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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I also email into Evernote and my connection is working fine. I'd suggest you contact Support (which we're not) so they can take a look at your account and it's email connection. Are you having any trouble syncing your account? Emails go to the server, so need to be synced to individual devices.
  2. Hi. A single user (I believe) could create up to 600K notes, because the Business account has a higher limit, but also comes with a separate personal account for each user. I'd strongly recommend against going the Business route though, unless you have a few colleagues to share with. A Business account requires as much administration as a website to allow users to access individual notebooks - you'd probably spend at least as much time on access admin as you would on using the notes. It would be more sensible to use one Premium account until you start approaching it's limits, and then - if necessary - create a second account to continue adding notes.
  3. Hi. Kind've by definition the Evernote note title is plain text. If you're looking for some way to convert Rocketbook entries into Evernote notes, I'd guess it ain't ever going to happen - but you need to create a separate feature request to suggest it. If that's not what you're suggesting, please give more information. This thread is about copyable OCR'd content. I think it's still the case that Evernote's server based image OCR is not copyable as text, while searchable PDF files do contain text.
  4. ...what @PinkElephant said. I use Freeplane for mind-mapping and attach JPG views to notes from time to time. If you check out the menus on your Mapping app - they tend to be rather detailed. Imagine adding all that to Evernote's menu structure!
  5. It's not exactly a surprise that web-based applications are affected by the speed of the web connection...
  6. ...and how about creating separate notes then merging later? Seems to me it would complicate the menu options - each time you create a new note you'd have to choose between 'add to existing' or 'new note...'
  7. Hi. You're posting in the Evernote Windows 6.25 forum but I'm guessing your message is about the new v10. If it is, it would be better to make your point in the 'Feedback' section for the new version. Any changes that might result are not going to be on a short timescale, so the standard advice would be to install and use the Legacy version for the meantime at least - which I see you already know. Evernote rarely respond to individual posts here, so I don't think they'll conference with anyone - this is, by the way a mainly user-supported area. Direct contact with Evernote is via the Support link on the web page. If you can confirm which version of Evernote you're using, someone can move this post to the appropriate area.
  8. In an ideal world, with a stable, established (and reliable) product, it should be possible to set up an FAQ to onboard new users with minimum fuss, backed up by a more in depth user manual explaining how to do everything. Support agents would be properly employed using their skills for unusual events and crises. However. Over here in the real world, where dozens of different factors affect whether or not something is working, and users are connecting through a host of different devices, it's virtually impossible to document everything. Especially if you just launched a completely new version of your app. Even where the developers have taken the time to write down how to use their particular widgets there can be communication gaps - in that 'obviously' everyone will click this before doing that so things work as expected. However some users (who clearly didn't go to the same logic class) inevitably click that first, so they can do this - and chaos may ensue.. Trust me, I've been there, done that (from both sides). I still remember the user I personally supported over several conversations and much testing on my part who eventually said "Oh! I didn't realise I had to actually type that dot in my name...". (It was a while ago...) No users were harmed at the conclusion of that conversation, though I did kick a desk. I am still part of a chat group where after more than a decade former colleagues share similar (and suitably anonymous) horror stories about their nightmare support calls. Somehow every tech firm has to weed out the basic queries that are down to unfamiliarity with the process or software, lack of tech experience by the user, and would just end up with a support agent repeating the same mantra over and over. (See: my standard "this is a [mainly] user-supported forum..." comment!). So stuff gets posted as FAQs and help pages, and the company distances its support team as far as possible from direct human contact. That's now a matter of general practice on the Internet. I agree its an efficient use of the support agent's time (and avoids the boredom of repeating simple fixes) - but it does rather pass the buck to the user. As @aukirk points out - while it's possible to pick up some useful tips over time (partly why I still haunt the forums here), it does mean that the user has to invest a lot of time to learn how to use new software and deal with any hitches. I wound up raising a ticket with Bitdefender today because I'm using their free AV app as a trial. It was blocking 'threats' coming from one of my cloud storage providers which stopped me logging in or downloading any files. I wanted to set up an exception for the URL and a local folder, but found I could not. So I spent a happy hour or so looking for confirmation that a) I was doing this the right way, and b) whether the free app should allow me to do that. I hit the manual, the website, the forum and all points in between. Support came back in an hour or so with one line: "you don't have that option in Bitdefender Free..." - which it does not say in the app! (Brownie points that they also said - "check that it is a false positive before you allow more access". More support queries to cloud provider follow...) "AI" may change the game a little - I'm already seeing chatty little bots bouncing around onscreen offering help - although the limits of coding still mean that the most common response is "I'm sorry, I didn't understand that..." It's a shame the human element is taken out of the equation though - my human dotty friend forinstance taught me to listen to tone of a support call as well as the content. If the caller sounded as though s/he didn't know much about tech, things got a lot more basic. "I can't send email" might mean anything from "I'm using the wrong app" to not being connected to the network. Not easy for someone with limited knowledge to find the correct solution to their problem - you need to know 75% of the answer to ask a coherent question. Happy days. Glad I don't have to do that sort of thing any more... ☺️
  9. In v10 - if you go to the Notebooks page and check the three dots menu (or maybe right-click the notebook name ??) you should have the option to export one notebook at a time. If you install the Legacy version there are more options to download copies. CloudHQ and Backupery can automate that process for you. https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/
  10. Hi. Who did you pay? iTunes? Talk to them - but restart your system first... it can take a few hours to update after payment.
