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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You're commenting on a 2 year old thread dealing with a previous Evernote version. Tables generally work - what's your device, OS and Evernote version?
  2. I agree that with the browser and the app being so closely matched on features it's difficult to call, but for me the app has a slight edge. Hopefully they'll get around to the production version soon...
  3. To be fair I currently have around 370 notebooks, most of them in one stack. Using Legacy I can multi-select remaining notebooks on the Evernote Windows Notebook page and via the 3-dots menu to the right I could move them to a stack.
  4. Sympathies - took me an age to qualify too. Don't know how they make decisions - maybe try Support?
  5. Hi. Try a screenshot instead? Or look for a 'print' option on that page - which usually simplifies the layout and makes it easy to clip. There are so many different ways of coding the visible elements on a web page that Clipper is not guaranteed to be successful. To suggest an upgrade please supply the URL of the original page to Support.
  6. Hi. Notes can't be moved into a Stack; only notebooks. Right click a notebook name and choose "move to Stack..." I'm not sure whether drag and drop works yet for bulk transfers...
  7. Applescript support was discontinued with v10's launch 2 years ago, so they're probably not still mentioning it. Legacy still supports it...
  8. Hi. Contact Support* - meantime try signing out of the app and back in (if/ when it loads...) restarting your system uninstalling / restarting / reinstalling from Evernote.com * These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  9. OK - if @PinkElephant's suggestion doesn't work, try the nuclear option: use Revo Uninstaller Free to zap everything connected with Evernote (it reaches the files other uninstallers don't reach) and restart, re-download, reinstall.
  10. Yup. I'm using 6.25 on Windows, and 8.13 on Android (both pre-legacy) plus -no choice- v10 on Web. I also dipped a toe into v10 on Linux Beta. Evernote is still an unparalleled catch-all for files, clips and email although I continue underwhelmed by v10's speed. Like you I'm hanging on in hopes of improvement, while looking around for options. Some new betas look promising, though the actual costs are unknown until a production version is launched. It would be enormously expensive for Evernote to revisit the 'old' versions now, so I think all hopes depend on further development of v10 finding a 'go faster' button they missed so far. I've seen at least one report that Legacy works on Windows 11, so it seems like I'm safe for as long as Evernote leave Legacy operational. I guess we'll see what the rest of this year brings...
  11. Hi again - there's no need for a different laptop. All you're doing is temporarily extracting the notes from an old database while offline and then going back to your current database. Your phone shut be shut down anyway if you're using the desktop version of the app. When you log back into the app on the desktop you should have your existing account plus one or more 'new' notes that you have imported from the old account. It does seem a lot of work to go to for the sake of one note - you might want to contact Support (I'm just another user here) to see whether they can suggest something different, or maybe recover your note for you. It is also a risk. Your current notes could overwrite the data in the old EXB file and remove any chance of recovering any old data.
  12. Evernote is a pretty complex package that can do a great many things. The easiest way to ease into using it is probably just to pick one project or a topic - a recipe library, a record collection, researching a book - and work out how Evernote can help you with that activity. You'll quickly learn how to create and index notes, add tags and meaningful titles, use notebooks and Stacks, and -maybe- share some of that with others. To help you along the way, there's a good database of "How To" information from Evernote here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us These User Forums will (usually) answer any questions you might have about the best way to do something (though there may be different opinions to choose from!) https://discussion.evernote.com/ Some companies offer 'quick guides' like these... https://www.harmonenterprises.com/evernote-v10 https://access.wearethegreywave.com/eqs-2021/ -And Internet searches will turn up plenty of other tips and videos to help.
  13. An EXB file is a Legacy Evernote database. Be careful if you open that with Evernote while connected to the internet. The best way to locate the note you're looking for is probably to extract the notebooks contained in that database into ENEX files that can be imported into your account individually. You'll need to install the Legacy app for Windows if you've not already done so and wait until your existing database has been rebuilt. Extraction should be as follows (according to Support in 2016...) To export each notebook into a separate .enex file using the pre-v10 apps and the full database EXB file, use the steps below: 1. Rename your old Database file to "OLDDB.EXB" (to differentiate it) 2. Sign out of Evernote: File>Sign out 3. Select: Evernote>Options>Open Database folder 4. Drag and drop your OLDDB.exb file from your desktop into your database folder. 5. Exit out of the database folder window 6. Select: Ctrl+Shift+E while viewing the login screen. 7. Select "OLDDB" This will create a new folder on your Desktop that contains a separate .enex file for each notebook within that account. Log in to your account, and open the notebook .enex files to import them into your account. The .enex files will preserve the existing tags on notes. This way you can avoid corrupting your existing database and simply import the ENEX file for one notebook, which will allow you to check for the note(s) that you specifically wish to import permanently.
  14. Hi. Try uninstalling and re-downloading the lastest update from Evernote. Re-install and start over...
  15. Hi. If you're searching immediately after importing the page, the search index probably hasn't had time to update. It should work if you give it time.
  16. Hmmn. That's probably not a good idea... If you can still see your old note (or part of it) on another phone, I'd say the only option would be to screenshot the content and save that image to your account. I can't begin to guess where the information might be stored, and I'm pretty certain that there won't be anything more left to retrieve. You could try Evernote support via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps but it's a very long shot.
  17. Hi. Notes are not normally retained on a mobile device, they are synced to the server and saved there. Any new device connected to the account should be able to see all the notes stored there. If your note was not synced to the server, it exists solely on the original 'phone, and if you still have access maybe you could email that note to your account. I'm not aware of any process that would split a single note from the main account, or erase its content permanently. Deleted notes revert to the Trash notebook and note history (if you are a subscriber) will allow you to step content back in time if necessary.
  18. Hi. We're mainly just other users in this forum, so you might get more feedback in a while, but in general you are right that the mobile apps can be slow. If you have specific issues, raise a support ticket - otherwise Evernote Developers will read your comments in due course, though they won't respond directly.
  19. Hi. You understood that Evernote allow you to drag one note onto another to create links between them? No typing, no clicking, just drag. If you prefer something other than the note title as a link, it should be possible to edit it as required.
  20. Hi. Device / OS / Evernote version? And possibly a screenshot of a test note plus the PDF result? I'd also suggest reporting to Support (which is not us - mostly other users here...)
  21. If I were moving away from Evernote, my strategy would be to leave most notes in place. It's another place to search, but there's no point moving hundreds of old notes unless they're going to be needed. Anything to do with ongoing actvities I'd move across as and when needed by printing to PDF file / exporting to HTML / exporting to ENEX (if there were a suitable importer available) / or plain old manual copy and paste. Just build up a new database elsewhere, until the 'old' Evernote data is no longer required...
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