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Everything posted by BSR

  1. Hi @razak2p, thanks for following up with the ticket number. It looks like one of our Mac specialists took your ticket and requested some additional information from you, so I would recommend replying to the ticket with that information! You are in good hands. Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
  2. Hi @humanengr, thanks for getting back to me. I will forward this to our Tech Support team. If I receive any additional information on this I'll be sure to update this thread. Thanks again!
  3. Thanks for following up with me. I grabbed your ticket and went ahead and sent you some steps to try. Let me know how it goes in the ticket. I look forward to your response!
  4. Hi @humanengr, This is actually the expected behavior. The annotation summary is just that - a summary, rather than a complete recap of all annotations made. This is especially true of large PDFs. Would you mind telling me what your typical workflow/use cases are with larger PDFs? I'd like to get this information to our developers so they can have a bit more context to address this issue appropriately. I look forward to your response!
  5. Hi @aquadolphin, welcome to the Forums! If you open Evernote and select View > Customize toolbar, are you able to click and drag the "New note" button into the toolbar? Please let me know how this works out for you.
  6. @sasilk, I've followed up on your ticket and it looks like this issue has been escalated to our Technical Support team so they can investigate what might be causing this issue. Thanks for reporting this and for your patience in working with us through this. @ChiragC I don't see an open ticket from you regarding this issue, but when you get an opportunity to submit one you can let me know the number here and I will be happy to follow up on it for you!
  7. @GARY3733, welcome to the Forums! Passcode lock in Evernote is only available for mobile devices. A best practice would be to sign out of the Evernote application when you are finished using it as @DTLow already pointed out. You can direct this to the following threads as a feature request: I hope that helps!
  8. This is correct. More information on the system limits in Evernote can be found in the followin Help Center article: System Limits of Evernote
  9. This would be my recommendation as well. For steps on how to export your notes as backup .enex files, please see the following support article: How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks I hope that helps!
  10. Double clicking an image to open it in Presentation mode is the expected behavior of the application and is not a bug. Double Clicking any image in a note will open it in Presentation Mode, this is by design. If you would like to submit this as a feature request, you can do so in the Mac Product Feedback thread by following the steps in the thread linked below: Let me know if y'all have any questions.
  11. Hi there @jim0266, welcome to the Forums! Would you mind using the link in my signature to create a support ticket so we can take a look at your activity log? Once the ticket has been created, let me know the ticket number here so I can follow up on it. Thanks!
  12. Hi @Tony Whitmarsh; I've moved this to the Web Product Feedback thread. All Web-related feature requests can be directed here. Thanks!
  13. Hi there @logam11; I'd be more than happy to look into this for you! What version of Evernote and OSX do you have installed? Also, are you using the version of Evernote downloaded from the Mac App Store, or from our website? I look forward to your response.
  14. Hi @FMeu; our development team is currently looking into this. While I am unable to provide a timeframe, please keep your eyes posted on our Mac Product Feedback thread for updates, issue fixes, and release notes for new versions. Thank you for your patience. https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/218-mac-product-feedback/
  15. Hi there @ptsgrad2001, welcome to the Forums! Thanks for posting those steps. You can also rename a notebook in the desktop application for Mac by right-clicking (or Ctrl + click) on the notebook and select Rename Notebook. Please note that this will only work for notebooks you have created, not ones that were shared with you.
  16. The only posts that are deleted here are Spam. You are correct about the second piece as well .
  17. Hi there @Jon lowbank, It sounds like you are looking for the Windows Desktop Help thread. You can find it at the link below, I recommend directing your question there so we can keep the Mac Help thread focused on the Mac version of EN. Thanks! https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/225-windows-desktop-help/
  18. Hi all, We appreciate you writing in; keep voting on your request for this feature on the Mac in this thread so our developers can see how many of our users want it and keep the votes in one place. Cheers!
  19. Hi there @razak2p, welcome to the Forums. We would definitely like to gather some more information about your system. Would you open a Support Ticket so we can grab some more information from you to investigate? Once you've created the ticket, please post the number here so I can follow up on it!
  20. Hey there @Unexxx, welcome to the Forums. Would you post the ticket number here so I that can follow up on it? Thanks!
  21. Hey there @dfo, welcome to the Forums! Please check out this previous thread and add your vote, our development team regularly reviews product feedback submitted through the Evernote User Forum.
  22. @Darren Kresge: Would you mind going ahead and opening a support ticket? We'd like to get some more information on your system's environment to further investigate.
  23. Hi @ryanhunt, Regressing to a previous version of the application also means rolling back any issue fixes and features from the current version, and is generally not advised. For users who want to roll back to a previous version of Evernote, we recommend opening a support ticket where we would be able to provide specific instructions and guidance on the process of going back to an older version.
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