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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. We're mainly other users and mostly subscribers here - if you want to give Evernote your feedback, use feedback@Evernote.com. For individual issues, contact Support.
  2. Pretty much exactly what you did - keep Evernote open when you disconnect, otherwise you won't be able to log back in... that needs a live internet connection. And if you do change notes offline, the changes are saved locally so they will update when a connection is available. Searching, unfortunately does not seem to be available though...
  3. Some queries affect everyone and its impractical to give personal feedback. 1st line's purpose is to suggest what they can, when they can, so that hopefully users can fix themselves.
  4. I have the impression that Evernote and iPhone are not friends at the moment... feedback@evernote.com or contact Support if its an ongoing issue.
  5. Evernote may not think that "Offline" means the same as it does to us... The official details are here, together with a link to Support if you need it... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005917-Access-notes-offline
  6. I think you need a certain number of posts (300+) to get the option. Some of us have other choices too... I nuked that user (and then had to take the sneaky link out of my reply quote too!) Feel free to DM me if you see something off about any posts...
  7. This is not an Evernote thing as such - I'm actually having trouble with another app at present, which will hang for a while... then Windows pops up a window to allow me to end task things. Or if I choose to wait a little longer, I might wind up having to open Task Manager myself, then find my rogue app, and nuke it from there. However this tweak allows you to 'End Task' from the toolbar icon when necessary. It's part of the Developer settings in Win 11. Full details here - https://www.zdnet.com/article/this-secret-windows-11-setting-lets-you-kill-unresponsive-apps-much-faster/ And yes, if Evernote decides to hang...
  8. Sympathies with the situation, but... Important change #5 - tell Evernote: we're mostly other users here - feedback@evernote.com
  9. Hi. I can think of a few ways to (mostly) do this already, including (On a desktop) copy and paste your text into a new note and add a link via '@' copy and paste text to new note via email copy text and use the '/' command to create a new linked note Adding a new command just adds more menu items and only saves a few keystrokes...
  10. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Please only post here with issues, fixes or (polite) rants - random observations just get you noted as a possible spammer or bot... https://discussion.evernote.com/guidelines/
  11. Hi. Annotations working for me (Win 11 / EN 10.104.2) - try signing out and back in / system restart / clean reinstall.
  12. Hi. Mainly user-supported forum here - try Evernote Support for more information...
  13. -Or you could use the web version for 99% of the features and set the installed app preferences to not maintain a local copy of your database for the other 1%.
  14. I posted that more than a year ago and I see the votes went up by 70 since then. See https://evernote.com/blog for what else has been happening in that period...
  15. I'd agree - I looked into Teams a while ago, but it seems to me there's a ton of extra administration that's totally not required for less than 6 people. If it's just you and your boss using this, can you share more about why tags are so essential? I'd have thought a lot can be done with notebooks and moving notes around -vs- changing tags around. Mind you mass-moving notes might have it's own issues when syncing between two accounts! As I said, more changes have been suggested for sharing - they should be announced soon. I wouldn't make any hasty decisions just yet...
  16. ...and strangely I've had a free test account alongside my subscription since forever and have never been locked out for any period - I just read and follow the messages on screen. There's no 'plan' to delay user access or force payment - just a free account with specific rules about access.
  17. Nope - I had the usual autotext and replied to that, but I've heard nothing since... The change does seem to be by design - although I can't think why or how it helps. It's still possible to share with editing (and inviting) rights, so the note has to be synced to all accounts. I guess some work-arounds are possible by including keywords in titles or note content - but I'm not sure how effective searches would be in shared notes... I seem to remember there being issues there too! Evernote has been trailing a new feature with users able to share more easily with non-users - maybe we'll see more when that rolls out.
  18. Have you contacted your bank or card company to ask them to reverse the payment?
  19. I had a brief attack of that yesterday on a Samsung S10 and 10.103.0 - it only took a second to get back to the toolbar. Today I can't seem to replicate the issue. Odd.
  20. Daily notes are just that - a record of thoughts and what happened on one specific day. Tasks list things that needs to happen and will continue to exist until the user decides otherwise. Just use the correct tool for the job. Feedback your preferences to Evernote by all means (mostly just users here) but I wouldn't expect them to change anything...
  21. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Please only post here with issues, fixes or (polite) rants - random observations just get you noted as a possible spammer or bot...
  22. Hi. See other threads on this topic. Offline currently seems broken for iOS. We're mainly other users here. Contact Support to tell them you have an issue - they should be working to improve things.
  23. If you simply want to backup your data - https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup
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