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Mike P

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Posts posted by Mike P

  1. I've reluctantly just upgraded to 10.87.5 which had been causing me problems until I downgraded. Picking up the three points:

    1. Clicking the arrow to the left of the main tag in the sidebar displays the sub tags

    2. Clicking the arrow to the left of the tag in the shortcuts does not display the sub tags -a bug in 10.87 to add to the already long list of "things that 10.87 broke."

    3. If I select a tag and then use the drop down from the blue lozenge I am able to select "Include sub-tags"

  2. 48 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

    The internal link is exactly this - internal.

    It only works inside of the EN app.

    Thankfully this is not true.

    An EN internal link in a MS Word document on my PC will happily open the EN app on my PC and go to the note. In fact I can open the run command in windows, paste in the EN internal link and it will take me to the note

    Not surprisingly, the problem comes when you want to open an app on your computer via a link in the web (Google docs).

  3. When I try to make a link in a Google doc using an EN internal link (evernote:///view..) Google docs tells me it is not a valid url

    An alternaive is to add the weblink format and that takes me to the Web version of Evernote. You haven't shared what device you are wanting to do this on so this may or may note be an acceptible work flow.


  4. Some great suggestions already by @PinkElephant and @AlbertR. Just a couple of comments

    1. Boolean search is great, easy to understand and allows complex searches with brackets etc. However if all you want is any of a list of tags the old fashioned search syntax any: works well and is less typing!

    any: tag:tag1 tag:tag2 tag:tag3

    2. If you just want a tag or any of it's sub-tags don't forget the drop down in the blue tag lozenge after you select the top level tag

    I wish there was an option in the main filter to select notes containing any of multiple tags rather than all of them, but at least you can do it manually.


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  5. 22 minutes ago, MichaelvT said:

    you can expect with all parties to have their new versions released in more frequent pace. This is what I call progress. If you compare this to many complaints I noticed in the past about the low frequency on updates, I believe the Evernote team deserves to be praised for this. 

    I don't think the issue is really the frequency of the releases per se, but the quality of the releases and the fact that releases often break things that were working perfectly well before. I think people were hoping that taking it a little slower would mean more opportunity to test and catch these things. This in turn would lead to fewer "emergency releases" to correct things. e.g the current release needed a fix release to get the keyboard shortcut to shortcuts working again. 

    • Like 7
  6. 100% agree with this. I'm also really concerned that when new features are introduceed there is a "tick the box and move on" culture. Time is not spent improving the feature beyond the basics. So we get new features that are just about useable but not a pleasure to use. Tasks is a good example of this. Well over a year before some of the things people said at the time were needed were introduced. 

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  7. 9 hours ago, mackid1993 said:

    So far I haven't had to play whack-a-mole with my tasks in a few hours.

    The problem I was finding is the following: Imagine a daily task which you have completed but it is still showing today in the task view but tomorrow in the note. Completing it again was moving the "real" date from tomorrow to the next day. So a real chance of it not appearing on tomorrows task list.

  8. 3 minutes ago, brodrigue said:

    I love the new Table of Contents feature for big notes. It's also really cool that it's already linked and I can preview it and that I can collapse nested sections in the table! I can't find if this already exists but as I update the note, I can't find a way to refresh the ToC. It looks like I currently need to delete the old one and generate a new one. It would be great if I can A. Refresh the ToC when Hovering Over it (or a unique header titled "Table of Contents") or B. The Table of Contents dynamically updates based on changes I make to the note. 


    There is alot here that hasn't really been thought through. EN chose to make the TOC links regular EN links with an extra bit to indicate the section. Regular EN links do update if you display them in "Title" or "Preview" modes. But if you do that every link is named as the name of the note.and no longer seems to work

    Also, while you are exploring collapsible sections and internal TOC, you will find that a TOC to a sub section doesn't work if the main section is collapsed.

    I hope these things will get sorted but I'm slightly concerned that EN have a "tick the box and then move on" approach to new features. So they sort of work, but could be so much better.

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  9. 10 minutes ago, brodrigue said:

    It would be great if I had the option to collapse or expand all of the sections in a note. I love the new feature and I'm using it quite a bit in my larger notes but I find myself going from section to section expanding and then collapsing them one at a time. If there was an option, perhaps when hovering over the arrow or as an option in the / menu. That would be great. 

    Agreed. People started asking for it as soon as collapsible headings were released!


    • Like 1
  10. I think you are going to be a little more clear:

    12 minutes ago, exceles said:

    The IA shows


    12 minutes ago, exceles said:

    then I press three dots options to show regular search results

    I don't understand this either. Whih three dots, where?

    Although search has some major problems, normal text searches and searches containing advanced search syntax seem to work fine for me.

  11. 27 minutes ago, Thorz said:

    Done. But do BS actually read that feedback?

    Who knows. Reading does not necessarily mean they will do something about it - either because they deem it to be low priority or they actively don't want to change it. Sometimes, but very rarely these days, they will even respond to issues raised in the forums.



    • Like 1
  12. You can also search directly for the contents of this field using an undocumented piece of advanced search syntax - sourceurl: So to find all the notes that I have clipped from the bbc website:


    Unfortunately you do need to put in the https:// at the beginning as, in EN, wild card characters do not work at the beginning of a string. The asterix at the end finds all urls that begin with https://www.bbc.co.uk


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  13. 5 minutes ago, justacat said:

    I click on a link and sometimes it opens, sometimes it opens a random note instead of the linked note, and sometimes - probably more than 50% of the time - my cursor starts flickering, Evernote freezes, and either  I have to restart, or after a few seconds it "resets" and I get sent back to Home and have to start over.

    The problem happens if you click a link which is in a filtered list or a list of search results.

    Various workarounds have been suggested in this thread:

    Opening links in their own Window works well. So ctrl+click a text style link or shift + double click a title or preview style link.

    The other way is to keep your note but delete the search - details of how you can do that are in the attacched thread.

    I really can't understand why this problem has not been solved by EN. It's been a problem for months.


  14. 5 minutes ago, ErlendS said:

    And for some reason, I cannot switch off the list mode without then removing the number at the same time.

    I agree that this is odd. I would expect clicking the numbered list icon (or using the keyboard shortcut) to turn off the numbered list would not delete the number.

    My solution is just to use backspace as soon as the list mode cuts in. So in your case I type

    {7}{.}{space} and EN converts it into a list. Then I type {Backspace} and it is returned to normal text and I can continue typing as normal.


  15. The new EN internal TOC relies on note links. So if you have a note within a filtered list, which contains an internal TOC, and click on one of the links in the contents either nothing will happen or you will go somewhere completely random like Home.

    There are so many isuues with search/filter that I'm coming to the conclusion that EN's  preferred search method is that you  just go to the right notebook and scroll. The relatively small number of complaints on these forums about issues like this one, suggest that is what people do.

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