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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I keep pondering which of the missing features that I need. For me there are just two things that don't work and significantly affect my workflow. Import Folders and the associated stuff connected to scanning. So far I haven't found any other application I could switch to which would provide me with those features. Other stuff that I'm missing at present is announced as being in the pipeline so I should, eventually, be content with the new EN - at least resigned to having lost the one thing that is truly useful. But I have easy workarounds. In the meantime, because v6.25 is retained to allow parallel working I get the best of both worlds. I do think that this roll-out could have been better managed and presented. Perhaps announce v10 as a public Beta rather than a full release. A clearer communication of what is being worked on, what has gone for good, and what might be kept if enough folk make a case. I also realise that re-launching a product like Evernote which is mature in its market means that there are thousands of users all doing things just a bit differntly and the changes don't work for any of them. For some things like the position of the TAGS dialogue it isn't a major issue. I've already found the habit of looking to the bottom left corner. I'd have kept it top left but it isn't a big deal. So I think I'll probably be staying with Evernote only because nobody else offers what I'm missing. I have my life invested inside Evernote and shifting to OneNote/Notion/Nimbus/Joplin etc will all give me more work to learn and develop new workflows. So I might as well stay where I am and take short-lived pain of transition made easier by having both versions running side-by-side. Of course, YMMV.
  2. Yes, I could do that... I was hoping that the automatic upgrade issue that existed in the Beta phase might have been resolved...
  3. @gbarry Some 15 hours since it was announced and v 10.1 hasn't appeared for me. I recall we had some issues like this with some of the Previews and Beta releases. I don't recall the solution. Help | Check for Updates just says that I have v10.0.1 and this is the latest version
  4. You might get better help in the web forums rather than these Windows application discussions. I guess that there are folk over in the web area that know about web stuff. Hope you find success.
  5. How do you find Joplin as an alternative to EN? I found the use of Markdown to be a significant hindrance for me.
  6. It may be useful for those who wish, to know that the limit of selecting 50 notes can be changed to, as I recall ,1,000 notes by editing C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\config.json amend the line which reads "multiSelectionLimit": 50, I would agree with the inevitable clamour which will say that this shouldn't be necessary. Perhaps it won't be when the promised ability to change 'Options' arrives. It is a workaround for those that want to try it out.
  7. THere was a lot of canvassing for the retention of Import Folders but these were announced as being dropped during the Beta phase. Then there was discussion of restoring the function after a lot of testers said how important it is. So far, though, no sign of the function.
  8. This is possible... But not so intuitive as previously... You have to decrypt the text, make changes and then re-encrypt.
  9. Those of us who've been part of the Beta testing have been speaking up for a number of the functions that have been missed in this release. Notably we pressed for the Import Folders (since this also impacts on the scanning options as well), the ability to use personal shortcuts (perhaps using some form of local settings/options), a sync button (which gives a reassuring function although since the new sync is supposed to be instant it shouldn't be necessary but sometimes is), local folders, plus many other more individual use cases that still seemed to be important. The ScanSnap scanning requirement that is mentioned will only work using the ScanSnap Home software (not the the older ScanSnap Manager) but this is apparently (and as noted above) not working well and requires firmware upgrades for the old ScanSnap for Evernote scanners. It is quite possible to have the older version of Evernote (6.25) running at the same time as the new release. This is exactly what I have. This allows me to use the new version whilst still providing the ScanSnap scanning that I have used for years and Import folders. I have disk space and processor power available so running both versions isn't a big deal for me. If I had to choose one version or the other then I'd be sticking with 6.25 for now. As it is I can explore both worlds.
  10. THis type of issue can also arise where you have more than two devices trying to sync. A typical cause if where a BASIC plan user changes their cell phone. They install the Evernote app on the new phone. Now they have three devices registered with Evernote. The old phone, the new phone and, for example, a desktop computer. However, as there is a limit of two devices plus the web browser one of the devices stops sync-ing. Just my luck that it isn't the old phone. So it could be worth checking you don't have a no longer used device still registered to your account hanging over from your days on the Premium plan. You'll have to check that in the web browser.
  11. Hi @notetakeingguy I'm not sure you will find it easy to roll back to an earlier version of Evernote unless you kept an installation program from back before Christmas. There have been a number of 'updates' since this issue first appeared. Like, you I found double clicking on the PDF an intuitive way of opening a document embedded in a note. Right-click | Open doesn't seem quite as simple. But I have become used to this and it comes as second nature now. This is an 'improvement' that doesn't seem likely to change anytime soon. At least the alternative option is still two clicks away.
  12. There has been a change in the PDF engine in this release of Evernote. I think Evernote now has the Google PDF viewer embedded instead of the previous FoxIT viewer. A number of PDF functions have disappeared - presumably because the Google viewer doesn't support it. Nobody is saying why the change has been made but I doubt that the missing functions will return unless Google happens to build them into its viewer or Evernote reverts to the old FoxIT engine.
  13. Actually, I often feel this about IT service businesses. I could recount many examples of a perfectly good product being changed for a largely worse incarnation. Evernote doesn't feel that different. I am often left pondering what question or issue the change answers. It wouldn't surprise me at all to discover that the change in the PDF stuff has been driven by an increase in cost of the licence fees paid to FoxIt for the old viewer or the new Google PDF viewer licence represents a cash saving. Then it is presented to the end users as an improved interface when it is evidently nothing of the sort - just different... A start-up can easily be responsive to its customers. As the business grows the powers-that-be inevitably start to believe that they know what customers want...
  14. A good observation. I have to right click| select view as Attachment | then drag and drop to whichever location I require. As you noted elsewhere... sub-optimal
  15. right click, scroll to Open is the least bad solution for directly opening in your default PDF program. right click, scroll to view as Attachment is still the option to switch to Attachment view within a note.
  16. My default program for PDFs is and remains Adobe Acrobat. So this offered solution isn't a fix for me. I have the same experience as @TdeV and @CalS I'm resigned to the right click, scroll to Open approach.
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