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Everything posted by jbenson2

  1. Yup, have two stacks with appropriate notebooks. Let the default notebook catch all your ScanSnaps and then move to appropriate notebook. Notebooks can be moved and renamed. My default notebook is Actions-Pending. Try to keep the number of notebooks to a minimum. example: Work Clients Expenses Projects Home Bills Family Friends Hobbies Maintenance
  2. I just ran a search for all Political notes during the past 18 months. Came up with 4,600 notes. Pasted them into a spreadsheet and used the formula =IF(A2=A1;"dupe";" ") If it was a duplicate title, the word dupe appears If it was not a duplicate, an invisible space shows up. So it was easy to find the dupes. I found about 15 - and most of them were "screen clip" when I captured images. They had different images were not duplicates, so I did not delete them. But it did help remind me to rename them correctly. Thanks
  3. Thanks for the reply. Pasting it into the word processor as the middle man solved the problem.
  4. I thought it would be interesting to look at my note titles from a different perspective, so I gave your suggestion a try. But I'm stumped on step #1. When I try to paste a few note titles (from Copy Note Links) into a spreadsheet, they all drop into the same cell. How did you get them to drop into individual cells? .
  5. It would be a wonderful safeguard if we could make our Evernote "memories" read-only.
  6. No, you will not get a "definitive answer" from Evernote. Evernote does not publish a roadmap of planned features. And with the flexibility of tags, OCR and search, it is unlikely they will offer more levels of Notebooks. .
  7. The spell checker in OpenOffice Word does not suggest response for reponce either. I wonder if Microsoft Word is stronger for reponce suggestions.
  8. I have not seen any official announcement in the Evenote blog. Could be there, but I haven't seen it. And yes, it does come across as a complete reversal. Back in 2010, I expressed some concern that Evenote's move to the corporate world had "jumped the shark" on their consumer focused product. http://discussion.ev...dpost__p__71849 The Evernote CEO strongly refuted my comments and expressed his opinion on the typical enterprise software. "... we think eventually more and more corporate folk will realize that their normal enterprise software is crappy and unappealing and, as these people get into senior management positions, things like Evernote will gain some official traction. We're not going to make an "enterprise" version of Evernote."But after reading the article I mentioned above, in my opinion, there definitely seems to be some leakage away from their previous plans.
  9. Evernote will launch a business program in the coming months... In addition to a business version of Evernote, the company is planning to launch several major versions of its products in the next couple of months, or around a conference that is going to be held at the end of the summer, he said. There are going to be big redesigns and a focus on sharing, he added. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9226665/Evernote_to_launch_tool_for_business
  10. Seriously, I don't think anyone wants to play your game anymore.
  11. Thanks, but no. My mentality is the current Evernote system works fine. Stacks - meh. Notebook and tags plus a strong search are fine with me. I don't have any desire to spend a lot of additional time climbing a new learning curve, even it is better.
  12. Evernote had 20 million users in December and close to hitting the 30 million users now. They are adding 100,000 new users every day
  13. There are many different ways to attack this. One solution which I strongly support is to have a well-structured format for the title of your notes. Saved Searches for frequent searches is also helpful. In Evernote Windows, I would have the "Show Search Exploration" turned on. (Ctrl + F10) This will let me see the count of my different searches. Because I have a lot of tags, I rely on the search window for 100% of my searches. I use copy and paste a lot, with Notepad. I also always clear my search (Win + Shift + F) before running another search. Other people might use the Left Panel and selectively "Ctrl-Click" the tags. My tag format would be Parent / Child. The notes would be put into the Hiking notebook. The trail notes would contain the word Trail in the title. State NH VA TN Sights Peaks WaterfallsThen I would use the search window for: intitle:Trail tag:NH tag:waterfallRemember, I said I use the notepad frequently. If I decided to look for peaks instead, I'd change it to: intitle:Trail tag:NH tag:waterfall
  14. For people with more than one notebook: When "All Notes" are selected in the Left Panel, all notebooks are searched.
  15. A stack of 10 notebooks = 11 notebooks A word of caution - many of the Evernote power users have found fewer notebooks are more useful than many notebooks.
  16. No, this is not available. Several other users in the past have requested various types of locks ranging from simple software locks to advanced encryption techniques. This is a hot topic and Evernote is aware of the wide range of requests. Best advice I can offer - be sure to backup your Evernote database regularly. Don't rely only on the cloud.
  17. Former Member Title: Reaver

  18. It is unlikely, because this can be handled with other software. No sense re-inventing the wheel. Evernote has some other priorities they are working on.
  19. Last time we moved, I remember using an antiquated technology to share information with my wife about schools and neighborhoods. We talked to each other. Yeah, that verbal thing. Sure, we can all come up with scenarios that might be useful in personal life. If I used Stacks, I might stumble across a reason to share it. But my big fear is the vast majority of users who want to share stacks for collaboration are the corporate world bigwigs. Fortunately, several of the key Evernote employees have seen first-hand how the Enterprise RFQ process, along with incredibly company-specific demands can cripple a software program and drive up the end-user costs and yearly maintenance fees to astronomical levels. The Evernote CEO has vowed not to go down that road / cliff. . [Edit] Looks like I was wrong. The CEO has made a left turn and is going in a new direction toward a corporate Evernote. http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9226665/Evernote_to_launch_tool_for_business
  20. It might be more than just a Due Date addition. If it Evernote was simply replacing the Subject Date with a Due Date, the change would have happened a year or more ago. I believe Evernote is doing a bit more. Not to the level of GTD, but more than just a new field. From Business Insider (a couple months ago) http://www.businessi...ist-app-2011-12 Dec 8, 2011 Evernote - What's coming next? We asked Evernote CEO Phil Libin point-blank if to-do lists, which are a popular use for Evernote, are coming. "To-do lists are coming," he said after taking a deep breath. <snip> Libin also took pains to stress that it wouldn't look and feel like traditional to-do list apps. "I don't want a to-do app, I want a DO app. I don't want a list," Libin said..
  21. Tough to admit, but I am married to a grandmother and she uses it. And her 81-year-old father uses Evernote also.
  22. One year ago - here is a link to Evernote CEO Phil Libin's comments on enterprise software. One of his takeaway lines: "We're not going to make an "enterprise" version of Evernote. We're going to wait until enterprises are ready for the "human" version."
  23. Here is a link that explains the Evernote logic. http://discussion.evernote.com/topic/22339-assign-specific-image-as-a-notes-thumbnail/page__view__findpost__p__113715 Also, the smallest dimesion allowed in the calculation is 75 pixels.
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