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4 hours ago, imdaddyfor3 said:

After logging into the app on a Pixel 7 Pro and a Pixel 5, all that displays is a white screen. Logging in on desktop works. 

App version 10.52.1

Same for me (on a Fairphone 4) after finally the red screen bug was fixed :( 

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Having same issue today on a Galaxy S23, with white blank screen on app login. Login on mobile browser (Chrome) and receive this Error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information  associated with it. The document tree is shown below. I use the app all the time and this has never happened. Need some help to resolve.



<Message>Invalid Argument .</Message>

<Details> POST object expects Content-Type multipart/form/data</Details>


UPDATE: Sat July 22nd

Unfortunately uninstalling and reinstalling only worked for a day. I reinstalled on Thurs and was able to use Fri, but white screen is back Sat am on the app when I entered my passcode. As you all know, many are facing this same issue. I responded to my support ticket that the issue returned. Evernote Support, please fix.

Edited by M. N.
Updating with new info.
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  • Evernote Expert

@M. N. I'd suggest you contact support via a support ticket. You say you are using a browser on a mobile device. You could try a different browser, clear your cookies and cache, or try the Android app from the Play Store.

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I don't have this problem on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (Android 13), the red screen issue was solved with 10.52.1 update. This white screen issue doesn't occur at my phone, but what is worth a try:

Go to settings -> apps -> Evernote -> and clear there the cache and/or data.

If this doesn't help, I would re-install the app.

This procedure often helped me (but not with the reds screen issue, but this was solved with the latest Playstore Update)

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I have the same issue desktop is fine but Android (Galaxy A13) shows a blank white screen after inserting passcode. Uninstall and re-install worked, but then I get up today and same problem. Uninstall and re-install has worked again, but this can't be the way forward for a regular user. Any suggestions please?

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The white screen occurs when I login on the app with passcode. (see below). I always use the app. But I also tried to access via login through mobile browser because of issue which is how I received the error mentioned below in post. Using the latest version of the app.


Having same issue today on a Galaxy S23, with white blank screen on app login. Login on mobile browser (Chrome) and receive this Error: This XML file does not appear to have any style information  associated with it. The document tree is shown below. I use the app all the time and this has never happened. Need some help to resolve.



<Message>Invalid Argument .</Message>

<Details> POST object expects Content-Type multipart/form/data</Details>


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Same issue, Galaxy S23 (standard not ultra). Seems to be new with the 12 July update in the Play Store. I run updates semi manually, and the white overlay began appearing for me after passcode entry with that version.

It's impossible to see the three-line menu while the white overlay is in place. Thus the "find your version" advice fails for end users in this case. Settings > Apps shows that it's 10.52.1.

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Clearing cache in system settings isn't an option shown on my Samsung Galaxy 23. Uninstall/reinstall works.

But I can still see part of a white overlay in the app after re-configuring my passcode, which makes this bug merely sloppy and irritating, not a blocker for loyal users.

@M. N. is exactly right about the issue. When I logged in previously on the app, I think I entered my username. After uninstall/reinstall, the app requires the associated email address. I wonder whether someone forgot a case somewhere, and our old usernames are considered invalid upon auth check.

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  • Evernote Expert

This is an issue affecting some users but not all.

The standard first approach is to uninstall, restart the phone, then reinstall being careful to use the correct username/Email.

If that doesn't work then you will need to open a support ticket.

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I too have been getting the blank white page for the past few days. I took "agsteele" the Evernote Expert's advice and reinstalled the app. Reinstalling finally enabled me to access my data. However, a page keeps popping up and interfering with the usage every few seconds with "Client Debug Data" making it very difficult to use this app. Is this, by chance, because I am using a free version? I get the feeling this may go away if you pay a subscription. 😕 Please let me know if anyone is paying a subscription and still having this white screen issue . I want to rule out if this white screen only occurs to non-paying users. Thanks.

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Using Samsung S22 Plus. I am also looking for some solution to this white screen (Android app). Uninstalling and reinstalling works but the very next day, it happens again. Hope a more permanent solution is possible. TIA.

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On 7/20/2023 at 3:55 AM, BEHA said:

I don't have this problem on Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra (Android 13), the red screen issue was solved with 10.52.1 update. This white screen issue doesn't occur at my phone, but what is worth a try:

Go to settings -> apps -> Evernote -> and clear there the cache and/or data.

If this doesn't help, I would re-install the app.

This procedure often helped me (but not with the reds screen issue, but this was solved with the latest Playstore Update)

This solution: clearing both cache and storage data worked for me. Pixel 6a

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Same has been happening to me with Android app version from July 12 on an AT&T Galaxy S22. After putting in passcode/fingerprint all it shows is a white screen.

