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Refund for my subscription

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I am deeply frustrated and utterly disappointed with my experience with Evernote. I recently purchased the personal level plan, hoping it would significantly enhance my note-taking capabilities. However, after just one day of usage, I realized that it added absolutely nothing of value to my workflow. I was initially drawn to the service because their terms stated that I could request a refund within 60 days of purchase.

But now, as I attempt to seek the refund I am entitled to, I have been met with nothing but silence and neglect from Evernote's support team. It has been a full four days since I initially requested a refund, and the only response I received was on the first day. Since then, I have submitted a ticket every single day and followed up on my initial request, yet there has been no communication from their end.

I am left baffled and appalled by the black box that is Evernote's support platform. Why is there no readily available email address or customer care contact number? It seems that they have absolutely no interest in providing any meaningful support to their paying customers. This is beyond frustrating, especially for someone like me, a university student, where every penny counts.

The fact that Evernote charges such high prices for its services, yet fails to deliver even basic customer care, is both infuriating and heart-wrenching. I am thoroughly dissatisfied and angry with this pathetic level of service. It is incomprehensible how a company of this stature can ignore its customers in such a callous manner. I am in desperate need of assistance, and I implore someone to step in and help me rectify this situation. My financial situation as a student makes this matter all the more pressing, and Evernote's behavior is nothing short of disgraceful.

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I deleted your other post on this subject - please don't post the same query twice.  As to 'silence and neglect' a 4 day delay hardly seems like a deliberate policy to offend you.  Please be patient for a little while longer - with hundreds of millions of customers around the world,  support tends to be a little busy at times.

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I think @gazumped's advice is good. I'll follow that up by mentioning some technology providers will advise against individual users submitting multiple tickets for the same issue, warning that it could delay their response. I'm not saying I know that's the case here -- this is a user forum, and I have no inside knowledge about what goes on at Bending Spoons, Evernote's owner -- but I can't imagine submitting multiple tickets could help. I think @gazumped is correct: your best play is to give it a bit more time.

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Just to mention „noticed after 1 day that subscription does add nothing to the note taking capabilities“ shows a misunderstanding in the features a subscription is adding.

The client software is the same, no matter if Free, Personal or Professional. The added features happen on the server, and have not much to do with taking a note.

But it enables OCR on PDFs, send emails, extended export, better search, unlimited devices and several other features. If they are important depend on the individual use case.


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  • 1 month later...
  • Evernote Expert
23 minutes ago, cacw said:

Just got a huge upcharge on my account. Contacting support with no success.

If you got an Email warning of a price increase then you can go to your account settings, choose CANCEL and your account will drop to the Free rate from the renewal date.

If you've already been charged the new price then you have sixty days to get a refund from Evernote.  So you are safe to wait a few days. When the subscription is cancelled you will, again, drop to the Free plan.

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6 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Since you have not posted on this thread, I think you should explain to let us understand what your problem is.

Or you wait for support - they are currently sort of busy. Answers can take several days.

Pardon me. They renewed me with a personal plan that I did not agree too.
Thanks to @agsteele and @PinkElephant for the quick reply.
I just got the charge today and asking for a refund today.
How sad to drop to the free tier after so many years on Evernote.
Great service. Great legacy. Don't know where to go from here. Might try to keep the Free tier but might need to go use an additional note taking app.

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  • Level 5

If it’s for taking notes only, Free is acceptable. You won’t get even close to the upload limit by typing stuff. With other content it depends - large picture files or video will rapidly consume the upload limit.

A good config is web client plus one other (mostly a mobile one), because you can open the web client on more than one physical device.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

If it’s for taking notes only, Free is acceptable. You won’t get even close to the upload limit by typing stuff. With other content it depends - large picture files or video will rapidly consume the upload limit.

A good config is web client plus one other (mostly a mobile one), because you can open the web client on more than one physical device.

Yes, I remember using free, but I was using to drop a lot of files in there. It was truly helpful.
Thanks for the tips though @PinkElephant!

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The web client used to be not counted as a device, it as on top. This has changed in 2020 - that’s why we recommend this config now.

You can still add more content, by collecting it and then subscribing to a monthly plan. Import folders are a nice way to do this: Collect stuff in a folder, subscribe for a month and set the folder as import folder. This sucks up the content, and creates one note per file, with the file name as note title.

Make sure the individual notes stay a notch below 25 MB - else you will only be able to open them read-only when back on Free.

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Similar experience here.   I was too busy to use Evernote for a long time.  So when I saw it get auto-renewed with a hefty premium I immediately tried to contact Support to downgrade to a Free account.  Unfortunately on my desktop the "contact support" icon is nowhere to be found.  So I went to my App and bumped into a screen which let me send support a message.  After submission the screen just turned blank and froze and it's hard to tell if the request was ever sent. Now I just cancelled the subscription in My Account area but kind of worried about my refund.   The last parting message on the screen after cancellation is "you would not be billed again at the end of your subscription period" which will be 1 year later.  And there was no  mentioning of an automatic refund.  Does that mean I have to write again (but how) to request a refund?  Very frustrating.  

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, SamMom said:

Very frustrating.  

Hi.  It shouldn't be hard - contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - use the issue type "Account".  You should get a ticket number to confirm the request has been received.  It may take some days for it to be processed,  but the ticket number means you are in a queue.

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On 17. 10. 2023 at 19:00, PinkElephant said:

Webový klient sa kedysi nepovažoval za zariadenie, ale ako navrch. V roku 2020 sa to zmenilo – preto túto konfiguráciu odporúčame už teraz.

Stále môžete pridávať ďalší obsah jeho zhromažďovaním a následným prihlásením na odber mesačného plánu. Import priečinkov je pekný spôsob, ako to urobiť: Zhromaždite obsah do priečinka, predplaťte si ho na mesiac a nastavte priečinok ako priečinok na import. Toto nasaje obsah a vytvorí jednu poznámku na súbor s názvom súboru ako názvom poznámky.

Uistite sa, že jednotlivé poznámky zostanú o stupienok pod 25 MB – inak ich budete môcť otvárať iba na čítanie, keď sa vrátite do režimu Free.

If you need more devices, you can still make several free accounts and just share your notebooks between them... 
Of course it depends on how user use Evernote, whether he use predefined Tags and Notebooks or not...

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  • Level 5

Sharing in a structure of Free accounts with several notebooks in between them are possible - but who is prepared to spend enough lifetime and frustration should really think about subscribing. It is not easy at all just to balance the upload of new content in a way that the meager upload limits will not be violated. And working in a notebook shared to me by somebody else is not the same, as in my own accounts notebooks.

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13 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  It shouldn't be hard - contact Support through https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new - use the issue type "Account".  You should get a ticket number to confirm the request has been received.  It may take some days for it to be processed,  but the ticket number means you are in a queue.

I followed the link and was able to submit a ticket which was then handled quickly by customer support.  Thank you so much.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi Evernote Team,


I would like to get back my refund for PROFESSIONAL ANNUAL.

I have submitted a ticket yesterday #3835656.




Kindly assist quickly.


Thank you.



Boon Cong [Malaysia]

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