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So, how is everyone handling backups?

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In legacy, once a week, I clicked on All notes, then Ctrl-A to select everything and backed it all up to a new set of HTML files on an external drive. With the 50 note limit, that is no longer possible. 

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  I've seen comment that if you go to the Notebooks page and right-click a notebook,  you'll be able to download the entire content as an ENEX file (other formats are -allegedly- in the pipeline).  How practical that is,  I guess depends on how many notebooks you have and how many notes in each.  As an occasional process it's not bad - but I'm cautious and paranoid,  so I get a daily full backup of my 30GB(ish) database which would be unfeasible using downloads.

Option 2 is to maintain a copy of Legacy and use Backupery.  That's a subscription service,  but -except for when Evernote rocks the boat- it's a seamless way to schedule a regular backup.  I keep a week's worth of daily backups,  then back that folder up elsewhere with a weekly system backup.  (What I said: caution!)  Sadly Backupery are currently stymied on version 10 by Evernote's change to server-based databases and lack of scripting options.  Hopefully that will change!

Option 3 - CloudHQ:  an online backup (apparently) that addresses the account direct on the server (??).  Again a subscription service and I have no experience of how it operates,  but there's this... https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/

Option 4 I guess - and only for small databases - would be to save the content by exporting/ printing to PDF files.

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Yeah, thanks. Just found more information on where/how the data is stored locally. The inability to easily maintain and backup data locally was one of the main reasons that Notion won't work for me. I'll use my current backup system in Legacy, but to go all-in with v10, this needs to be addressed. 

Just when I think it's safe to go back in the water.

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It is possible to tweak the settings and work with more than 50 notes at a time.  I have my settings at 500 notes but I think you can tweak it up to 1,000

However, you could put your notes into a notebook and then export the notebook with its entire content.

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My 12K notes are spread across dozens of notebooks. Neither of those solutions would work for me. Would be interested in your tweak. Is that a registry change?

When I first moved to v10 a few days ago, I needed to move a little over 100 notes, so did that 50 at a time. I was amazed at how slow that move was. Several seconds for each note.

Another reason to keep legacy. 

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  • Level 5*
4 hours ago, dbvirago said:

My 12K notes are spread across dozens of notebooks. Neither of those solutions would work for me.

Another vote for backups using the Legacy product   
I can process each notebook with scripting

I actually have minimal notebooks, basically a single filing cabinet notebook    
The export by notebook works for me  

As you posted, the v10 problem is the 50 note selection limit
- our expectation/hope is this is temporary and will be removed someday   
Also, there's a v10 bug in the html export; links are non-functional for attachment files

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  • Level 5

Personally I don’t run specific backups on EN. I doubt it really adds a relevant level of security over the safeguards of the cloud storage. However since I run legacy on my Mac, and have TimeMachine running, it saves the EN folders as part of the general backup.

When legacy stops working one day, I may have to make a new assessment. It is not worth to do this now, because nobody knows about the features of the current EN client then. Extended export options, scripting, 3rd party backup through the API ?! 

A solid backup feature „of last resort“ like with TM now would be important for me.

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I got Crashplan and added Evernote folder to backup.

As I understand, Evernote is now cloud only so this become irrelevant.

In the meantime I pretend that nothing changed and if CrashPlan backing up, good for him.


Last week googled about Cloud to Cloud backup, nothing meaningful showed up.

My main backup strategy is to pretend I will notice massive deletion and scream on Evernote support team.

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  • Level 5

You could install the legacy client, and save this - separate - database. It is in a distinct place that you can trust to your backup plan.

Just need to open legacy from time to time to update the local database. Legacy can run side by side with v10. What it does not get is new gadgets like Home and Tasks.

A restore would be done through legacy - maybe not without some trickery and the assistance from EN support.

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  • Level 5

My review is:

1) Looking promising, thanks for posting 

2) The annual price tag for a single Premium Backup account is roughly double of what I pay for EN Premium in itself

3) So I would say it depends: If you want to sleep good, no matter what, get the full package of EN + backup for 200 bucks a year. Or don’t …

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  • Level 5

Probably a spelling error, and somebody mixing up the Chinese offspring of EN (long sold and has nothing to do with EN any more) and EN itself.

EN runs AFAIK on servers rented from Google, hosted in Google data centers, operated by EN staff (not by Google). The servers are located in many places, and EN tries to keep the main copy of an users account in the data center closest to his location, to keep latencies low.

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