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Evernote "forcing" me to upgrade.

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I have used Evernote for years. I use the free version because I just use it to keep recipes. I have it on my laptop and on my phone. Evidently there were still devices there form years past. I went through and deleted all those and left only two, which is evidently the limit. But it still says to move forward I have to upgrade. What changed overnight? How can I get it working again? Of if I need to leave it, how can I download all the notes (recipes) I have housed in Evernote? I don't like this...



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4 hours ago, k-mason said:

I have used Evernote for years. I use the free version because I just use it to keep recipes. I have it on my laptop and on my phone. Evidently there were still devices there form years past. I went through and deleted all those and left only two, which is evidently the limit. But it still says to move forward I have to upgrade. What changed overnight? How can I get it working again? Of if I need to leave it, how can I download all the notes (recipes) I have housed in Evernote? I don't like this...



No worries. 

For starters, log in to the online version of Evernote in your browser and see what it looks like now that the app has been updated. And you can always find your notes online there....

Feel free to give the app an update. But beware, it will delete the older version and install the new one, and you'll have to log in again with your credentials. So get them ready...

The new version is already pretty well tweaked. I switched to it about 2 months ago.

I've been using Evernote for about 12 years... I've been worried about it too.

You can possibly make a backup in the app before the update. Look on google for instructions - EVERNOTE export ENEX


And there's one more trick to using FREE evernote on multiple devices.

Create another free account and share all your notebooks from the first account to this one... Just work on your own shared notebooks in this other account... 

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2 hints about what was written:

Exporting from legacy technically allows to export „all notes“. But it makes little sense: The information about the notebooks are completely lost in that export (tags are preserved). When you import such an ENEX file, you end up with all notes on one big heap. To preserve the notebooks with their notes, you need to export notebook by notebook, and (best practice) name the ENEX files after the notebooks.

Shared account: Yes, you can share between free accounts, and sure, you can have more than 1 account. But a shared notebook doesn’t have the same properties as one you own. You can‘t for example apply tags freely in a notebook shared to you. And if you don‘t manage it correctly, shared notebooks can be orphaned, which makes them practically not delectable. It is a workaround to share to yourself, but it‘s not a complete solution.

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I removed old devices. I have it on my phone and my laptop. It also counts logging in to the website. So I've deleted that, which is ironic because you need that to manage devices. Now with just two devices, I still get the message (attached). I would be ok finding another solution to house my recipes, sadly, if I could get them out of Evernote.

I changed the document/screenprint to a pdf.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm facing the exact issue with mason. I had unsynced some devices that was linked to EN in order to link it to my mac. However, after unsyncing i was not able to sync to any other devices. Like what was said, the web based EN also counts as part of the linked limits. After i logged out my web based EN, i was still not able to sync to new devices. I get automatically logged out after trying to log into the web based EN!! The only linked device is the one on my phone, and i do not want to try anything further lest i lose all access to my EN account. 

Does anyone know how apart from OS based EN can we export out all the notes? 


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  • Level 5

You need a desktop client to run the export from the app.

Another option is the EN backup project available on GitHub. It pulls the notes through the API into a database, and allows the creation of ENEX files from there.

It works nicely, but requires some computer wits and install through Homebrew or similar tools.

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And it gets worse. Now Evernote has limited the Free version to one notebook and 50 notes. I feel like they are holding my notes hostage. I have to get serious about exporting. I appreciate the couple clues on how to do it, but I wonder...are there a step by step instructions somewhere? And any suggestions on where to move them? I have hundreds of recipes in Evernote that I don't want to lose.

I've appreciated your posts and advice. 

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  • Evernote Expert
22 minutes ago, k-mason said:

Evernote has limited the Free version to one notebook and 50 notes.

The good news is that your old notes will not be deleted, restricted or anything else.  However, if you have more than 50 notes or more than one notebook then you will not be able to add any further notes. You can edit, export, delete or move existing notes.  So you have some breathing space to decide what to do next. But, as you have discovered the free lunch has come to an end.

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If I were using Evernote for as simple an application as storing recipes, I would think I could make the 1 notebook and 50 note limitation work.  The one notebook would be "Recipes."   Then I would have two or three dozen notes, each with certain types of recipes.   For example, one note for cupcakes, one for Italian meals, one for salads - whatever makes sense to you.

If you carefully and consistently title each recipe within the note, you should still be able to find the recipe even though it may be one recipe among many in that note.  When you want to add a recipe, you would import it (possible because you would still have less than 50 notes) and then merge it into the appropriate note.

Of course, this is a lot if fiddling around and it's likely that a different tool would be more efficient.  But while you are figuring out what that tool might be and how to transfer your current information from Evernote, doing some reorganizing in your free Evernote account could be an interim solution.




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