Clearing cache did not work. Both uninstalling and reinstalling, as well as clearing app data did fix it temporarily, but only for one or two times of launching the app and then all it shows is a white screen again. Plus every time I clear data, I have to do 2FA login again which is annoying.


Trying to submit feedback in the mobile app asks me which app I want to use for it, which basically does nothing. Selecting Gmail brings up an email template with no recipient, selecting Messages doesn't bring up anything, etc. No way to submit feedback in the app.


Trying to submit feedback here on the website on desktop just directs me here to the forums and requires me to upgrade my subscription to get any chat or email options. Unless I'm missing something, there is no way for free users to submit support tickets. Please fix this bug, it's borderline unusable.

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Uninstall/reinstall is only a temporary workaround, as @SikSikWolf said. When the app tries renewing auth (I assume--I'm not testing it fully for free), then the white overlay obliterates all content again.

That is, I had most of yesterday with a functional app after reinstalling, and this morning I have the blocking overlay again.

Paying won't help; I've been a paying customer for years.

Reinstalling daily for a recently introduced bug seems to me to be really poor UX. I guess disabling the passcode would be the real workaround, but I have solid reasons for keeping a passcode in place.

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On 7/19/2023 at 4:07 PM, Kirpiggy said:

Mine is doing the same thing on my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra.  I even tried rebooting my phone.  After the fingerprint sensor pops up for me to log in, all I see is a white screen.  

I've been having same issue last few days and yes it is Frustrating! I have S22 Ultra  and I've tried everything, even uninstalling / reinstalling! I have premium acct and need app to work properly as I needed frequently for work! smh

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In reply to @agsteel:  Thank you so much for your responses, but this is a definitely a systemic problem rather than a user problem.  The EN app was working fine one day and then was not the next.  Like others on this thread, I've deleted and redownloaded the app (I did it twice).  Both times, it was a temporary fix.  The good news is that I can access EN on my PC with no problems; however, I continually get an all white screen when I try to access EN (using my fingerer print or passcode) from my Samsung S22.  I've been using EN for over ten years on a myriad of devices and have never experienced a problem like this.  I'm hoping that the programmers and find a quick fix.  Thank you! 

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My son's Galaxy s22 Ultra still only shows a blank, white screen when trying to open the app. Uninstalling, rebooting phone and re-installing does not help. It's been like this for days. The app works as normal on iphone. There are lots of complaints on the Google Play Store. Hopefully they will push out an update soon. 

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I have the exact same problem as described by others on my Pixel 3 running Android 12 and a paying subscriber to Evernote. Have uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Each time the white screen issue seemed fixed, only to return a day later. Giving up now, because no one has a solution to this widespread bug. 

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Dear Federico,

I trust you are aware of a widespread problem Android users are having with the Evernote app: after authenticating the screen is simply white. There is no solution for this. I, and many others, have found that reinstalling resolves the issue but only for a day or two. Then it returns, making the app completely useless.

It would be a good move on your part to respond to your users on the support site. We are unhappy and frustrated that the new owner seems to be paying no attention to our problems.

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I have the free version and since yesterday I get the white screen after entering my PIN. I have several personal notes but never created a user account. I am afraid that if I reinstall the app I will loose all my notes which are important. Any idea what I can do?

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I think that the post marked as Solution should be unmarked (sorry if that would deprive its poster of credit) because neither clearing data nor reinstalling is an actual solution to the overlay/passcode issue. False hope for new people coming to this thread.

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  • Evernote Expert

Clearly the person who posted the question considered that it resolved the issue for him/her. Only the OP can change their minds.

Meanwhile, please submit a support ticket to add weight to the issue.

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Same problem with Evernote for Android v 10.52.1 in Samsung Galaxy S22+.

Only solution is to uninstall and reinstall the app, but after some hours the problem is back and the app is useless.

Please solve it!

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I have the same issue with my new Samsung Galaxy S22 ultra. Uninstall and install seems temporary solution.  But i saw a note from @BEHA below, and it seems writing fine now. Just wonder if this will permanently fix the issue though.

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Will open a support ticket,  but after clearing cache (didn't work), data and restoring all my preferences yesterday... it's back again.   Come on Evernote... too many releases lately that hose things up!

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  • Level 5

Just for a bit of clarification: those who are experiencing this issue should raise tickets with Evernote support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. These forums are populated with other users who do the best we can to answer questions, but cannot solve serious technical problems, as this clearly seems to be. Addressing "Evernote" in a forum post is not really addressing them; only a support ticket can do that reliably. Google Play reviews may (and probably should) or may not get their attention. But multiple reports of the same issue certainly will.

