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I'm hoping this is a bug, couple nights ago I rewrote a song I've been working on for a while on my phone in a couple hours of inspiration

left it open to start practicing it and ended up putting my phone away before I pressed the check box to say I was done editing


now it's gone

when I next opened evernote it opened an empty new note


this is not the first time something like this has happened but it's by far the most frustrating

is this intentional? is this really how the UI is designed?

or is this a bug?


running latest version of evernote on a Pixel 5

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  • Level 5

Short text: Yes. Only hitting the green check mark makes new content be written to permanent memory. If you leave the app without saving, and either you or the OS closes the active app session, all content not saved it lost. It can’t be recovered.


Long text: On mobile, every app runs in a sandbox. That is a share of the devices memory. It gets dedicated to the app when the app is started , and the app is only allowed to use this allocated space (it is a little more complex, for example because it is a dynamic share, but this is not important here.).

When an app is closed, this sandbox is erased from the devices RAM memory. All data gets lost. 

Because any phone only has a limited amount of memory, it can run out of space it can allocate to newly started apps. In such a case, dormant apps that hover in the background may be force closed by the OS, and their memory allocated again. I think this happened to your EN session. Or you closed it by accident yourself.

As a result, you did not come back to your previous session, that was holding your data still in the RAM memory. Actually EN was completely started again, and got a new sandbox allocated - empty of all previous data.

Hitting the check mark in the notes window reads all changes from the editing window, and writes it to the permanent flash memory of the phone. In the background it then tries to sync this new note with the EN server. Once committed to the flash memory, it is safe from what happens when the app closes.

Not specific to Android, iOS has similar data loss when an app closes (just how it handles memory is different).

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  • Evernote Expert

The save check mark is what initiates a save. So, yes, this is how the UI works. It isn't a bug. I suspect, too, that there will be at least three camps gathering on this. Those that think everything should save as it goes along on mobile, those that want to make the choice when to save or just abandon their work, and those who think it should be a user setting.

At the moment it is what you have discovered. You can suggest a different option via a support ticket.

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Thank you for the detailed description PinkElephant

agsteele -- user setting seems optima -- followed by saving as changes are made
I'll get a support ticket to request the update later

truthfully it pushes me towards looking for a competitive application knowing that any quick thought gathered in a hurry requires me to perform an additional step and any time I don't remember then I risk losing it, I've been a paid Evernote user for many years and resisted migrating because of the library of notes already collected which is pure sunk cost fallacy in action


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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Only hitting the green check mark makes new content be written to permanent memory. If you leave the app without saving, and either you or the OS closes the active app session, all content not saved it lost. It can’t be recovered.

This is not true for me. I can create a new note, put some text in it and then do the force close of the app (without clicking the green checkmark in Evernote app). Then I open Evernote again and for some reason the empty(!) note is opened automatically. I click the green checkmark or press back and then I can see saved note with text. Weird (buggy?) behavior for sure, but I don't lose the content of the note if I force close the app. So for me, your theory is not true. Evernote is auto-saving for me. And I think this is the better/proper way of how the modern app should behave.

EDIT: Don't know how to make video small in the post. 😅

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For me as well, the content is saved without hitting the green checkmark anyway which is a fail safe behaviour. I like it. For me the checkmark "only" ends the editing (keyboard is closed).

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  • Level 5

Tried to log out of the account, close the app, restart the phone, and then open app and log in ?

Sometimes it just takes a full reset - nothing specific to EN, this should be routine with any app behaving out of the normal.

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Thank you for information I'm stop using Evernote. I was using Evernote for last 10 years.
Losing a note you're working for last hour is the worst case scenario, I thing you should focus on new GUI instead of stabllilizing application.

Thank you for your journey and bye 

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