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Posts posted by gazumped

  1. Hi.  Payments and activations are outside the scope of this forum - we're mainly other users here.  Support do still exist,  but they have been completely buried by queries for months.  I'm confused that you're unable to get into the accounts - non-payment should drop the service to 'free',  from where you can still re-subscribe and regain full access.  Are you using multiple Teams accounts?


  2. 1 hour ago, Alessandra said:

    I intend to use Evernote or equivalent entirely offline for several weeks at the time

    Hi.  I'm jealous of your sailing trip,  but I'd recommend finding a different app than Evernote.  It's more an online than offline app and without some fairly technical adjustments you won't be able to backup any work for a scarily long time.  I'd suggest something that saves to local storage - and that you take an external hard drive as backup.

    You should be able to recover some performance by uninstalling your current app with Revo Uninstaller (which zaps bits that Windows doesn't reach) and downloading the current version from Evernote.com - we're up to 10.88.4

    • Like 1
    1. Hi.  If you're not a subscriber,  your iPad access counts as another device.  If you have access on a different device try checking how many are currently registered to your account.  https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action
    2. The 'forgot password' link will send you a password reset email.  If you do have access to that address,  that's fine;  if you don't - you need to contact Support.
    3. You don't need to log out of support - just close the page when you finish with it.
  3. Hmmn.  I would respectfully disagree with my colleagues slightly - you MAY have a way to extract all your notes (including local ones) on a Windows device without being logged in to the account.  The easy option would be to extract your notes on an old system if it is still available.

    This is a very old fix detailed here - https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/99531-importing-notes-from-exb/?do=findComment&comment=429209

    If you don't have a working system to use,  you need to locate a copy of the legacy installation file online.  It's not advisable to load vulnerable software from a third-party site,  but one such repository is here: https://filehippo.com/download_evernote/history/

    You will not be able to log into the app - server access was disconnected a couple of months ago - but according to the post above,  you should be able to add your existing EXB database to the newly created Databases folder and extract notes to ENEX,  one file per notebook (including your local notes).  You can then either import them into Evernote permanently,   or add them temporarily and re-export to HTML or PDF as a local database.

    Once you're sure the exercise has worked you can then delete the legacy installation - it's no longer possible to log into the app.

    If you do try this please let us know if it works - there may still be other legacy users out there who could need a lifeline if their access is terminated and they did not think to make a recent backup to ENEX.

    EDIT: -and if that doesn't work,  the EXB file format is a modified MySQL database.  File viewers and database managers are available which may help you rescue your data.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, dannydu said:

    uploading enx files to a notebook is causing a 'untitled image' issue , the images seem to appear , but after a few minutes they all appear as 'untitled attachments' 

    also merge of notes causes this as well..

    I'd suspect the import of new elements that - presumably - integrate with other system features like task management and thumbnails, requires some processing time - possibly on the server - before they're fully available in the note.  Although I've had some 'untitled' experiences,  they've all sorted themselves out after a while.

  5. 7 hours ago, pansovic said:

    This used to be how it worked with the Legacy version.

    I don't remember things working that way - seems to me that before you hit the limit with Legacy it was possible to create local (unsynced) notes,  then transfer them to the database once the limit refreshed;  but if you hit the limit it was then impossible to use the app at all - users were effectively locked out.

    "Local" notes are no longer available but given that the monthly upload limit is now 10GB for personal and 20GB for  professional,  you may be able to upgrade your account for at least one month for increased access,  or (if the issue is not urgent) you could apply to Support for an extension,  or just save your content as files for the time being,  and transfer them to an Import Folder when the limit resets.


  6. 52 minutes ago, Grant837 said:

    I am not sure what you mean when you say that is what local backups are for?

    You wanted to ensure that you "always have access to this important database of my life" - and backups will provide you with the basis for this - even if you have to import the content to another app to actually use it.  AFAIK Evernote still use Google servers for storage,  so "losing access" would require a Zombie Apocalypse - or at least a collapse of the internet. 

    Requiring access to your data with all of Evernote's features though,  means running the app;  and doing that securely IMHO means having access to the constantly-updated and infinitely greater resources of an online server,  rather than your simple,  basic PC.

    There still seem to be some hopeful individuals running Legacy on their own system,  which (again IMHO) seems to me to be like crossing Niagra on a tightrope - a sneeze couid ruin your day. 

    It's equally possible to run v10 offline for a while - but I doubt there will ever be a 'stand-alone' option.

    That's just my opinion though - who knows what Evernote has in store?

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, Grant837 said:

    if I link from a section to another note, or a section in another note

    Hmmn.  Good question!  I just borrowed a link from one note by copying the table of contents entry at the beginning of Note A and pasting it into Note B.  Now,  when I click the link in Note B I get jumped to Note A with that bookmarked section at the top of the page.   Note that I get jumped to the heading only:  it is not automatically opened to see the content.

    While this seems insanely useful at first glance,  I can't think of any practical applications yet...

  8. 5 hours ago, Grant837 said:

    I really always have access to this important database of my life...

    I think that's what local backups are for.  If it were possible for users to log in while offline,  and a copy of your saved database files fell into someone else's hands,  they could have ample time to try defeating its security.  

  9. 4 hours ago, pablovs said:

    they should communicate it to me in that way, and not say that my password uses words they do not consider secure

    Hi.  Evernote had something in the hundreds of millions of users,  and Bending Spoons has more...  I don't think a polite exchange of emails is a timely way to deal with anything perceived as a security issue...  Unless you specifically request it however,  there is zero oversight of your note content in your own account.  (Other than,  if you are particularly conspiracy minded,  your friendly neighbourhood intelligence service). - All bets are off,  of course if you share content with anyone...

  10. 7 minutes ago, mackid1993 said:

    If you open a stack, not a notebook all notes are shown rather than just the notes in that stack. 

    How are you opening the stack?  If I click the stack in my Notebooks page I see a listing of all the notes in all the notebooks in that stack.  In one recent case I had 152 notes in 6 notebooks in one stack,  and saw just those notes,  not the 60K+ others in my database...

  11. Hi.  Thanks for your comprehensive report,  but this is a public forum and you have disclosed information above that you may want to remove for security reasons.  We're mainly other users here,  so don't have any control over Support,  but if you have a Support reference - a Ticket number - and can quote it here,  we can ask a Forum Admin (an employee) to contact them for you.

    I don't know whether any of the attached information will be relevant or useful,  but see also:


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