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Everything posted by CalS

  1. It's a use case thing for sure. I looked at most of the alternatives for my use case and none stacked up to V10. But then V10 did not stack up to 6.25. So I opted to roll my own as reported in these forums. It is a combination of MEGA, Directory Opus, WorkFlowy, and Windows Search with AutoHotKey for streamlining. Not for everyone.. I exported all of my 57K notes in December. I've been tweaking it since and am approaching the same level of productivity I had with 6.25.1 as muscle memory has developed. I keep checking the forums to see if V10 begins to achieve the speed and UI productivity of 6.25. I might return if that were to happen. Meanwhile I keep a basic account, just in case. 🤷‍♂️
  2. Well if they seize they shouldn't be able to read anything, not that there is that much worth reading in the first case. Don Quixotes abound in the world!
  3. All things change. A couple of tweaks to my new way of doing things. I reexported my EN data by notebook by year. More manageable in Directory Opus. Still do searches at the root which are fast. Big deal, I replaced OneDrive and BoxCryptor with Mega. OneDrive (or BoxCryptor) would run the CPU for a minute or two for any file change, turning on the fan and the rest. Mega has end to end encryption, syncs very quickly without consuming resources, and has a better IOS app in my view. Much smoother and my entire repository backup is now encrypted. Other than that things are working well for my use case. I think I am done diddling, I hope I am done diddling. Still coming back once a week to these forums to see if something big happens. EN is a friend I can't quite let go of. 🤷‍♂️
  4. Haha, not sure I am ready for the dark side! IAC, issue does not seem to be my old decrepit docked X230. Windows 6.25.1 runs circles around V10, at least pre 10.32. Again, my use case. My new method, cobbled as it may be, does the same. There’s more to performance than hardware. Half of the performance issue for me are the extra clicks and lack of easy access to shortcuts. And last I checked complex tag searches are still an issue? Some saved searches don’t work in the current browser version anyway. Not good for me. I’ve said it before, 6.25.1 spoiled me. Neither ugly nor pretty but fast and UI friendly for my use case. No search lags whatsoever with 57k notes. V.10 scuttled that. V10 may get there someday, hope so. No emotion here, it just is what it is. Okay, maybe a little sadness…. 😉
  5. Unfortunately not everyone has shared your experience @agsteele. ☹️
  6. It can be done. I did not want to switch but was forced to as the new EN was not working for my use case. I completed the conversion this past December. I keep a Basic account running 6.25.1, rarely used to date. I also visit the forums from time to time to see if any significant improvements to performance are implemented as I would not mind returning if my use case were better supported. 🤷‍♂️
  7. Hey Christian, Operative term is "accidental". Not a major issue for me as I didn't delete that many notes. I did empty trash in a rote fashion every day or so though. Backupery made taking backups painless. In all my years with EN I used the ENEX backup less than five times to retrieve an oops . All times I had unknowingly fat fingered the delete. Frankly not 100% sure it was worth the effort, but I was able to get the notes back. 😊 And ENEX was in my view the most effective way to backup local notebooks, not an issue in today's world.
  8. ENEX backups are also good for retrieving accidentally deleted notes that have been purged from trash.
  9. I think it does well for reminders and note taking. It is lightening fast on all platforms, search and date search included, though I only have a couple thousand "nodes" at this point. . It is very easy to access on whatever platform. It has some nice shortcut features for navigation. It is a bit pricy for what one gets, but what's ten or twenty bucks in the scheme of things? The trial program is full featured. You can use links to access files. I opted not to as links to local files don't work well in a browser. Since most of my work is on the desktop if I have a follow up on a document I copy/paste the document name into WF. Then I have an AHK which copies the line and transfers control to Directory Opus and does a filename search. So browser on right screen and DOpus on left screen. Directory Opus has become my EN for searching documents. Any of the searches I used to do in EN I do in DOpus. Point being it will take more than one tool to replace EN. I am a bit uncomfortable appearing to proselytize, not my intention, in an open EN forum. If you have any specific questions feel free to DM me. Though that's only a step better.
  10. The web per the above in the last week or so. The desktop in the last 2 or 3 months. Two elements of speed for me, app performance and UI. I’ve always had a small test Basic account. To test both I used it to model a setup with my searchable data repository someplace else and my notes/tasks in EN. It just did not work for me on either speed condition. Just too many clicks and the update lags. YMMV. As I have said before I was so spoiled by 6.25.1. And no doubt that memory has jaundiced my view. 🤷‍♂️ I DO miss the clipper though.
  11. I tried this but V10 was still too slow and kludgy (so many clicks) for my use case.
  12. I switched my tasks to WorkFlowy. It's a lot like Ecco in that it is an outliner. Works on web, desktop and mobile. I used Ecco extensively back in the day as well. I also use WF for note taking now. It is useless when it comes to storing documents. WF has a smart date entry process of sorts. Start typing a date or date reference (7 days for example) and a popup with the date appears and then tab to accept. It plunks the underlined date in the line. Date searches work well and some are language based (today for example).. They can be saved. YMMV
  13. Appreciate the sympathy. The handwriting was on the wall when V10 was introduced, not a speedy platform nor one that scales well in today's world. Hence my extrication and move to my home baked solution in December. For sure a move not for everyone, but it is working for me. Understand on Edge. Mox nix to these forums, but Microsoft has been a pleasant surprise for me the past few years. Could not stand their products other than Office. Now their browser and anti virus are reputable, maybe top tier on any given day. I guess money and intent make a difference. Hopefully EN stays a positive place for you and your data.
