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Find & Replace



Pretty simple, why wouldn't there be a Find & Replace feature? For example when you change your nomenclature for something. Apologies if that's already been posted somewhere - haven't seen it.


Also I've gotta be honest, Evernote's got a great mission but their product development teams need to be closer to the customer - coming from OneNote (because Microsoft is scrapping OneNote 2016 in favor of a much-watered-down version) there are just a lot of very simple things I can't do in Evernote that go a long way in making notes more readable and comfortable e.g., adjusting margins, adjusting line spacing

I do Consumer Insights research for a living, understanding customer use cases, their journeys with a product, and designing products to align with those, and maybe I'm just not in Evernote's target customer profile/persona, but this product feels very poorly optimized, particularly given how long it's been on the marketplace

Reducing feature sets to keep an experience simple makes sense when your product has a single, narrow use - that makes it simpler and more natural to use - but in a case like note-taking software where you're dealing with a large number of diverse use cases and customer personas, features and customizability create a more positive customer experience, allowing them to 'see themselves' in the product.

If you improve the product, I suspect you'd be reaching a much larger customer base - I know a lot of team leaders and project managers *not* using Evernote to organize their files/still jerry-rigging MS Word and XLS, in fact I have yet to encounter Evernote being used by anyone I know personally or anyone at the companies I work for...

Sorry for the diatribe, I just want a better product **and I'm more than happy to pay money for it** Tell your Head of Product.

Hope that helps

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Brilliant idea the searching and replace though all of your notes, I was looking for exactly same thing.

About DTLow questions of if it should replace inside documents... I am assuming that he is referring only to plain text or at least that is what I would expect but if they are capable of implementing such a complex tax and offer it as options it would be awesome but... I doubt they will develop such a powerful tool.

I also agree evernote should

On 9/14/2018 at 7:03 PM, ryn said:

Also I've gotta be honest, Evernote's got a great mission but their product development teams need to be closer to the customer

Completely agree, another great idea. People should come to this post and thumbs up so they can hear us finally. 

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How the hell does Evernote NOT have this feature?!?  The developers have clearly made a conscious decision not to include this simple, obvious feature.  The question is, why?  

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On 9/14/2018 at 10:03 AM, ryn said:

Pretty simple, why wouldn't there be a Find & Replace feature? For example when you change your nomenclature for something. 

Is this a specific device/platform?
Are you asking for find&replace within a note or across notes?

My  notes contain files of different formats; PDFs, Office/iWork documents, ...
Should  the find&replace cover the attachments as well?

>>I know a lot of team leaders and project managers *not* using Evernote to organize their files/still jerry-rigging MS Word and XLS

MS Word and Excel are the standard format for business documents
I use Evernote to store and organize my MS Word and XLS documents.   Also PDFs
- Evernote works well with PDFs and office/iwork documents
I heard the count was over 200 million accounts; not clear how many of them are team leaders or project managers.  I know Evernote plans to expand into the business environments

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Find & Replace within a note (Mac version) is really needed. The current 'Search' feature isn't really helpful, because with CMD-G, the found text is highlighted but not selected. The text cursor remains at the original position. Also you cannot see very well which piece of text is actually found, because the highlight-border looks the same on all selected texts.

All-in-all does it look like a programmer started this, but never finished it.

Screen Shot 2018-10-19 at 14.04.43.png

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On 9/14/2018 at 7:59 PM, jefito said:

The Evernote Windows client has Find & Replace option for individual notes (Ctrl+H)

Very annoying thing about this shortcut is, 

0. It does not allow multiple notes, so you have to go 1 by 1 in the most annoying way:

1. I Ctrl+h, intro word, but pressing enter doesn't work, you have to go to the button with the mouse.

2. Go to next note and the dialog box disapear, you have to press Ctrl+h again, no problem but.

3. Text has disapear, you have to input the word again, and again, unless you use the paperclip.


Not very friendly user from my point of view.

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If it is sliding, why bothering to vote ... ?

Or maybe we can play a game: Listing simple, user friendly features found in EN that are not to be found on other platforms vs. those missing. In the end we sum it up and look whether we are in a positive or negative range.

In general I am against deductions like „Oh, this little thing that crosses my head is missing, so that must be all ***** !“

P.S. +1 from my side for the proposal, which is „add a find & replace“ function. 

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5 hours ago, BPBear said:

Failure to include simple, user-friendly features like Find & Replace is one reason Evernote is sliding into the abyss.

OMG, the sky is falling!!

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On 3/27/2020 at 2:34 PM, BPBear said:

Failure to include simple, user-friendly features like Find & Replace is one reason Evernote is sliding into the abyss.


12 minutes ago, jjjchens235 said:

I also think that find-replace feature should be part of the functionality, it's such a simple, but essential feature, I wonder why it's not there.

You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion   
This request currently has 7 user votes

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The Ctrl+H option does work for the desktop download version. I haven't tried it in the browser version, or the Android version as of this time. Across multiple selected notes would be a very nice feature, I agree. The margins options and the line leading and kerning would be awesome.

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