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Everything posted by BurgersNFries

  1. The following is discussing notebook names but applies to titles, tags, stacks, etc. You can have 250 notebooks. And if you used numbers incremented by 1, that would be 001-250. Using 001 - 999 would be 999 notebooks.A better alternative, if you were to use this method, would be to use say, 00100, 00200, 00300, 00400, etc. as the prefix. That way, you can add notebooks in between 00100 & 00200 by using 00120 or 00150 without having to renumber all the subsequent notebooks.I use this method often, for one particular hobbyist project I have., where I want to force the files to sort in the order I want them.
  2. It's not only about logging into the OS, anyone with a basic IT skill set (and a screwdriver) can access a hard drive. But again, Evernote leaves the security up to the computer owner. One can elect to place one's EN database in an encrypted container...or not. As has been mentioned security has already been discussed at great length on the message board. Please search the board on the topic, if you are so inclined. Good luck with finding an app that suits your needs.
  3. Then you stumbled upon a third party app. There is never, repeat never, a charge from Evernote to export your data out from Evernote. I'm sorry, did I offend you? Did u miss the part when I said 'All the option that have been provided needed to pay a sum of money to export the amount of notes that I had'(I blame the keyboard ) I don't think I mentioned anywhere that they were options provided by Evernote.. I can't imagine why you think you offended me and no, I did not miss any part, thankyouverymuch. I am simply clarifying your post for you. If your post had been more explicit (IE, if you *had* mentioned you were talking about a third party option), it would not have needed clarification for others who are reading this thread. I can't imagine why you would object to that.
  4. Then you stumbled upon a third party app. There is never, repeat never, a charge from Evernote to export your data out from Evernote.
  5. As a CUSTOMER too, it really doesn't MATTER to me if you see the POINT or not. This is the lunacy of expressing one's desire for (very reasonable) evernote features here. Good thing to express it cause that's what forums are about. You might get pain-in-the-ass workarounds which is good, but your job is done in terms of expressing evernotes lack in the area because you'll never get insight from evernote on the matter... as they don't value responding to users about these things. Dont carry on with the evangelists about it because it usually ends like this. It "ends like this" b/c of the way the other person started it. And quite frankly, I see nothing wrong with my reply. Former evangelists are free to speak their opinions, just as regular ol' users are.
  6. As a CUSTOMER too, it really doesn't MATTER to me if you see the POINT or not.
  7. I'm starting by eliminating exb files. I think that's probably true. EN used to stress, in the past, that it was a *personal* tool and that they weren't interested in making it an enterprise tool. When they introduced EB, it was quite a surprise & seemed they were moving in a direction they had seemed to publicly say they were avoiding. I'm honestly not sure what direction they are going now & I'm not sure they do, either. https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/14830-evernote-jumps-the-shark/?p=71909
  8. Sentinel, I appreciate you going public with your experience. Although I 'liked' your post, it's hard to like what it conveyed. Several of the issues you mentioned are things some of the "formerly-known-as-evangelists" (including me) tried to discuss with Evernote privately several months ago. We received no reply of substance. Especially concerning were things like the mysterious notes being added to accounts, local notebooks being sync'd, removing features and without warning. It would have been much better for Evernote to go public with these things rather than try to sweep them under the rug, which tends to foster suspicion. For about six years, up until about six months ago, I'd bet there were no users that were more supportive of Evernote than I was. I've posted more than a couple of times on the board that I use Evernote at least once every hour I'm on a computer/iPad & really even more than that. (And I'm on a computer a LOT each & every day!) I used to "feed" Evernote with photos while shopping of things I may want to get. Or prices of items for price comparison. I felt I had a rapport with a few of the employees. But these issues, along with my own (previously discussed) problems of scalability (making large accounts essentially useless) and newly introduced bugs (notebook sharing/ghost notes) topped off with the incommunicado stance of Evernote has caused me to lose all confidence in the company. I feel like I've lost a good friend. I think the concept of Evernote's tags was brilliant and it's difficult for me to adapt to Onenote, since I'm migrating away from Evernote. For me, I've given up on trying to "get through" to those in charge at Evernote. I tried for a few months & after receiving no reply of substance & continuing to see more & more things going awry, I decided it's time for me to move on. Hopefully, this is just a rough patch that is part of their growing pains. I hope that in a year or two, Evernote will return to the great product that it was for many years. If so, I will be very happy to return.
  9. And you're confusing his request for how he'd like it to be used with a statement about how easy it would be to implement. I mean, come on...you can't honestly think that's what he meant, do you? You and BurgersNFries immediately pounce on people asking for this feature and defend Evernote's programmers as if they are gentle flowers that can't possibly cope with customer requests. I've been involved in enough communities to know that you both see yourselves as being helpful (and I'm sure you answer a lot of questions elsewhere here), but honestly, from an outsider's perspective, you both come across as pretty hostile here to anyone who's raising their hand and asking for this feature. It's not your job to tell other Evernote customers why we shouldn't be asking for this feature. Ok, please point out where ANYONE has said people should not ask for this feature. I'm pretty sure you can't b/c I'm pretty sure no one has said that. You say we are "confusing his request". Well, all we have to go on is his words. And yeah, from his words, it seems he thinks this is simple.
