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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Well at least you got to publish your cry from the heart, although I have to tell you - you're not alone. I've been cancelled by Adobe, Netflix and a couple of other major names through expired cards. Most companies seem to expect users to be able to pay their fees on time, and react badly when a transaction fails. Given that such companies - like Evernote - have a huge number of users, the number of fails on any given day is probably quite high so an automated downgrade / cancel is their only viable response. I normally get at least one cancellation before I work out that the darn card has expired again, but its usually pretty easy to rejoin / revive membership. In fact with Evernote you have instant access online to change the payment method and make good on the amount due, and get back to your account within an hour. Don't know why that wasn't possible in your case. Anyhoo - all water under the bridge I guess. Have fun with OneDrive. (Or did you mean OneNote?) PS - we're not Evernote here; just (mainly) a bunch of other users. Bye.
  2. I'd suggest contacting the 'contacts' app if things fall over - they may have been using an access to Evernote that has since been closed. If you create a note containing your contact details and add a shortcut to that note to Evernote you could jump to the detail whenever you wish - or include a direct link to that note in the task note...
  3. Since we have no information about your level of IT experience, your workflow, your devices and their location or network connection, that'll be your opinion then, rather than some final judgement. I'm still using 6.25 too, and I have no great incentive to change - though I just got a new desktop so I am going to try v10 there. It may or may not stay, depending on whether I find it useable or not. Either way I wouldn't presume to impose my judgement on anyone else. Best advice to anyone about any software is 'see whether it works for you'.
  4. I think that post was an in-joke on my post mainly for us five-stars. An amazing number of ex Evernote users still seem to find time to come back and point out the many drawbacks of the system and how they're doing so much better with <insert your third party app of choice here>. Since commenters here are mainly user / volunteers, all this extra traffic is usually about as welcome as a rainy Sunday. I have nearly 60,000 notes built up over 12 years or so, and while Evernote - like any other software - can be a royal pain at times, it's still working for me. I'm about to dive into Windows 11 and version 10 however, so my opinion might change. If it does, all you'll get of future me will be the green smoke drifting in the wind... That being said, as regards posting whatever, there are a few Forum rules - about constructive and helpful comments for the OP, general civility and sticking to the subject, but within those terms, feel free to comment away.
  5. Would you like me to move this to the Feature Request forum to collect some votes in support? There've been no further enquiries (that we're aware of) for 6 years or so, and Evernote are hardly likely to be looking to enhance Clipper in this way anytime soon. If there's a sudden flood of support then maybe they'll revisit the idea...
  6. Except that it is possible to Disable ALL shortcuts and (depending on the operation) replace one or two with keyboard macros or third party extensions, or Modify shortcuts to have unused key combinations ?
  7. Any URL for this discussion? My clipper doesn't have a shortcut - I need to select it from my toolbar. Which shortcuts would you like to keep? You're not getting out much these days are you. Tried Windows recently?
  8. Hi. Well, templates is now a feature, but resizing images is really an image editor type of thing. And 'sub notebooks' has been requested for 12+ years - so why you'd expect any action in that regard in the forseeable future I am unable to see...
  9. Thanks @Dave-in-Decatur for the thoughts. I'm a (very) old-fashioned unrepentant dinosaur in that I'm still using 'legacy' (actually the last public version of Windows 6.25) mainly because I know how that works. There are plenty of drawbacks, but at least I know where they are. Plus I was limited by my hardware: a 5+ year old Dell laptop as the primary tool, and a 4+ year old Asus -now running Linux- as a secondary. Neither one is what you might call 'nimble', or able - I would imagine - to give me a reasonable performance running a resource-hungry app-within-an-app. I've now acquired (Heaven help me) a new top of the line Dell Desktop running (gulp) Windows 11 which is in process of being connected to my workspace peripherals - various displays, scanners, external hard drives etc. There's going to be (I suspect) a smidgeon of Learning Curve in my near future and some of that is going to be Evernote v10. I'll still have the laptop for backups and any other occasional bumps in the road, but I figure I have to make the attempt. As it happens, and because - all due respect to Evernote - I'm here to get my stuff done, not support one particular app regardless of its performance, I already have an exit strategy planned. If v10 is (still) as big a House Fire as some say (and this will be on primo hardware) I will be OUT. End of. Back to free user status, read-only notes and a new home somewhere else. Because - as I said somewhere else recently - if an app works for me, I'll keep on using it. Until I find something better. (Rasczak's rule...) Would you like to know more?...
  10. Me either. If you have a problem with one of the pre-assigned shortcuts, you stop all of them. it's pretty easy to create other options for any other shortcuts that you actually use. Why is it such an issue for you specifically?
  11. No bugs involved. I did scan through your note and wonder why you were making such a big deal of something that works fine for me - and then I noticed one short line I missed... Many things don't work so well inside a table, and it's quite possible that code blocks is one of them. Maybe type your code outside the table cell? The reason this hasn't been 'fixed' in over a year is that no-one else raised the issue so it's hardly going to be something that Evernote spends a lot of time investigating unless / until there's more interest. You could raise the need for code blocks in table cells as a feature request, or as a bug by contacting Evernote Support which, by the way, we're not.
  12. The obvious choice here is: if something works for you - keep on using it. If it doesn't - don't. No rocket science required.
  13. HI. Interesting, but I have no clue why this should be the case. If you can live with the oddity - keep on using the domain that works for invites. If not - report to Support.
  14. Hi. You mean other than selecting the same text and copy/ pasting it into a new note? No.
  15. Hi. As @PinkElephant said nearly a year ago: (that's how busy this thread has been) If you create a code block you get a window with a couple of empty lines so that you can type your code inside that window. To type in 'normal' text afterward, just type below the code block To resume quoting code, add another block To extend the code you have, got o the end of the previous code and hit keep typing. I don't understand why this is difficult.... and AFAICS there isn't anything to fix.
  16. Which shortcut, which clipper, which browser? (And which OS, Device etc...)
  17. Hi. It may make a difference that you're sending out from the domain - he's receiving via your business server; and you don't know what sort of spam protection might exist on the server. Can you send from another domain?
  18. Hi. Device? OS? and are you really a Teams user?
  19. A quick online search for that error turns up lots of similar issues in many different apps - pretty safe to assume it's not Evernote-related; just tha access via VPN occasionally confuses authentication servers - hence the 'access denied' bit.
  20. Hi. You're correct that this is the way Evernote works. It hasn't changed recently AFAIK. The designers may have thought it good practice to avoid unlimited tags being added to new notes without any checks. In the actual app, typing a tag 'bank' will automatically pop up any word starting that way, so avoiding you creating several variations on the one tag (bank / banks / banking / banked) as well as avoiding odd typos like 'bnak'. You could try a Feature Request, but I doubt there would be much chance of a change
  21. Hi. Uninstall Evernote and restart your phone / re-install. Then log into Evernote again being careful to use your original user details. If you still have missing notes, report the issue to Support (which isn't us).
  22. Hi. Use a 3-column table and paste the picture in the centre cell?
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