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So I login after a couple of days to find out there's now a limit of notes?
Thanks, I'll go back to notepad.exe in a folder.
I wish I could say it was fun while it lasted, but this last years constant badgering for upgrades was awful, and now this.
If I were to pay for storing my notes I'd use campfire.

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  • Level 5

Why didn’t they spare this poor fellow the torture to fight valiantly for years against being badgered and tempted to upgrade ?

They really should have pulled the plug way earlier on the Free plan !

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15 hours ago, AryAS33 said:

If I were to pay for storing my notes I'd use campfire.

Inquiring minds want to know ... what the heck does this mean???

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21 hours ago, s2sailor said:

Inquiring minds want to know ... what the heck does this mean???

Apparently you don't know how to play the non-sequitur game. The rules are:
1. Post something in the Evernote users forum.
2. Artichoke.
3. President McKinley.

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1 hour ago, Bill Myers said:

Apparently you don't know how to play the non-sequitur game.

Oh no, I'm fully expecting a rational, logical response any time now ... waiting ... waiting ... 

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  • Level 5
On 1/1/2024 at 11:04 PM, AryAS33 said:

So I login after a couple of days to find out there's now a limit of notes?
Thanks, I'll go back to notepad.exe in a folder.
I wish I could say it was fun while it lasted, but this last years constant badgering for upgrades was awful, and now this.
If I were to pay for storing my notes I'd use campfire.

We all know you only came here to post your bee-hitch, not to start a conversation. But what the heck, it's a new year, I'm an eternal optimist....

If your needs could be met by using Notepad in a folder, it was a serious mistake to use Evernote in the first place, even for free. Why use a free F-150 when a bicycle would do? But we're all soooo sorry that Evernote bothered you by asking you to shell out for a little gas in the F-150 now and then.

Since I don't feel like doing a Google search for this, I'll say that storing your notes in a campfire 🔥 might work as well as Notepad in a folder too.

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10 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

If your needs could be met by using Notepad in a folder, it was a serious mistake to use Evernote in the first place, even for free.

Because I could pull up my notes from pc into my phone, which helps me a lot in work and leisure.
Everything organized in sections with quick access, I loved early life evernote.
Then I spent a year having to constantly click off popups that promised that they wouldn't offer me the same promotions again, which was a like, and now my 300+ notes acount cannot create a single extra note for the most arbitrary and predatory reason.

I found out that OneNote does everything Evernote does but much better. I'm having a blast passing my notes to the other app.
Hope you guys find better apps too.

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Thanks for this report of a miserable year in your life. Where was the relevant punch line, you say ? 

Oh, ON, I see …

Personally somebody would need to pay ME to use it (well, actually does, at my current project 😂).

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OK, I did a quick Google search and there is a line of Campfire "field notes" memo books. 


Knowing that helps make more sense of the OPs comment.

That doesn't mean we have to stop playing the non-sequitur game, because there are apples in my refrigerator.

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Since they aren't saying, my guess is this: https://www.campfirewriting.com/

Lots of people use/used the free version of Evernote for world-building for writing stories. 

@OP - if that is what you are doing, it definitely makes sense to pay for a specialized tool to do what you want rather than to pay money for a more generalized tool that has a lot of great features that you don't need or use. But don't go back to notepad, there are a lot of free or low cost note-taking tools out there that can do what you need.

Also, I'd personally actually rather use notepad than OneNote (🤮). Have you checked out Obsidian or UpNote yet? Two of many that are much better than OneNote IMO.

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  • Level 5
11 hours ago, AryAS33 said:

Because I could pull up my notes from pc into my phone, which helps me a lot in work and leisure.
Everything organized in sections with quick access, I loved early life evernote.
Then I spent a year having to constantly click off popups that promised that they wouldn't offer me the same promotions again, which was a like, and now my 300+ notes acount cannot create a single extra note for the most arbitrary and predatory reason.

I found out that OneNote does everything Evernote does but much better. I'm having a blast passing my notes to the other app.
Hope you guys find better apps too.

Ability to create, view, and edit notes on multiple platforms has always been a big plus for Evernote. I take it "Notepad in a folder" was meant as sarcasm, so OK. Mutual sarcasm, of which I'm not particularly proud for my end. But > 300 notes that you're working with on multiple platforms sounds to me like getting some value out of Evernote, for which they were not requiring you to pay. That was their long-running poor decision, and the run is now over. If it does not seem like you're getting $2.50 a week worth of value for those and many other functions, by all means go with OneNote--which absolutely does not do everything that Evernote does, but perhaps does all that you need for your note-taking and information management and retrieval service to do. ✌🏻️ But not for free, eh?

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