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Turn off Auto Update

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I've read half of the thread then just scroll to the end.

I'm pissed with the frequency of updates.

How about multiple channels with different update frequency?

I'm perfectly fine to update Evernote once per week(optimum every two weeks) but it annoys with a pop up x times per week.

I have no other app  on my Mac that updates this often 😕

thank you

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I'm not against auto-update. I just came to comment about something I encountered today and saw the title of this thread.

Today, the gust of updates on macOS was out of the normal. I've never seen something like this before with Evernote on Mac. The client received three update alerts, almost one after the other. Usually, I install the updates immediately when I see the alerts and don't let the message sit there waiting, so all these updates had to be released in the past 24 hours.

Updates don't bother me, but today's frequency was up to the roof. When I see something like this, I wonder how much testing and QA is Bending Spoons running before releasing these patches into the production environment.

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Windows desktop user here -- had an update yesterday and another today. The release notes reference only bug fixes (many of them rather new bugs) and some of today's appear to be dupes from yesterday's release notes with a few more added on. None appear related to security.

I would immediately update to a Teams subscription if it meant:

  • Access to a stable release channel, with all updates guaranteed to have gone through a thorough QA process, launched with detailed release notes, and rolled out no more frequently than once per month or possibly every 2 weeks (outside of critical security patches).
  • Access to actual support resources that respond and begin working to resolve or explain issues in a timely manner, rather than the who-knows-what's-happening AI chatbot shenanigans and random, "Oh, that's being worked on," posts on various forums that users have been left with thus far.

This would mean tripling my EN spend, but it's a tradeoff I would make in a heartbeat if it meant getting out of the nonconsensual alpha-tester program EN is running and instead getting back to a productive workflow void of buggy surprises and unannounced changes.

If anyone at EN is willing to offer such a service, my credit card is ready.

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Problem is that what’s called a „stable release“ here is nothing like it, but a old status (with bugs) that rapidly looses contact to the current release status.

The solution lies with EN: Not by creating an artificial second release pattern, but by making sure the primary releases are QAed before being put on the ramp.

At least half of the current releases could be avoided if release quality would be on an acceptable level. Currently it’s dreadfully unstable, and I perfectly understand the worries in an environment where the output of an organization depends on it.

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How often would be good for your preference ?

Shall it delay this one very urgent bugfix update as well, even if it means data loss for you ?

Will you accept this „Your notes could not be synced“ message, because the database structure has been changed ?

There is a reason to keep the updates flowing in.

I don’t argue about this - I rather argue that when this is the strategy, update quality needs to be ramped up massively.

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