  10. You have GOT to be kidding?!?!?!! As s2sailor said, you are confusing UI with actual "programming". It's kind of like me telling the guy at Discount Tire to change my tires vs the work actually involved in changing my tires. It's pretty easy to arm chair quarterback. Yes, EN currently provides encryption...for text only. Simply b/c text encryption exists doesn't mean that can easily be applied to an entire notebook (or even just a note) that may contain images, PDFs, MP4s, etc. and sync & work well across multiple platforms.
  11. It's pretty easy to arm chair quarterback. Yes, EN currently provides encryption...for text only. Simply b/c text encryption exists doesn't mean that can easily be applied to an entire notebook (or even just a note) that may contain images, PDFs, MP4s, etc. and sync & work well across multiple platforms.
  12. I am setting one up where alternatives can be discussed as well as tips & tricks for migrating to Onenote. I will share what I am learning. Anyone who is interested, please PM me. I will let you know when it's ready (won't be today - possibly tomorrow). To clarify, I am setting up an alternative site to discuss these issues freely, solely out of respect for the fact that this is the Evernote forum. I think it's in poor taste to discuss the finer details of leaving EN on their own message board. IMO, it's a bit like setting up a date with your new boyfriend while your old boyfriend is still in the room, packing up his stuff. EDIT: BTW, the forum I'm working on is also open to EN staff. I realize it's a bit of a conflict of interest. But maybe it's also something you'd find interesting/helpful, too. You're not prohibited from joining. I just don't want to utilize EN's resources to discuss this topic . I promise I won't let anyone flame you. It's up & running. If I missed sending you the URL, please let me know.
  13. I edited the above post, but just so people know it... EDIT: BTW, the forum I'm working on is also open to EN staff. I realize it's a bit of a conflict of interest. But maybe it's also something you'd find interesting/helpful, too. You're not prohibited from joining. I just don't want to utilize EN's resources to discuss this topic. I promise I won't let anyone flame you.
  14. I am setting one up where alternatives can be discussed as well as tips & tricks for migrating to Onenote. I will share what I am learning. Anyone who is interested, please PM me. I will let you know when it's ready (won't be today - possibly tomorrow). To clarify, I am setting up an alternative site to discuss these issues freely, solely out of respect for the fact that this is the Evernote forum. I think it's in poor taste to discuss the finer details of leaving EN on their own message board. IMO, it's a bit like setting up a date with your new boyfriend while your old boyfriend is still in the room, packing up his stuff. EDIT: BTW, the forum I'm working on is also open to EN staff. I realize it's a bit of a conflict of interest. But maybe it's also something you'd find interesting/helpful, too. You're not prohibited from joining. I just don't want to utilize EN's resources to discuss this topic . I promise I won't let anyone flame you.
  15. No offense, but I find it sad that someone doesn't know how to use a dictionary and/or fully comprehend the meaning of a word. "Affiliated" is a useful word b/c one does not need to be EMPLOYED by a company in order to get some sort of benefit by promoting a company. I would suggest you make a note of that. It may come in handy someday. https://www.godaddy.com/affiliates/affiliate-program.aspx As to your other comments, it appears you are the one wanting a flame war. Please abide by the forum code of conduct & refrain from name calling/flaming. Thank you. https://discussion.evernote.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  16. I don't know why you'd say that. GM is correct in his replies. It is the former. My "duet" system was a workaround b/c Evernote does not scale well. My main account (over 62,000 notes & over 35 gigs) is absolutely unusable on the Windows and iOS clients. (Please search the board on 'duet' for more info, if you're interested.) I was having to use the web client on my PC & Clever on my iDevices with my big account & EN Windows client (PC) and iOS app for my daily/duey account. I could share notebooks from the big account to the daily account. But then sharing started being problematic. (Please search the board for my posts on "ghost notes" for more information, if you're interested.) And then the web client search is faulty - simply missing some notes that clearly (NPI) should have been in the results pane. As long as I thought these issues were being addressed, I was willing to put up with these workarounds & core-feature-big-time-bugs. But it's clear to me (IMO) that currently, Evernote has divorced itself from its userbase. Maybe they are going through growing pains & much of what is going on at the mother ship is like re-breaking a badly healing bone so it will heal correctly. I don't know. I do know that when I start having to use workarounds because a system doesn't work correctly and then they (EN) start breaking my workarounds so I need to use workarounds for my workarounds, that it's time for me to bail. I have lost all confidence & brand loyalty and need to cut my losses, move on & go to a system that I am more confident will be around & useful to me next year, the year after & the years after that. Evernote strove to be a 100 year company. From my seat in the stands, they will be lucky to make it to 10. And yes, my complaint about the lack of a reply to a support ticket was simply a test from a free account b/c as GM said, several months ago, we moderators noticed a larger than normal number of posts on the board of users complaining about not receiving a reply to their support ticket. We (moderators) had privately addressed this to EN staff & received no reply of any substance. So it was just a test. Both my main & daily/duet accounts are premium, so I can (supposedly) get timely replies to my support tickets. However, I have not submitted a support ticket, since the chaos began at Evernote. And unfortunately, all the tickets I have submitted in the past few years are things that are not able to be fixed by someone at a support desk. My tickets require a fix by the developers b/c they are things like scalability, "ghost notes" in shared notebooks, different search results between the various clients (web, Windows, iOS for me) and note count. I mean, if the SOP for fixing a problem is to rebuild your database from the servers, then for crimony sake, at least give me the ability to confirm all my notes in my Windows client match what the Evernote servers show, before I rebuild my Windows client database. These days, I don't post much b/c I feel there is not much more for me to contribute. I am using an older version of the Windows client b/c I don't trust the upgrades. So if someone complains that a new version does something or doesn't do something, I cannot comment except to say it used to behave a certain way in the past. As stated earlier in this thread, out of respect for EN, I won't discuss (on this board) details of my migration to Onenote. And when someone complains about the quality of customer service or that the Windows client is so darned sloooooow, etc, I have to agree. And finally, I'm having to devote a lot of time to learning/adapting to a new PIM & migrating my notes to it.
