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What happened to reminders?

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Before the most recent upgrade, my iOS app had a Reminders tab in Notes that took me directly to all of my reminders. It’s gone. My Notes will not sort or filter for reminders. When I try to select “reminders” in the filter, it simply does not. I depend on my reminders greatly, and they are just…gone. 

i have a paid Evernote subscription that just doubled in price from $50 to $100/year, and the most valuable feature to me is gone.  

please bring back reminders!  Thanks!

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  • Evernote Expert

The Reminders tab was removed a few weeks ago.  Now you can sort your notes by Reminders in whichever notebook view works best for you.

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Well, thank goodness. Can’t wait for 10.97. 
Not to disagree with agsteele, but no, I can’t sort my notes by Reminders. Sure, it appears to give you that option, but when I toggle it on and click Done, it simply doesn’t. 

please hurry with 10.97. I just know I’m going to forget something critical. Thanks. 

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I have 10.97 installed but haven't got the reminders bavck.

and since yesterday it also stopped working om my OSX Evernote. The Reminders button is still there, but not functioning anymore.

They should have also fixe the Scannable app for paying customers but this is also still distfunctioning.

They started messing up big time, a bit the same when they introduced version 10.  

I try to be patient but my complete workflowmis gone right now.

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  • Level 5

Select a notebook, don’t stick with „all notes“ view. Now the „Reminders“ toggle will work, no matter which notebook you selected.

It will show all reminders, not only those from the selected notebook. You can sort them by reminders date, if you want.

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@PinkElephant Thank you. That actually works. Whew!  I can find my reminders now.  

But — note to the Evernote people — that’s such an unnecessary extra step. The “Reminders” toggle should be available in the “all notes” view. Please fix this.  So no, I’m not marking this “solved” because it isn’t yet. 

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I have the same issue with Reminders.  The latests software versions promised fixes - they don't work.   Concerned that the functionality will not be restored I spent a lot of time yesterday converting stuff with Reminders into Tasks.  It's not even nearly the same functionality.  A few observations.  

First - you can't link a note in a Task.  This is a big issue for me.  Previously when I received an invoice from a vendor, I would forward the relevant email to Evernote, add a reminder with the due date and when I needed to pay, everything I needed to make the payment was right there in the note.  I could also sort by Reminder date so I could see other payments coming up.  Tasks won't do this for me.  

Second - Tasks creates this totally redundant note that includes all your Tasks as a list which is in the order in which you input the Tasks, not their due date, and seems to be totally useless.  You can't disable it.  

Third and this is a big one, Tasks does not reliably sync across devices.  New Tasks created on my iPhone don't appear on the desktop, Tasks which have been checked on one device remain unchecked on others.  

I mean seriously guys - I assume there are a lot of people like me who have been long time users of this product.  I have used it personally on a paid basis for at least 12 years.  I have tens of thousands of notes.  Like the rest of you, I have a workflow which I have refined over a long period and it is incredibly frustrating when you just remove functionality, or when functionality which is supposed to be there doesn't work.  Don't even get me started on the fact that Offline Notes (a paid feature) has NEVER worked on iPad, iPhone or Mac.  

Either get your act together or come up with a streamlined and reliable way for people like me to quickly take our notes and move to another platform. 

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6 hours ago, Gylee said:

Tasks creates this totally redundant note that includes all your Tasks as a list which is in the order in which you input the Tasks, not their due date, and seems to be totally useless.  You can't disable it.  

Third and this is a big one, Tasks does not reliably sync across devices.  New Tasks created on my iPhone don't appear on the desktop, Tasks which have been checked on one device remain unchecked on others.  

The intention of tasks in Evernote is that you make a note actionable. So the best use is to create the tasks inside the note to which they refer. The generic tasks note is intended to hold those that are more general. For example it holds my reminder to order prescriptions from my doctor on the 1st of each month. In general though I keep tasks in the note which contains the information to which it pertains. So I have a trip coming up and I have a note which contains all the admin stuff for travel etc. I place the associated tasks in that note. So I can sort tasks by note on the tasks pane and jump straight to the relevant note if needed.

If tasks are not syncing then you have a bigger issue since it means that notes are not syncing.

If start by checking the relevant note to see if the tasks have synced but are not displaying in the task panel. Check the web client. If the tasks are all present on the web client then the sync issue is between the cloud and the app with the problem.

That probably means a clean uninstall reinstall it's required. Use Revo Uninstaller (Windows) or Appcleaner (MacOS) to ensure all the data is cleaned up.

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On 7/21/2024 at 10:07 PM, Gylee said:

Previously when I received an invoice from a vendor, I would forward the relevant email to Evernote, add a reminder with the due date and when I needed to pay, everything I needed to make the payment was right there in the note.  I could also sort by Reminder date so I could see other payments coming up

Presumably you can group bills by the month they are due?  If it were me, I would probably create a notebook for each month with a title like "Financial: Pay Bills due MMDD."  I would then create a recurring task with a due date at the end of the month.  Then I would use the ability when forwarding emails to Evernote to specify the notebook the forwarded email lands in to email the bill to the appropriate notebook.  The task will then remind you to go to the notebook for that month to pay your bills.

Task syncing across devices works pretty well for me.  Not perfectly, and better on some devices than others depending on how old and slow the devices are, but generally well enough.  If you're having trouble with task syncing, the first thing I would check is whether you can see the change on the web client.  Sync doesn't happen device to device.  Make a change on a device, it then syncs to the server, which you can best see on the web client.  Then the server syncs to other devices.  Checking the web client will give you a better idea about where the bottle neck is for each device - is it on the upload sync or the download sync.


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Just got the newest update for iPad. It says the reminders issue has been fixed. It hasn’t been.

I used to be able to tap NOTES>  and it would give me the option to tap Reminders, which would then list my reminders in the order in which they were due. Now I have to go into notes and tell it to filter by reminders — and they’re no longer in due date order.

So — not fixed at all. 

I’m still not seeing the advantages of what I’m now paying double for. 

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  • Level 5

It seems you are not aware of a bug in the previous versions: You needed to select a notebook first before the reminders toggle even worked.

This is now fixed, it works from „All Notes“. And this is how it will work from now on, by design.

Don’t like it:   Feedback@evernote.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
Am 21.07.2024 um 12:44 Uhr sagte Claire1945:

Vor dem letzten Upgrade hatte meine iOS-App eine Registerkarte "Erinnerungen" in Notizen, die mich direkt zu all meinen Erinnerungen führte. Es ist weg. Meine Notizen sortieren oder filtern nicht nach Erinnerungen. Wenn ich versuche, "Erinnerungen" im Filter auszuwählen, tut es das einfach nicht. Ich verlasse mich sehr auf meine Erinnerungen, und sie sind einfach... fort.

Ich habe ein kostenpflichtiges Evernote-Abonnement, dessen Preis sich gerade von 50 $ auf 100 $/Jahr verdoppelt hat, und die für mich wertvollste Funktion ist weg.

Bitte bringen Sie Erinnerungen mit! Danke!

Stimme voll zu!

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Am 21.07.2024 um 03:01 Uhr sagte mackid1993:

Es wird in 10.97 wieder hinzugefügt. Er wurde entfernt, aber sie änderten ihren Kurs.


😞Sehr umständlich und sehr langsam. 

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Am 21.07.2024 um 03:01 Uhr sagte mackid1993:

Es wird in 10.97 wieder hinzugefügt. Er wurde entfernt, aber sie änderten ihren Kurs.


😞 Umständlich und langsam

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