 as such but its recently revamped interface that is responsible for the empty space at the top, which I and lots of others agree is a pointless waste. Hopefully they'll fix it, or put something useful in it.

I was trying to be nice earlier, but all I hear is one more of the ONE PERCENT still using Legacy (per the blog post) insisting that nothing must ever change and their needs must prevail over all. Sorry for ranting; just tired of it.

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I am really disappointed with the new layout.  I liked the previous layout.  I preferred the contrast with a white background to the notes page and the darker sidebar.  It makes it too much the same and more difficult for me to look at the screen due to sight issues.  Also do not like the wasted real estate with margins either side of my text.  is there anyway to change back to the previous layout?  Thanks.

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  • Level 5

I absolutely agree (as do many others: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/). Unfortunately, I don't think there's any way we can revert to the visible, readable, usable interface, unless Evernote decides to make options available. You can give them your feedback directly: https://waz9zvkd1f2.typeform.com/newuifeedback.


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  • 6 months later...

I think most of us have given up feeding back snd commenting. 

Those of us who come here to comment occasionally are ignored by the developers and our comments are didmissed by the forum denizens.

What kind of stable software has uodates and changes almost weekly and insists I look at 'notifications' about things tnat do not interest me or greets me with a page announcing 'features' I never wanted.

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  • Level 5*
18 minutes ago, allendick said:

Those of us who come here to comment occasionally are ignored by the developers and our comments are didmissed by the forum denizens.

So why are you bothering?

19 minutes ago, allendick said:

What kind of stable software has uodates and changes almost weekly and insists I look at 'notifications' about things tnat do not interest me or greets me with a page announcing 'features' I never wanted.

Oh, to rant.  I see ... noted.

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Comments like that are not at all constructive and part of the reason normal people avoid coming here.

It seems the forum is occupied by a few fanboys and forum addicts, rather than the vast preponderance of normal users for whom Evernote and its forums are not a hobby or obsession.

I'm guessing most visitors do not come back more than a time or two and you just now perfectly demonstrated why.

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Declare some people fanboy or addict, and tell that normal people are of course different is one of this stupid little games we can observe all over the web.

But when the end result of a biological digestion process hits the circulating air accelerator, the advise of the boys and addicts it joyfully accepted.

Disgustful !

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, allendick said:

Comments like that are not at all constructive

You posted on a 6 month old thread with a comment that had nothing to do with the thread subject.  In fairness, neither was yours.  I honestly wondered why you bothered posting.

3 hours ago, allendick said:

It seems the forum is occupied by a few fanboys and forum addicts,

I'm a fanboy because I called your post a rant?  Interesting.  If not a rant, then what was it?  You have been around here long enough to know this is a user's group.  If you have a complaint, the best chance that it will at least get read by an employee is to send your comments to feedback@evernote.com, and if you have a question, there are folks here who will usually do their best to try and help.

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I posted because someone liked my post and I was notified.  My mistake, stepping into this den of snakes.  I do actually know better, as do most sane people after a visit or two.  Sorry.  Won't happen again..

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You are always welcome to ask, contribute and share.

If you feel like ranting, it’s way more satisfying to write it on a piece of paper, then make a ball out of it and throw it into a physical bin.

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  • 1 month later...

Totally agree,  i hate alot of white space in evernote . notes everywhere ridiculous amount of white space .  I hope evernote team can make another view compact view and eleminate  white space . even in the left side bars alot of space ..   



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  • Level 5

I sometimes think we are in the era prior to the Renaissance. It was when painters filled every empty spot in paintings with something, to avoid empty space.

They called it „Horror vacui“ - the terror of the white and empty spaces. Then came Michelangelo, Tizian, da Vinci and the others, and showed us the beauty of space.

But I wander off topic:

Even today it’s a mark of a bad GUI design if it’s cramped and overloaded (like legacy, awful UI). So you can ask for that crunchy crampy look here, but I hope they don’t listen:


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I think there will always be two camps here. Those that want open white space, and those that prefer data density.  Neither side is wrong.  An option for a dense view would be appreciated by many.

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44 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

I think there will always be two camps here. Those that want open white space, and those that prefer data density.  Neither side is wrong.  An option for a dense view would be appreciated by many.

They have been making it a point to add more customization which is very welcome imo. It's really the only way to please everyone. I really like the direction development has been taking lately. Personally I'd still rather see them invest more into performance and QA which it seems they are starting to take seriously based on Federico's recent tweets.

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