  17. There are some promising options. But as for me, I'm of tired of migrating over the years through various apps/PIM platforms. I was confident that my migration to Evernote (the first multi-platform, cloud PIM - because back then, EN WAS a PERSONAL information manager) would be the last. Since I was wrong on that count, I'm reluctant to go with anything new or relatively new. So I'm sticking with OneNote. Although I've used ON for many years, in the past, I only used it for brainstorming big/bigger projects. That's where I think ON shines. I preferred EN for my Rolodex, everything I would write on a PostIt or the back of an envelope or in my PIM. Notes that pretty much stand on their own merit. IE, at Michael's, the magnets are on the aisle with mirrors & Krafty Bloks. Or...I want to get this item, but I'm not going to get it today. So I'm snapping a photo of it so I can put it on my wish list and compare the price (in the photo) with other places. Evernote was PERFECT for these types of notes. That's why I never felt EN & ON were competitors. These days, I don't know what Evernote thinks it is. It's failing (for me) as a PIM.
  18. Sorry, but I have already commented on that in this thread (and a few others). I will not remove my comments, but I will also not contribute any more details because... I agree... I know there are some software message boards that will not allow posters to mention the name of competitive products & will edit your post, if you do. (Coffeecup software is one.) Evernote has never done this - they have always allowed other products to be mentioned. However, discussing the finer points of migrating away from the service is quite different from simply mentioning other products or discussing the reasons one is leaving Evernote. If anyone finds an existing or creates a board on transitioning from Evernote, I will be happy to contribute. But I will not mention any more details on this board, out of respect for Evernote. And I will not respond to PMs on the topic b/c I don't have the time or inclination to deal with the topic on an individual basis.
  19. Ideally, hundreds of us would show up, but I know that's not feasible. But honestly, I don't think it would matter, just like none of the discussions other moderators and I had a few months ago with EN staff and just like none of the chatter here on the board has made an impact. (Ok, maybe it's made an impact, but nothing that's visible to us...which would be important, since so many (including me) are either abandoning EN or reducing our reliance upon it.) But at least we'd be going down with a fight. IMO, Libin may still be the figurehead, but someone else is pulling the strings. But who knows...maybe a year or two from now, EN will have done something amazing & we will all be in love with that. In the mean time, it's simply not working very well for me now. And that's what I need...now.
  20. I agree... I know there are some software message boards that will not allow posters to mention the name of competitive products & will edit your post, if you do. (Coffeecup software is one.) Evernote has never done this - they have always allowed other products to be mentioned. However, discussing the finer points of migrating away from the service is quite different from simply mentioning other products or discussing the reasons one is leaving Evernote.
  21. WRT ON's screen cap...I've been using Evernote's screen cap. On the Windows client, invoke EN screen cap & do your drag...but before letting up on the mouse, hold CTRL & then release mouse button. This sends the clip to the clipboard where you can paste it into ON (or any other app you happen to be using). I have SnagIt. But since I normally have EN running, this is just easier. FWIW, although I've contributed to this thread, out of respect to Evernote, I think it's best to discuss some of the finer points of migrating away from EN NOT on their message board. I was hoping to look into someplace to do that but simply have not had the time. If anyone would care to research this & set something up & PM those who have publicly stated they are/may be interested in such a board, then that may be a more respectful way to share information. JMO.
  22. Well, lo & behold, about Thursday morning, my Duet account (the account I had to create b/c Evernote could no longer handle my main account b/c Evernote really doesn't scale well. Search the board on 'duet' for more info) started not syncing notes/changes UP. It will sync things emailed or clipped to it DOWN from the EN servers. But nothing is going UP. Sync always ends with the red icon with the exclamation point over the sync button. This has been going on for several days now & persists even with rebooting my computer. I've dealt with EN long enough to know the SOP is to export the unsync'd notes to enex, rebuild my database from the EN servers & then import the enex file. (sigh) Just one more affirmation that I can no longer rely upon Evernote. Can't tell you how many times I've done this in the past with not only the duet account but also my main account. Seriously...you couldn't count the times on just two hands. It's tiresome.
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