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How to stop Youtube link reformatting

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After updating to the new version of Evernote, whenever I paste a Youtube link, it reformats the text based link into a Youtube caption with image, removing the original text link as shown below.  How can I stop it from doing that and show the original text based link instead?






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31 minutes ago, agsteele said:

You can then change the options by clicking on the video bar and choosing the display option you require.

The problem is that that the change doesn't seem to always persist so when you come back (even without closing EN) it has reverted to "small preview". I think this has been raised before and I really hope it is a bug which will get sorted eventually.

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17 minutes ago, Mike P said:

The problem is that that the change doesn't seem to always persist so when you come back (even without closing EN) it has reverted to "small preview". I think this has been raised before and I really hope it is a bug which will get sorted eventually.

Not noticed here BUT I don't paste that many videos into notes and when I do I am often content to see the video player rather than a link ;)

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  • 1 month later...

This is really irritating. I document my workflows and have many youtube links in my notes mostly for tutorials and reference. I NEVER want the youtube box to come up. It totally messes up my notes. I'd vote to give us at least an option to turn this feature off.

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9 hours ago, Trevor Low said:

This is really irritating. I document my workflows and have many youtube links in my notes mostly for tutorials and reference. I NEVER want the youtube box to come up. It totally messes up my notes. I'd vote to give us at least an option to turn this feature off.

The answer is given somewhere in another post.. You just need to add a space before and after pasting your link. So



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15 hours ago, Austin G said:

CTRL+Z after you paste the link will remove the inline video preview. 

But also removes the hyperlink to the youtube page and just leaves the plain text of the link. To turn it into an actual hyperlink  (like all pasted links) you have to press enter which reintroduces the video preview!

<space> - ctrl-V - <space> works much better.

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  • 11 months later...
  • 2 years later...

You are late to the party, nobody posted here for nearly a year.

@PinkElephant Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. No surprise though seeing your replies pop up on the forums over the years… Nothing wrong with replying to a post a year later. Today is 2024-09-09 and I am replying almost 3.5 years after the original post. The issue is still relevant for users and has yet to be resolved!


nothing of specific relevance for the issue discussed.

@raphaelseghier suggested using the Legacy version of Evernote, which IS a solution specific to the issue discussed. Evernote worked fine before Bending Spoons v10 where they started adding all these glitter features that just annoy the heck out of power users who want to get work done, not deal with annoying multimedia pop-up windows. I was so happy using the Legacy version, and was forced to update.

As for myself, when I copy and paste a YouTube hyperlink from Apple Notes into Evernote, a YouTube caption with image shows, but the custom hyperlink text that I wrote disappears when I select "View Link As" either Text or Title. Very frustrating!

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  • Level 5
16 minutes ago, logam11 said:

@PinkElephant Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed. No surprise though seeing your replies pop up on the forums over the years… Nothing wrong with replying to a post a year later. Today is 2024-09-09 and I am replying almost 3.5 years after the original post. The issue is still relevant for users and has yet to be resolved!

If you have a problem with left and right in the morning, put your bed against a wall.

Some write epic post here, and never seem to wonder why threads go silent. Maybe they go silent because others thought "Let's take a look at the settings of the app I use" and found this:


Others like me enjoy their own little YT library, without a need to open a Google account and expose their privacy to big "G" on a silver plate. With seeing right away which video is behind the link. And that is - you know it - an achievement of v10.

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If you have a problem with left and right in the morning, put your bed against a wall.

This must be German humor… 🤦🏻‍♂️


Some write epic post here, and never seem to wonder why threads go silent. 

Threads go silent because people give up exasperated that their only avenue is to send a feedback email which almost never gets acknowledged, let alone addressed!


"Let's take a look at the settings of the app I use"

This actually worked! So thank you for saving me some frustration!


Others like me enjoy their own little YT library, without a need to open a Google account and expose their privacy to big "G" on a silver plate. With seeing right away which video is behind the link. And that is - you know it - an achievement of v10.

That is an odd workaround for Google privacy when there are so many other viable methods. I would think that loading the image still embeds more tracking data than a simple text link that I can rename as I please.

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If I look at my PiHole‘s data, there is no other impact than from a direct access to YT.

On the other hand if you have a Google account, your devices are like an open book for them. The account allows to connect all the data points that are more difficult to relate without this aggregator.

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