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Everything posted by idoc

  1. Yes. It does work. Before your trip you need to make sure that your notes are locally stored. This is a somewhat annoying process where you need to keep the active screen of the ipad or iphone (or whatever you use) open as you download the data to your local source. In my case I de-activated the feature that turns the screen off and I selected the notebooks that I wanted to download. You will see a little icon which indicates which notebooks are stored locally. You can google the specific instructions (it's very easy). It does work.
  2. I don't understand what you mean by "lucky you". It's not a matter of luck. If you are using a modern version of windows, the updated version of EN (10.77.3) and the proper extensions of the web clipper for the browser that you are using then you should have the exact same experience that I have. I use this stuff on 3 different computers in 3 different places and they work the same way everywhere.
  3. I think that your characterization of EN as not doing anything really well is unfair. I use EN as a contact manager, as a depositary of tens of thousands of my pdf and excel files and as the place where I keep all of my home and business statements for the last 15 years. I search through these every day and find exactly what I need. I have exported about 20,000 faxes into EN from Hellofax (a virtual fax service I use in my office). I clip voraciously from the web and many other sources and collect them seamlessly in my EN . I can find every little thing that I"ve ever clipped in this way. I organize all of my many trips entirely in EN by naming, tagging, backlinking, indexing etc. When I travel I no longer bother to bring travel books because I have everything I need from many travel sites all collated on EN and accessible on iphone, ipad etc. I share work information and ideas with my employees through EN and post tasks and other things into notebooks that they access. I use EN tasks and reminders in conjunction with my Gmail. It's more than enough for my needs. In short, along with some add-on programs that I pay for (Acrobat, Excel, Hellofax etc) I find that EN pretty much handles my entire personal and business needs in a very comprehensive fashion. Nonetheless, I do admit that all of this takes some effort and requires constantly molding it to your workflow. The reason why I can find everything so seamlessly within EN is because I use rigorous naming, tagging and storing conventions that works well with the way my brain works. Bottom line: I could use 10 different programs each one perfectly designed for its own things, or I could use EN which isn't perfect in any one thing but can easily be adapted to do all 10 quite adequately.
  4. Something doesn't seem right about your description of what you get when you clip. Many of us have downloaded the web clipper for Chrome or Firefox or whatever browser you happen to be using and it puts a little green elephant in your upper right browser. In my case I have assigned my own key combo to activate the built in screenshot feature and this is simple and works extremely well. When I activate it I see a little crosshairs and I can capture anything in front of me by simply dragging it around. Alternatively, if I want to do something fancier I can click the little green elephant in the upper right of my address bar and this opens up the webclipper which gives me more options (such as multiselect, simplified article etc). Either way works very well .
  5. In my case I store all of my 10,000 notes in 7 notebooks. So I can quite easily create a backup enex file of each notebook and store it in Gdrive or Dropbox. It takes me about half an hour to do all 7 and I do this every few months. Some people have a workflow whereby they've created hundreds of notebooks and this would be quite cumbersome. Backupery is probably ideal for those circumstances (I tried it but I was just as quick doing it myself with 7 notebooks). In retrospect I'm glad that my workflow relied more on naming conventions and tagging rather than hundreds or thousands of notebooks.
  6. I am not seeing this when I try the same thing. I exported a note containing a pdf file to html and I could see the name properly And when I open it I see my original pdf
  7. Since this does not seem to be a generalized problem with other users I assume that it's simply some kind of unique set of circumstances with my setup. I'm done with trying to analyze it. It's probably wasted a dozen hours of my time. The solution is simple ie: before I update the app I simply copy everything in my import folder into another folder. When I do that nothing gets duplicated.
  8. If you are running Win10 or 11 you should gravitate to the new Evernote v10. Yes, there will be a learning curve but I think it is worth it. EN v10 has removed some of the simplicity and even some valuable features of Legacy. There are lots of posts here about how much better some things worked under Legacy and overall I was very happy with it. On the other hand, there are a lot of excellent things in v10 that were not available with Legacy. Also, v10 moves seamlessly between iphone, ipad, desktop and even online EN. This was not the case with Legacy which was a mish mash of different platforms that appeared and behaved in different ways depending on the device. I move effortlessly now between all these platforms. Likewise, I embraced the Tasks feature of v10 and have incorporated it into my routine. Also, the search features of v10 are a little bit more slick in that you can more easily use filters to really refine your searches. Other nice little features such as backlinks and the excellent web clipper have been quite useful and work much better on v10. There are a few things that v10 has messed up but I've found that there are usually ways around it and none of them have been deal breakers. IMHO there is nothing currently better out there.
