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Everything posted by thefryhole

  1. It makes it almost unusable, because sometimes it works correctly and sometimes it doesn't. If your highlight shows up somewhere unexpected, you then must find the right spot (because your cursor is probably not still in the same location) to select the errant element and delete or move it. Guess wrong, and now you have more artifacts to remove because your not-in-the-right-place click created yet another ink blob. There's no consistency between where you think the cursor is and where EN thinks the cursor is. Sometimes it's a few lines, sometimes it's several inches. It's all trial and error, which is more time consuming than this feature should be. This bug turns what we know to be a fast and useful tool into a cumbersome string of clicks and deletes. And yes, the workaround is to use a different app.
  2. Has anyone noticed the Win desktop Home screen no longer has a scrollbar? You're stuck either using your keyboard to scroll down or you're relegated to just those widgets that fit on the top portion of the screen. Wonder if they're preparing to do away with Home on desktop, too.
  3. Also experiencing this. I'm on 10.86.4 on Windows. Makes the image annotation functionality almost unusable.
  4. Just for clarity in case EN actually decides to look into the matter: I've been on v10 since it was released so the data lost in my account is unrelated to the switch to RTE. And yes, the images that turned into spinning circles appear to be well and truly lost. Not available on desktop, not available on the web, and not appearing in any of the earlier versions of the note that I tried to restore.
  5. It happens in the iOS mobile app, where the "offline notes/notebooks" setting keeps reverting to "off" when an update arrives. You don't always know the app has updated so you think your offline notes are there, but surprise! they aren't. Everything you previously downloaded for offline use has been removed from your device. Let's hope you notice it before you arrive somewhere that doesn't have a good cell signal. I think it started happening sometime last summer, though it may not occur with every update or on every device because it seems very random. I lost hope that it will ever be resolved and moved all notes that I might need to access on my phone to a different platform.
  6. I would imagine there is a far different set of expectations for stability and amount of fiddling necessary between a free app and one that's $170 per year. Even with Obsidian's most expensive sync tier and a commercial license, you still aren't cracking $150/yr. At the basic sync tier, you're under $100. Also, with Obsidian and similar plugin-augmented apps, you can choose to change up your workflow with new features that matter to you, or not. I'm not seeing that option with EN. I pay (a not-insignificant amount). I'm expected to donate my time for bug fixes, while BS uses robots because they don't want to spend their time. My workflows continue to be upheaved at frequent but random intervals. Only a portion of the new features is useful or even relevant to me. Tasks? Don't use 'em. Calendar? Same. This files thing? I can't envision any use for it but without seeing it in action I can't know that. Yet what I did rely on, like mobile offline, is kaput, with a vague assurance that it's being worked on but the longevity of the bug doesn't give me much hope for a resolution.
  7. Everything may have been rewritten since the original post in 2021, but the image included in that post is exactly what I encountered just days ago while trying to confirm if the image issues I was having on desktop also existed in the web version (they do). The error message appeared several times. After a few login attempts that looked like they worked but apparently didn't, on the fifth or sixth press of "reload" it finally loaded my account. Windows 11, tried both Chrome and Firefox and received the same error screen. Firefox eventually worked and then I got Chrome to work at some point, too. Edited to add: The same thing happened several weeks ago, with similar results. Got through the MFA step multiple times and finally it worked. Same error screen appeared during that incident.
  8. Thanks for sharing your experience. I previously kicked the tires on Obsidian but it didn't quite click. Now that I'm having trouble with images disappearing in EN, I'll take a fresh look at Obsidian and see where plugins or extensions might make it a better fit for long-term use.
  9. Is there perhaps a de-duplication script that can run between the web and desktop apps? Because if not, I'm afraid I don't see how looking at the web app will be useful. I already confirmed the 2 corrupted desktop notes are also broken in the web app, which seems to be a commonly recommended troubleshooting step. Checking through my remaining 8k notes one by one is not going to happen, either on desktop or on the web. At this point, I think it's simply a case of hoping that additional issues don't pop up and finding workarounds for them if they do. At least if someone finds this thread when searching for a solution to their own problems with missing images, it might give them some ideas about where to go next. Thanks again.
