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(Archived) Evernote v5 Windows Bug - highlighted search results


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  • Level 5

I have noticed that with EN v5, when I search for something and the results are shown, instead of highlighting the keywords in the found notes, the highlight boxes are placed in the wrong position and "float" usually an inch or 2 above the correct location. Sometimes I can "fix" this by scrolling up and down vigorously within the note. It's a glitch. Anyone else noticed this? Never happened on v4. Here's a screenshot:




I opened a ticket #145277 on this, in case anyone from EN support wants to respond there.

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  • Level 5

Got a reply back on my ticket. Known bug, hope it's fixed soon along with a bunch of other "glitchy" rendering bugs in the new UI. I am having a real hard time liking this new UI. v4 was so clean & tight. What was the decision making process behind changing it? Were users complaining? Or just jumping on the "let's make everything flat and invisible" bandwagon?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • Level 5

I submitted a ticket as well. It was accepted as a bug. But I did not get any info whether or when it will be fixed.


Stuhrer what was the BugID or Ticket# that you got? I'd like to submit a report on this as well and want to reference the original submission if possible

This bug still occurs as of v5.0.3.1616 on Windows. I am afraid EN's silence on this one means the bug is in a 3rd party component (perhaps Chromium) that they are using for rendering notes and that's why they can't fix it.  But- even if that were the case, a bug should be filed with Chromium or whoever owns that component so it can be fixed because as CircusSand said this makes it really difficult to use search.

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  • Level 5

Got this LAME reply from "support" telling me that "reinstalling may fix the issue" - really? I take the time out to submit a detailed bug report, including screenshots and steps to repro and all you can do is shoot back a canned response telling me to reinstall? That SUCKS Evernote.


Hello (name removed)

Thanks for contacting us again. 
Reinstalling latest Windows release may address the issue that you reported. Please go to:

*File > Exit
*Run the "Control Panel" application, then go to "Programs and Features" ("Add/Remove Programs" in Windows XP).
*Uninstall Evernote.
*Reboot your computer.
*Download the current Windows client:


Thanks but I know quite well how to uninstall/reinstall applications. Now if you could please get back to the bug-fixing, us paying users would very much appreciate it!

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This happens to me as well on virtually every note that I have. It is extremely annoying and has been happening ever since I upgraded from v4 to v5, current version (269614) Public. Any word on a fix from Evernote about this?

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  • Level 5

Another sad day - I just received this somewhat cryptic response from EN support:


"We apologize for the inconvenience. We have reopened our internal bug report for revision.
Unfortunately this is not something I can fix for you at this time. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.
Thanks for making Evernote a better product,"



Uh... huh? So you re-opened the bug, but you're saying it can't be fixed? :wacko:

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  • Level 5*

Another sad day - I just received this somewhat cryptic response from EN support:


"We apologize for the inconvenience. We have reopened our internal bug report for revision.

Unfortunately this is not something I can fix for you at this time. Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience.

Thanks for making Evernote a better product,"



Uh... huh? So you re-opened the bug, but you're saying it can't be fixed? :wacko:

Uh, what it means is that the tech support person cannot fix it themselves (they're a tech support person, not a developer), and they cannot give you a workaround (which is what tech support folks can do, if they have one).

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  • Level 5

I found that if (after searching and having the highlights appear in the wrong place) you then resize the EN window a bit (at least 10px or so) the highlights will "snap" into place. I do hope this is fixed soon.

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  • Level 5

I don't run EN betas or RC's anymore as a rule - but I did spin up a VM and tested in it. It does appear that the highlighting bug is fixed! I can't say for sure until I run it on my production machine but I'll wait for the public release for that...

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