  9. This is true. However, it is what it is and it's very unproductive to keep bemoaning something that is obviously on its way out. I loved Legacy and I struggle with v10 but I simply had to move on and figure out how to use it. It has many advantages over Legacy but there is no question that a lot of good stuff has gone.
  10. Thanks for your help. I’m surprised that there aren’t more people that are upset by this. My entire workflow deals with files that I place in the import folder. It seems illogical that I place a file there so that i can see it in my inbox, adjudicate it (rename, tag etc) and then move it to another notebook….only to see it bounce back to my inbox. And even if I delete it from there it bounces back again the next time I update. Just madness. I have now created a second folder called Add to EN 2.0. Before every update I will move whatever is in Add to EN into this holding folder. In this way the main import folder is virginal when an update occurs. By the way- nobody at EN to discuss tickets. They send back canned messages only.
  11. The above post was premature. The Revo uninstallation did not solve the problem. However, I am honing into the actual problem and it may be different. If I save a pdf file to "Add to Evernote" which is my import folder, then that file goes directly into EN desktop. For example, I have a file called 129319 Hyundai which was saved to the Add to Evernote folder on my hard drive. However, once I see the file in EN I change the note name to "Ioniq 5 Hyundai 2024" and move it out of my inbox and into my Home folder. However, the next time the program updates I see that the original note "129319 Hyundai" has re-appeared in my inbox. I now have to delete that duplicate note. It will keep re-appearing until I go to the hard drive directory and delete the original pdf. I do not recall this ever happening with Legacy and I always had the same workflow. Somehow this workflow (saving files to the import folder, changing the name of the note, re-assigning it to another notebook) is causing duplicates.
  12. So I can confirm that using Revo uninstaller seems to have helped. After doing this I was able to update the version a few days later and to my delight the duplications did not occur. I am dealing with EN at both home and office so I can only hope that this situation remains the same at both places. But so far, so good. Thanks for the recco.
  13. Thanks. Am using revo uninstaller right now and will report back as to how it works.
  14. I It's immensely frustrating and it's guaranteed to happen every time the desktop window app upgrades. For example, right now I have 25 notes in my Inbox (my default notebook). If I update the app I will then see that there are 40 or more notes in the Inbox. Those will include the 25 legitimate ones and another 20 or so that appear out of nowhere. Those zombie notes will be notes that I have dealt with before ie: tagged and put into other notebooks. When they reappear in my Inbox they do not have the tags (which is one way I can tell that they are zombies). The next time I do an update I will be more methodical and try to figure out what is the rhyme or reason they are coming back ie: could it be something in my "Add to Evernote" files, are they all notes that contain pdfs, are they all coming from one notebook etc. I pay for two accounts with EN (both personal) and have filled out 3 tickets over 3 months. No response as of yet. By the way, I have not done a Revo uninstall and reinstall. I did a normal uninstall and reinstall (didn't fix the problem).
  15. Every time I update to new versions it creates numerous duplicate notes which then takes me a half an hour to sort out. I've posted on this before and contacted EN but no solution so far. I would prefer to not update until major updates are released. However, I noticed that when I close the program or the computer it automatically does the update when it comes back. I looked around in the settings and could not figure out how to disable that. I think that many of these updates are fairly minor and can be safely ignored until a more major update comes along (not sure how to tell exactly).
  16. Yes. Import folders. For example, if I have a pdf file that I want to save I will save it to "Add to EN" which is a folder that sits on my C:drive. The pdf will appear within an EN note in my Inbox. I then tag that note and assign it to another Notebook. However, when I do an update the same note now appears again in my Inbox. So now, there are two notes ie: the one that has been properly tagged and put into another notebook, and this new untagged one sitting in my inbox. This is maddening because often when I look in the inbox I can easily eliminate many of the duplicates immediately; however, some of them I'm not sure about and therefore have to check if their twin actually exists in another notebook. The whole process easily occupies 20 mins of my time each and every time I do an update. I'm pretty sure that the entire problem has to do with import folders (possibly related to the fact that there are two computers and each has their own import folder).