  10. Syncing hasn't stopped, at least not most of it. Heck, this might not be a sync issue at all, who knows. I added a note with an image late yesterday and it synced fine. So far I've discovered 2 notes affected by the same problem but there's no way to be sure they are the earliest/latest/only instances. Both appeared fine when I first added the images. It was only upon returning to them later that I saw the previously intact images had been replaced with spinning circles. If a clean reinstall is the recommended fix, then I'll do that once I have time. If I continue to encounter corrupt notes post-install, I will just need to hope they either weren't as important as I thought they were or that I can remember where else the missing bits might be available so I can recreate them.
  11. Thank you for confirming how it works. I have no way to know what's been synced and what hasn't, so I'll need to cut my losses on whatever is gone and try to recreate those notes later if possible. Rather than risking additional sync errors that increase the number of notes lost or receiving new updates that further compound the issue, I'll just close Evernote and won't add anything to it until I have a block of time in the next few weeks to go through the uninstall/reinstall process. I appreciate your description of the process, it's very helpful.
  12. What happens to all the unsynced content in that process? An uninstall sounds like it would wipe all that, is that correct?
  13. Update: A day later, the images show only the spinning circle in both the Windows desktop and the web version. Looks like that content is gone.
  14. This has been happening to me as well over the past couple of days, perhaps around the time I updated to 10.85.4 (Windows desktop). Spinning circles that never resolve, even though the image appeared when I first added it. I had to resort to recreating the note in a different app in case these images don't reappear, as I will definitely need them in the near future.
  15. Earlier this week, EN posted this on Twitter: "It's only been 3 months, we're still warming up." Wasn't the acquisition completed 15 months ago, per EN's own blog? Didn't they go through an extended period of nerfing platform reliability last summer (ahem--reworking the backend), when people (me included) were losing data all over the place? Frederico himself announced in this forum back in September (that's 7 months ago) that they were rolling out AI-powered search. Three months?
  16. If any businesses still use Evernote, this sounds like the makings of a data retention policy nightmare.
  17. I recently opened a page that contains a table I've referenced over the years. At first glance, it appeared the contents of the table had been removed. Nope. For reasons I hope I never understand, EN did something at some point that changed that table's text to white (on a white background). I've never used dark mode and obviously am not busy making my text white, so no idea when this happened or why. I do use colored text to denote action items, things I want to fine quickly, etc. Who know what changes will be inflicted upon my notes that will "improve" those choices I've made? Not really feeling like my notes are mine anymore.
  18. Evernote links are no longer green. Instead, all links -- internal as well as external -- are blue. No more visual cues to help you quickly identify what's what. Much productive. ETA: Windows 10.84.3 The scroll bar they removed from the home screen remains missing. The keyboard arrows are the only navigation tool. Given their move to eliminate the home screen from mobile, I wonder if it will be disappearing from desktop, too.
  19. Links that lead to other apps don't work in Windows desktop. Maybe now they've removed that functionality from Mac, too.
  20. The filtered notes widgets on iPhone no longer return any results at all, even though the same widget on desktop works fine and typing the search syntax manually returns at least some results. I don't know if it's part of the same bug you're experiencing but it makes mobile even less useful than it's become recently.
  21. The AI edit pop-up is driving me absolutely batty. It blocks text I'm trying to select and blocks locations where I'm trying to move text to. It seems it would work just as well behind a right click so it's quickly available (I don't use it but obviously others do) without being in the way.
  22. I don't know which mobile platform you're on, but offline has been broken on iOS mobile since at least summer 2023. It's also becoming notorious for randomly resetting offline settings so everything you think you downloaded is not actually available without an internet connection. I switched to Dropbox and another notes platform for anything I expect I'll want to access on mobile. Evernote seems intent on making itself a little less sticky every day.
  23. It was working on the iPhone. With the latest release, however, it now returns empty search results every time. Manually typing the search still works, which of course isn't a sustainable workaround with a complex filter.
  24. This works on the desktop Home filtered note widgets. Enter the search syntax into the "keywords" box and save it as a filter. It appears this no longer works on mobile, though. The widgets for filtered notes are empty. Not sure if EN removed the functionality, which means I'd be worried it might also go away on desktop, or if it's broken.
  25. Ah, I didn't realize it was either/or. Appreciate the update.
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