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1 hour ago, marcus anselm said:

S23 Samsung ultra. Same.

Interestingly I had the red screen bug but not the white screen bug: Samsung Galaxy S23 ultra.

If I'm reading along here: have you all set up a fingerprint or PIN specifically for Evernote?  For example, I don't have that. 

And: I know this white screen problem from other apps that are secured with a PIN, because a login forwarding in the app didn't work well - just as a thought...

Have you ever tried reinstalling the Evernote app but WITHOUT a PIN or fingerprint?

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2 hours ago, BEHA said:

Have you ever tried reinstalling the Evernote app but WITHOUT a PIN or fingerprint?

Sure. I noted it earlier: "I guess disabling the passcode would be the real workaround, but I have solid reasons for keeping a passcode in place."

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  • Level 5

Not sure about the effect (I’m iOS only), but the function can be toggled in the app settings, without uninstalling.

Even if I want the extra layer of security (no idea why, the device as such is secured), I can at least try if it solves the issue temporarily.

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12 minutes ago, S04 said:

Sure. I noted it earlier: "I guess disabling the passcode would be the real workaround, but I have solid reasons for keeping a passcode in place."

That would be helpful to forward this to support (ticket) so that they can enclose this issue

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I agree with @S04, we can reinstall the app without using the NIP but this is not secure.  The only workaround is to logoff/login everytime you need to use the app... As I'm using the free version, I cannot open a support ticket (this is only for upgrated versions from what I can see...) 

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  • Evernote Expert

If this is an issue for those using PIN login then temporarily disable the PIN stuff. If that resolves the white screen then that will give a clear indication of how to recreate the issue.  I understand the need for a PIN. I'm not advocating that users not use the PIN function if they need it.  Just a temporary trial to gain more evidence of where the issue might lie.

Perhaps a full logout/login might be a workaround until the issue is reolved.

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This is the way

I had the problem utilizing the latest build 52.1, re-installed & did not setup the PIN this time. All works as designed.

My guess is that the PIN confirmation screen has something to do with this?

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White screen on Android 13. Twice in last two days on S22Ultra.Had to uninstall and reinstall then redo my note shortcuts, which is a huge pain. I am paying customer for 10+ years. Needs a bug fix BAD!!!!!!

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Has anyone discovered a permanent fix?  I've uninstalled and reinstalled Evernote on my Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra several times.  It works for about a day and then I have to uninstall and reinstall again.  Desktop version works fine.  

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18 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Do you have the Passcode setting in use? Disable this. That seems, for some, to be the way to resolve things temporarily.

Yes but set it off. But when me log in after then 10 second me get this msg :Client Debug Mode

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1 hour ago, PRBo said:

I just uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it works again!

Hope it will keep on working...

Thanks me deleted and reinstalled app is working but after 10 sec it get off with this msg Client Debug Mode

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24 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Do you have the Passcode setting in use? Disable this. That seems, for some, to be the way to resolve things temporarily.

The app gives this msg :Client Debug Mode  likes error page

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I agree with agsteele, I disabled my biometrics and passcode. Seems as if this is the temporary fix, however this passcode is needed for security. So please get out a patch ASAP Evernote, please. 

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18 minutes ago, mh1965 said:

So please get out a patch ASAP Evernote, please. 

It's a users help users forum, you need to add a support ticket so that Evernote staff is aware of this issue

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Same for me, I m using fold 4 and galaxy tab s8 ultra, plus other android phones. Lately when I keyed in password n then white screen came out. I uninstall and then install again, it works for a day, now it went back to white screen again, tech team pls update the Android version. I use my ipad  , no issues at all........ frustrating................

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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

Do you have the Passcode setting in use? Disable this. That seems, for some, to be the way to resolve things temporarily.

Disabling the pin code or biometrics in mobile phones is not only reckless but nonsense.
For paid users who have been supporting the platform for several years now, we found ourselves with a huge increase in pricing and degraded usability. It's not only frustrating; it's ashaming.

