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Concern regarding defective support tickets

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Dear Evernote community,

When Bending Spoons reinvigorated Evernote it gave me hope, though-- I find myself rather concerned regarding the support tickets I have been issuing, for which I have received a notification that they were immediately closed upon creation, and therefore left unanswered. Evernote plays a critical part in my life and I rely on it absolutely, is my favourite note-taking app on its path to downfall again? 

I look forward to your reply, I thank you for your time and attention.

Literary regards,


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On issuing a ticket you get an automatic, canned answer by email. This will contain some links to help documents, and a quite detailed advise of what to provide with your answer email to continue with the ticket.

If you don’t answer this initial email including the information they asked for, the ticket will be closed.

Even if you provide, you won’t necessarily get an answer. If it is a bug already reported they will just close the ticket - it will be eventually be resolved with an update.

I‘m personally not happy with this black hole called support. But that’s how it works.

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Dear PinkElephant,


There has definitely been a change to their systems because I just tried to reproduce the error and I yielded distinctly different results-- and instead, I've received the email you described above. The last reply I received was in July 2023, I assume this was right before Bending Spoons took over the wheel. After that, I received an INSTANT notification that my support ticket was closed, and therefore couldn't be replied to. This happened every single time I created a ticket and was quite clearly a bug or error of sorts. Anyway, in saying that, it seems like that problem is now resolved in the sense that I get the same email everyone else does.

I thank you for your reply.

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I also put it in 2 support tickets 3 weeks ago. I immediately responded to the e-mail with the information they requested. If I go on the website, and click on My Requests, I just the items, what I wrote, but no activity. I don't even see a ticket number.

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It's really quite unfortunate. When Bending Spoons took over the wheel, I really thought things were changing for the better― but I've lost trust. I've been a loyal paying Evernote member for over a decade, and for years I was in the top 5% of note creators, according to their statistics― sadly, it looks like I'll have to take my business elsewhere. Notion for the win.

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I opened a request and got an answer the same day. (I responded to the email asking to create a ticket.) I also got a follow up response early this morning. All less than 24 hours.

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  • Evernote Staff

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding support requests. Since some of the tickets mentioned here as immediately closed were created under the Feedback and feature requests category, I want to clarify these are not handled as traditional support tickets. This category serves primarily for gathering user insights and suggestions rather than providing direct support assistance.

While we monitor all inputs received, we do not prioritize direct replies to these submissions. Therefore, we may close these tickets without individual responses.

For issues related to bug reporting, we encourage you to visit our article Understanding our Bug Reporting and Prioritization Process which explains our process and how we prioritize fixing issues.

I understand that this setup might not offer the ideal user experience, and we are actively working to make our support channels clearer. In our support ticket replies, you'll find a link to a survey where you can share your feedback and schedule an interview with us. More availability for interviews will be added soon—stay tuned!

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4 hours ago, Valeria P said:

Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding support requests. Since some of the tickets mentioned here as immediately closed were created under the Feedback and feature requests category, I want to clarify these are not handled as traditional support tickets. This category serves primarily for gathering user insights and suggestions rather than providing direct support assistance.

While we monitor all inputs received, we do not prioritize direct replies to these submissions. Therefore, we may close these tickets without individual responses.

For issues related to bug reporting, we encourage you to visit our article Understanding our Bug Reporting and Prioritization Process which explains our process and how we prioritize fixing issues.

I understand that this setup might not offer the ideal user experience, and we are actively working to make our support channels clearer. In our support ticket replies, you'll find a link to a survey where you can share your feedback and schedule an interview with us. More availability for interviews will be added soon—stay tuned!

It would also be great to see more staff engagement like this in the community here.

Thank you for the reply.

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21 horas atrás, mackid1993 disse:

It would also be great to see more staff engagement like this in the community here.

Thank you for the reply.

Direct answers from the Evernote team like this are always welcome.

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