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Internal Links Have Mostly Changed to Web links


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I extensively use internal links to get from one note to another in Evernote.  I decided to try Windows Beta (from marketing email) and I'm now at v6.17 build 1542 beta and at least half of my internal links are now https://www.evernote.com/shard/......., instead of evernote:///view/.....  This is major issue since now 100's if not 1,000's of my internal links are broken.  And I'm guessing if I try and roll-back to the version I was using, my links will now be permanently changed (saved as they are now - messed up).  WIll that be true?  Biggest mistake I've made, makes we want to dump Evernote altogether.  And I've been using this platform (paying user) for 10+ years.

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Hi.  Sympathies for the problem,  but there is a reason for that "Beta" in the title. We're mainly users here,  but as a subscriber you do have access to Support. I'd suggest you reach out to them.  Meantime don't open any more notes that might contain links.  AFAIK unless you edit a note,  changes won't be saved to the server so your issue should be limited to the notes you've opened thus far. Can you use another device (that's not running the Beta) and check on another note?

This might be a 'display' problem anyway - Evernote won't overwrite the content of your notes unless you make specific changes.  You could try to step back and see what happens... although as far as I know the current beta is something like 6.25 and I'm using 6.18 public...  Did you get your beta from Evernote.com?

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1 hour ago, ddawsonb said:

I extensively use internal links to get from one note to another in Evernote.  I decided to try Windows Beta (from marketing email) and I'm now at v6.17 build 1542 beta and at least half of my internal links are now https://www.evernote.com/shard/......., instead of evernote:///view/.....  This is major issue since now 100's if not 1,000's of my internal links are broken.  And I'm guessing if I try and roll-back to the version I was using, my links will now be permanently changed (saved as they are now - messed up).  WIll that be true?  Biggest mistake I've made, makes we want to dump Evernote altogether.  And I've been using this platform (paying user) for 10+ years.

If you go back to the current version how do things work?

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Are you using the Evernote for Windows desktop beta, or the Evernote Web client beta? The desktop program public version is currently at 6.25, while the Web client beta is at 6.17. It's possible that in the Web client, as @gazumped says, it displays links as evernote.com rather than evernote:///view. IAC, both the Web client and the Windows desktop program (and the Android app) respond perfectly well to links of either form, in my experience. Are you seeing the links failing to operate? If so, in which environment?

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

This might be a 'display' problem anyway - Evernote won't overwrite the content of your notes unless you make specific changes.  You could try to step back and see what happens... although as far as I know the current beta is something like 6.25 and I'm using 6.18 public...  Did you get your beta from Evernote.com?

Strangely enough, the Beta for the actual Windows 10 version (true "Windows" App" was the beta/version I stated in my original post. I could not upgrade any further and still be in the "Windows" App.  But I rolled "back" to my previous version of  This is the Evernote App for Windows 10, but not the WIndows App Store version (hope all that makes sense).  I have avoided going to the Windows Store version because it never was up to par with original (DOS version? lol).  And because I stopped using Evernote (good suggestion, thanks!!!) as soon as I noticed the issue, not much was saved.  So I flipped back(forward...whatever) and will avoid the true Windows App Store version.  Who would have thought they'd mess with those internal links.

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2 hours ago, CalS said:

If you go back to the current version how do things work?

Back to "current" version and all is good.  Just a bit miphed that the Windows (Store) version sucks so bad.  I was thinking... Maybe I won't like the layout or possible missing some shortcut keystrokes, etc.  But never thought they'd ***** with those internal links. wtf? 😉

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18 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Are you using the Evernote for Windows desktop beta, or the Evernote Web client beta? The desktop program public version is currently at 6.25, while the Web client beta is at 6.17. It's possible that in the Web client, as @gazumped says, it displays links as evernote.com rather than evernote:///view. IAC, both the Web client and the Windows desktop program (and the Android app) respond perfectly well to links of either form, in my experience. Are you seeing the links failing to operate? If so, in which environment?

This "update" looked like the version you'd get from Windows Store.  And it changed (at least the Notes I looked at) roughly 50% of the links to evernote.ocm and left 50% the way they were with the evernote:///view... Funky.   So the evernote.com links opened up my browser and displayed the note.  So I'm in Evernote, click on my supposed "internal" link, and it open Chrome and displays it on browser.  Freakin' bizarre.  Stay waaaay away from the Windows Store version of Evernote.  

btw, this beta 6.17 was an App,  And installing it removed my original version.  That kinda suck because long ago you could have the Windows Store version (try it out) w/o removing your original version.  No more Beta for this dude.  Thanks for the assist!

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3 hours ago, ddawsonb said:

Back to "current" version and all is good.  Just a bit miphed that the Windows (Store) version sucks so bad.  I was thinking... Maybe I won't like the layout or possible missing some shortcut keystrokes, etc.  But never thought they'd ***** with those internal links. wtf? 😉

Check.  I’ve never used the store version cuz I never liked the store in general.  Sounds like that was an accidental lucky plan. 

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4 hours ago, ddawsonb said:

Btw, that update also flipped the font in all Notes to Segui UI, which is not the font I use in any notes.  The gift that keeps-on giving! 8-\

Can you go to options and set it back?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love referencing similar notes as well. 

However, this Beta is NOT WORKING the way I would expect.  If you create an 'internal link', I would expect it to open the link in a new INTERNAL Evernote window.  Instead it opens in a web browser.

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27 minutes ago, DTLow said:

Instead of tacking onto an unrelated feature request, I moved your post to the beta forum

It's not just a beta thing.  Used to be if I clicked on link in the reminder email the note would open in the desktop app.  Not so much anymore.

Question for me is has EN eliminated or intends to eliminate the capability to create links to be pasted in other apps that will open in the desktop.  Or is this an accident?  Used to be the browser intercepted the link via some cookie or whatever that EN set the first time you click on an EN note link from an external app, before you got to the web software per se.  Or that is how it appeared to me.

Would be a shame if the ability to create note links for use in other apps that open the note in the desktop.  Step backwards.  If the feature is to remain it would be great if they just added open in browser and open in desktop options as opposed to the do I or don't hold down how many keys to get this done.  KISS method.

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12 minutes ago, CalS said:

Used to be the browser intercepted the link via some cookie

This redirect is controlled by Evernote web   
The cookie got dropped with the New web version; it can be restored by downgrading to the Previous version

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