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Hi, starting this morning when I log in on my phone app I started getting a white screen. I've cleared cache and data several times. Finally my account popped up but after a few seconds, it switched to an error screen that says Client Debugging and won't let me back in. Also, it no longer requires a password to access account. It just automatically opens when I click on it. So now anyone has access to my notes just by clicking on the icon although just for a few seconds before the client debugging screen appears. I tried to open on my ipad but it pops up and upgrade service overlay and won't let me exit out of the overlay page to access my account. I tried to issue a help ticket but it won't allow me to. Any suggestions? Thank you

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Same with me 22 ultra shame on Evernote for 1. Not having a path were by we Humans can speak to another Human about problems that may arise with their Apps, 2.Trying to communicate by SMS system is bloody useless all you get is computer generated garbish not understanding you and asking you to put it another way. 3. I will be looking for another avenue for my records as soon as possible. 4. There's not even an easy to get to email system to leave problems for a reply at a later time.

Shame Evernote Shame. 

John Pilkington Snr long time Evernote User

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  • Evernote Expert
15 hours ago, CaptRoger said:

Disabling the pin code or biometrics in mobile phones is not only reckless but nonsense.
For paid users who have been supporting the platform for several years now, we found ourselves with a huge increase in pricing and degraded usability. It's not only frustrating; it's ashaming.

I simply pointed to way of accessing the app until a resolution is provided. This is a bug. It had been acknowledged a resolution already being worked on.

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2 hours ago, agsteele said:

10.52.1 (1207729) arrived this morning via Play Store 

10.52.1 is the version from July 12 that fixed the red screen bug (at Playstore Germany since July 19). It fixed the red screen bug, but not the white screen bug. There is still no other version as 10.52.1 available

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The US Play Store now says last updated 24 July, not 12 July as before.

It seems unfortunate (and unprofessional--not industry practice) to have assigned the same version number to both versions of the app. Hope there weren't any other issues in 10.52.1 #1 or #2 that users might wish to report uniquely.

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  • Evernote Expert
8 minutes ago, BEHA said:

10.52.1 is the version from July 12 that fixed the red screen bug (at Playstore Germany since July 19). It fixed the red screen bug, but not the white screen bug. There is still no other version as 10.52.1 available

I think the clue is 1207729

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  • Level 5
13 hours ago, John Pilkington said:

Same with me 22 ultra shame on Evernote for 1. Not having a path were by we Humans can speak to another Human about problems that may arise with their Apps, 2.Trying to communicate by SMS system is bloody useless all you get is computer generated garbish not understanding you and asking you to put it another way. 3. I will be looking for another avenue for my records as soon as possible. 4. There's not even an easy to get to email system to leave problems for a reply at a later time.

Shame Evernote Shame. 

John Pilkington Snr long time Evernote User

Once again, this forum is populated by other users (almost all of whom are humans 🙂). It's not a way of addressing Evernote directly. For that, go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new (also humans). I didn't know there was an SMS contact for Evernote.

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In the last update v10.52.1 (1207729), the configuration option to use a security PIN and biometric access were removed.

I assume that it was causing the blank screen issue, but the solution (removing a security feature) is not what I would expect as a paid customer.


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5 minutes ago, Pablo G said:

In the last update v10.52.1 (1207729), the configuration option to use a security PIN and biometric access were removed.

I assume that it was causing the blank screen issue, but the solution (removing a security feature) is not what I would expect as a paid customer.


It is temporarily disabled:



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When I reinstall, it works, but just until I create the pin/code again. Then, the white/black screen comeback and blocks everything.   😡 And I can't find the temporary files... NOTE:  the web version works ok. 

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  • Evernote Expert

Did you manage to read the explanations earlier in this thread? There is a bug in the passcode function. Get the latest version and Passcode is disabled to allow you to see you notes. For now this choice is no passcode or white screen.

A fix will be along soon.

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Gotta love how they wouldn't just roll back to the previous working version instead of leaving us with this broken mess. I don't even see the option to add a passcode anymore. I sure love having my notes unsecured.

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Disabling the passcode is not a fix to the underlying issue bcoz of security issues to the confidential data, is evernote working on providing a solution wherein passcode option is enabled without any white screen

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Samsung S23

One UI Version 5.1

Android 13


App opens up ok and I can get into notes.  After about 30 seconds I get the Debug screen.

Removed the App and reinstalled - issue persists. 

Please help Evernote.  I depend on you for my business.


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Also having this issue. Since a few days ago, Evernote doesn't do anything when I open a note but show a white screen and a loading icon. I'm unable to edit or even view my notes. How do I fix this?

On a Galaxy Note 9, with Android 10.

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Hi there

I'm a free user and don't use the passcode - only the standard email address and password details. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling - I get two offers popping up to upgrade and then the app goes into Client Debug Mode which I cannot exit without closing the app entirely. The application is unusable.

As a free level user I cannot send Evernote emails or create support tickets so I'm helpless. What can I do please?

App Version 10.52.1


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