  11. Hi. This is a mainly user-supported forum, so your chances of reaching a dev are... likely to be delayed. The team do read the forums, but there are a lot of posts!
  12. Hi. Where was the group notebook saved? In your account, or someone else's? If it's owned by someone else, you need them to share it with you so you can copy it. And no, you can't download random notebooks from Evernote.
  13. Evernote no longer supports local notebooks. The upgrade process helps you convert them to online notebooks. If you didn't do that, install the legacy version to get them back... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  14. This isn't Evernote Support and employees don't (usually) deal with individual questions. We're a (mostly) user-supported forum. And the answers to your query are in the two posts immediately above yours. If you have any other questions, we'll try to help...
  15. Hi. Sadly 6.25 is never going to see any updates now - and v10 is currently a little basic, but might see some spellcheck improvements eventually...
  16. Hmmn. Well - you can either keep searching for a fix, which will take an undefined amount of time, or you can live with the issue and find a work-around. I have a LOT of notes, so tend to get false hits a lot in my searches - I just keep on adjusting titles and tags so that I can exclude incorrect hits and/ or force include the correct ones. It may take some weeks, but you should be back to more ordered search returns fairly quickly... Remember you can also search for tag:<keyword> and intitle:<keyword> to exclude words in the body of the notes, and use dates as well as search terms to narrow things down.
  17. One would be ill-advised to do this, since Evernote export options do not include notebook information. This thread already covers the ways to export notes for backup, and @DTLow's post above shows you what the option looks like. If you're not seeing this, what's your OS?
  18. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-driven forum - though Evernote staffers will drop by to read content from time to time. We're definitely not support - thought most of us have used Evernote for years and can usually offer some (sometimes) helpful suggestions. It can take a while. If we've not experienced what you're going through though, it's hard to suggest a fix. I don't think that a search for "<word1> <word2> <word3>" (including the quotes) should also find individual words, even if they are tags. It might be an idea to turn off the child tag option - which you'll need the Legacy version to find since v10 doesn't have too many options yet... ...and look at that; you wait for days and two answers come along at almost the same time... 😊
  19. It's also possible to search for shared notes with sharedate:* in the search box. If you get a number which is much higher than you expect, you should definitely raise this with Support - I have a ticket running with them over some of my notes which -when I used the new client- I saw as 'shared' for the first time. Turns out the Legacy app also shows them as shared, it's just not as obvious. Needless to say I know I didn't share these notes... There are no actual 'shared to' email addresses on my notes, but they all do have an active public address which means that anyone with that address could theoretically view the note. Since I haven't sent the URL to anyone AFAIK they're still private... If this sounds like your case, mention ticket# 3274637 and this thread in your report!
  20. Hi. They didn't. Go to the Notebooks page and right-click from there - you can export the whole notebook.
  21. 😊 Don't wish to add more intimidation here, but I use (as I may have mentioned before) links to jump between Workflowy (in my case) and Evernote, and back again. It's pretty seamless to use the two together; leveraging WF's ability to create and find list items really quickly, and Evernote's storage and display capacity for files and their content. I really don't mind whether or not Evernote adds Workflowy's abilities - I'm probably too invested in my current process to want to change. Others are welcome to use them when (and if) they're available. We're unlikely to get any reassurance from Evernote one way or the other until the feature is available. Meantime if you really REALLY need text collapse, there are alternatives out there. If you can wait until Evernote develops and releases the feature (and in fairness it may already be in the pipeline somewhere), then please stick around. BUT comments about the desirability of this feature in the meantime are just going to be random noise - Evernote will do this (or not) when it fits in with their schedule - if their various user focus groups agree with the need for it. Just sayin.
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