  17. I use EN v10 windows desktop both at home and at work. In both places whenever I want to save a pdf or doc I use "Add to Evernote" and it saves it to a folder on my local disc. However, whenever I update the program I notice that duplications are occurring ie: the same files that were placed in various notes, tagged and moved to various notebooks are re-appearing in my inbox as new notes (I posted about this elsewhere). I opened two tickets about this with EN and nobody bothered to respond (despite having recently doubled my annual fee). I suspect that the entire problem has to do with how v10 is seeing and importing information from these separate "Add to EN" folders into the program. I never had this problem with Legacy. The annoying part of this is that it is happening all the time now since EN v10 is updating several times a week. I've consciously tried to avoid doing the updates but every time I close my computer down it automatically does it the next day when I start it again. Then once again I have to go to my inbox and start weeding out all of the nonsense notes and files that have re-appeared there. Anyone else experiencing this? I was considering removing or renaming the "Add to EN" folder every time I do an update so that I can fool EN into not seeing it. Haven't tried this yet but I assume it could work?
  18. I think this is the critical point. For example, I have lots of notes that have information about "Hawaii" and "Beaches". When I do a CtrlQ it brings up only one note ie: "The 30 best Hawaiian beaches". However, there are dozens of other notes that deal with Hawaii and Beaches but those search terms are buried within the notes and they don't appear unless I do a global search. In fact, I have at least 5 tags with the term "Hawaii" and none of them showed up on the "Hawaii beaches" search. However, if I do a CtrlQ for "Hawaii" I do get results which include all my Hawaii tags (but not the note with the beaches).
  19. Excellent suggestions. I can see how this could be useful. I'm intrigued by the suggestion that perhaps it learns what to present by observing what you're searching for. I experimented with this by conducting a specific search many times and then seeing if that search result appeared higher in the list. The list of results seemed identical every time ie: even though the term I was searching for was #10 on the list, it remained at that same place no matter how many times I searched for it.
  20. Seems very random. I was looking for a note that is in my "Contacts" notebook which has some details on Evernote. If I do a Ctrl-Q search it just gives me the first 10 search results (which is not helpful). If I instead select the first item (which is the tag "evernote") it gives me 37 results. However, the note that I am looking for is still not there. If I go to the last item "search for evernote in Notes" it gives me all 82 items but I can now filter with tags or other things and get to the note that I want. So still not sure why ctrl-Q is such a popular feature for many of the users here. Seems rather hit or miss for me.
  21. Not entirely sure what this actually does. It seems to summon a search bar and a limited droplist. Seems like going to "Notes" and then doing a search of that search term is more helpful. For example, here is what I get when I use ctrl-Q and do a search of "Evernote". It gives me at the very top a way that I can switch to all the notes that are tagged with "Evernote". Underneath that are 10 notes in various notebooks that have "evernote" in the title. At the bottom is an option to search all of my notes. I am trying to figure out why this presentation is useful and under what circumstances this is better than simply going to "Notes" and doing a search of "Evernote" (see the screenshot underneath the first one) Below is what I get when I just go to Notes and search for "evernote". Pink shows up as the first hit! Why would I use Ctrl-Q and get such a limited set of results when I could get all of the results doing it the other way?
  22. I am a paying user and over the last 6 weeks have opened two tickets with Evernote help support (same issue). I have not yet received any directed help other than a canned message. Over the years I have reached out to them a number of times and they used to provide personal support. Nonetheless, the help provided by this forum has always been better than that provided by tech support at EN. In fact, a handful of experts here on this forum (we all know who you are) could substitute for the entire EN tech support department.
  23. I paid to upgrade him to a personal account and the problem was solved instantly. Now he can create notes on his end, I can create notes on my end and we can both collaborate without worrying about any 50 note limitations.
  24. My friend needs to have more than just 50 notes. We both need to be sharing notebooks which have hundreds of notes. I think the only option would be to get him a personal account so that we can collaborate on our projects together without being limited in any way. I think that with the current annual discount one can get a personal plan for about $100.
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