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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Oh yes. Would love this. Or the swoosh of the bridge doors opening when you complete a task
  2. I like the idea of shouting Eureka! every time I complete a task... I'll get a few funny looks but what's new
  3. What you all think about a nice little sound effect when checking off a task? A nice satisfying plink or bloop?
  4. Well, they don't have to. It's their app. Do what they want. I just 'hoped' as I'd find the feature useful. Many years ago, I shared product documentation via a publicly shared notebook, and it was useful. Much easier than arsing around with other documentation apps but I'm not that bothered. Just a would be nice feature.
  5. Works for me on Windows. I search all notes for "walking" and it finds all my walking routes, some with PDFs and even highlights the word "walking" within the PDF. Not sure if this is a paid feature. It may need a PDF to be actual text rather than saved as an image. Doesn't work for image based PDFs for me. You on the latest version?
  6. Hundreds of years ago you used to be able to share a notebook publicly. Get a link and see a whole notebook full of notes. I hope they bring back the feature at some point.
  7. Cool idea. In the meantime... You could make your own and save them as images - just drag them in. You could use an Emoji to signify a status. Or probably the best solution would be to tag the note and you could then search and filter different statuses.
  8. Yeah, it is basic search. Not really search as such but I use it like this just for finding notes and notebooks quickly. It finds tags too! Anything you do in Switch To won't appear in the recent search list 'cos it's not really proper search. I hardly use the left sidebar anymore, just use Switch To.
  9. I use it all the time. It's like a quick search for notes and notebooks. Start typing the name of a note or notebook and 'switch to' it.
  10. [][][][]x4 will give you a 4 x 4 table. Lots of other shortcuts as well available... different to slash commands but still shortcuts. You can find them all by hitting the keyboard symbol bottom left in the desktop apps and scrolling down a bit.
  11. Sort of noticed it myself but not really an issue for me... to be honest I don't really notice it but very slight lag is there. Maybe fire off a support ticket to see if Evernote know about it.
  12. Not noticed anything so far but I only moved tasks over on Wed and not had daily recurring tasks yet. Had a few monthly recurring ones that appear correctly on the list next month.
  13. I think it's a Word issue... open the HTML file in a browser (designed for HTML files) and it displays perfectly. Open in Google Docs and Zoho Writer word processors works perfectly. Just word...
  14. Not having that myself on two Windows machines that I've updated. Have you tired quitting Evernote, rebooting and trying again?
  15. Waiting for the same thing myself before I can use tasks. My CRM and Invoice software auto creates tasks for me in Todoist at the moment. There was talk in a post somewhere that emailing in tasks may appear at some point. This would work for me.
  16. Do Windows Key + X and then click System. Check the Device Name. This is probably what Evernote uses as it doesn't have access to your Microsoft account. If its the correct name then revoke access and then log in again. If not click on Rename PC and change it to what you want.
  17. Is the scanner creating two separate images or one PDF? A single PDF should display in one note. Not sure about the images as I've never tried this. Off topic, you may have an issue with your caps lock button... maybe a crumb or a bit of biscuit stuck under there. A quick clean should sort it out.
  18. It should just sync. Add a note or task on the Android app, give it a minute or 2 and it should appear on the desktop app. Obviously needs a data connection. If this isn't happening for you, I'd start by uninstalling and installing, then try again. If it still doesn't work have a chat with support.
  19. I'm seeing this as well now with the latest Windows client on the latest version. I can replicate it every time by: Copying checkbox and text from another note and pasting in a new note. Then making edits to the new note. Going back to the old note and copy another checkbox and text and pasting it in the new note. When I open new note then previous text for the checkbox is gone.
  20. Check any ad blockers and trackers are disabled for Evernote and try clearing the web cache. Might help. I've had issues logging into various apps if my ad/tracker blocker is on for the site.
  21. I use an Zoho Flow (same as Zapier) to sync bookings from my Zoho Calendar to a Google calendar. Evernote picks this up. Maybe connect Apple calendar to Google via an automation service. Its only one way sync but does the job for me.
  22. No idea if this will help but the HTML format for a clickable phone number with extension is: <a href="tel:6031112298p000"></a> So try 5555555p1234 Or try and add a web link to the number in Evernote as: tel:6031112298p000
  23. It was the Whippet bit that confused me 😂 Whippets used to be known as the poor man's racehorse!
  24. Sorry, you're going to have spell that out, or at least give a link. Online searches reveal only a disturbingly vast area of the Interwebs taken up by dogs with dysfunctional poos. I'm curious now. Also British and can't think of this expression. Maybe it's a Yorkshire thing 'cos everyone in Yorkshire has a Whippet and Flat Cap 😂
  25. Nice laptop. I think the SSD helps loads. I have a banged up dell Inspiron, an old knackered Hewlett Packard from 2012 and a Lenovo 2 in 1 thing. All 8Gb and i3 or i5 but I made sure I replaced hard drives with ssd's. They all fly like the wind and so does EN.
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