  14. New Edge. Gave Brave a try and it took about 5:15, so about the same amount of time. And about 15 seconds on a second pass. Log out and log in leads to the same lengthy startup. 🤷‍♂️
  15. Thought I would do a quick check using the browser, Edge to be specific. It took five minutes to load EN the first time. Thought I would try a second time, and it took 10 seconds or so to load. Not good but not that bad. OTOH, I had a saved search for intitle:searchz, a note that contained different searches I did not use that often. It took 4.94 seconds to display the note in the browser. In 6.25.1 there is no lag for the same search. In my new method where I exported all notes to windows folders there is no lag for a searchz search. Maybe the new desktop works better but the browser continues to be pretty slow, slower than I might expect for a get things accomplished browser app. Then again I am probably an outlier re EN usage. Speed is critical to me and I was spoiled for so many years with the stout performance of EN 6.25 and its forebears.
  16. How long before updates are represented in search results? This was a problem for me as it was a PITA when working with reminders, the waiting for searches to be accurate post a change. Important when you manage lists.
  17. There was a Windows hack back in the day to to turn off EN access to the internet for a set period of time. It was used to prevent sync induced slow downs when one might be doing heavy mods of any sort. Worked well with the local DB of the day. Might work in this instance. It’s on the forum someplace.
  18. Not making any whose is better than whose points here, just explaining my use case. Three quarters, 44.5k, of my notes were PDFs and forwarded emails. Another 4.3k were web clips. These all fit well for the HTML strategy as they are static. I had 1255 phone log notes which are basically table based. To accommodate call logging going forward I created a Word template which is a click away. Any phone logs I create now are searchable and display in the preview panel of Directory Opus, and frankly better as there is far more editing power. So for sure use case begets the strategy. My largest notebook was 31k notes, the others were 10k, 6k, and 3k. There was a 7k folder I exported but did not put in the search folder set. It is a pain to open the largest folder as there is a load time. Fortunately I don't do that as my searches are at the "All Notes" or EN or after EN level. Utilizing old tags as need be. YMMV for others.. Just found something out, thanks for the trigger. I had a couple hundred TOC notes. Some of the links in those notes open the link in the preview window of DOpus. Some open the link in the EN desktop app, I assume the opening in the window is due to all the notes being in the same folder. Interesting. AMEN! 100% agree.
  19. Different strategy for me. I did not intend to edit any of the EN data. Tables in notes were the exception and I moved those to Google Sheets. I just wanted EN data to be searchable with my go forward data. Lazy use case perhaps, but HTML by notebook seemed like a simple solution not requiring massive editing to current notes. I add about 500 to 600 documents per month on average. When you export by notebook to folder duplicate notes get a number appended to the resultant file set. Only four notebooks for 50 k notes helped. Thus far if I click on an EN link in one of the HTML files the note in 6.25 EN desktop opens. Lucky, I suppose. In any case this all proves that there are multiple ways to exit EN if one really has to, use case demands and all that. Version 625.1 is still the best product sort of on the market IMO.
  20. Thanks for the detail. Funny, HTML was a boon for me, saving me from my poor practices. I exported all my notes to four folders, after a couple of missteps. With windows indexing/search I can access poorly named PDFs via the HTML file. In addition, all EN tags and source links in notes are searchable as well. Glad you got yours sorted.
  21. Mox nix. I know the horse left the barn when EN opted not to include local notebook features in V10. Point is searching local (confidential) and synced notebooks concurrently in one place was a benefit of old EN. Hence the angst for some with use cases different than yours. It is what it is. 🤷‍♂️
  22. Upside to local notebooks in old EN was the ability to search across all notes in one place.
  23. Hey, not my first choice, I just couldn’t find anything on the market that worked for me. At least I got my data to standard formats (PDF, HTML and the like) in a standard file structure in the process.
  24. I posted my solution further up this thread. My use case with EN for 12+ years was paperless, second brain and task management. Going forward I wanted to have access to my data on multiple platforms with an effective backup. As a Microsoft 365 user OneDrive was the logical place to put the paperless bit. Windows Indexing works great in creating a searchable data base of that paperless, very fast searches. BoxCryptor dynamically encrypts the sensitive data that makes it to the cloud. Directory Opus is a powerful replacement for Exploerer enabling saved searches and views. And finally WorkFlowy fulfills notetaking and task needs. And the OneDrive and WorkFlowy apps on mobile. Definitely a stable of products to do what I used to do with 6.25.1. But now a couple of weeks after the above post the combination performs as well as 6.25.1. And all of my data is solidly in my control, backed up to the cloud. Exposure in the solution is Directory Opus, BoxCryptor and WorkFlowy, I see less risk with Microsoft and OneDrive. I did look hard at the market (Nimbus, Joplin, Notion, etal) and could not find any single tool that would do the job for me. I even tinkered with dumbing my EN account down to links and tasks and using OneDrive for the repository but performance was still untenable. Just too many clicks and lags with an awkward interface to not get frustrated. My old EN account is a basic account now, all 37.3 GB of it. I will keep it in the hope that EN sorts this stuff out someday. I would as soon have all my stuff in one place but it is just not sane for me with V10. YMMV. 🤷‍♂️
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