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Hello, I have a problem. If I move my notes from the inbox to a notebook, then they go back to the inbox. So the notes are not moved to the notebook. It doesn't matter whether I move the note with the mouse or with the keyboard shortcut. Does anyone have a solution? I have uninstalled and reinstalled Evernote several times.

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On 7/16/2024 at 10:34 AM, PinkElephant said:

Tried a simple logout / login yet ?

I have logged out and re-logged in several times. Still, it was the same as before. Now when you wrote to me about logging out, I did it again. Last time I pressed save files/or Backup(I dont know exactly) but not this time. now I think it worked. I will try it Out.

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I have realized about this behaviour today. One thing to note is that I see the note moved to the destiny notebook if I use the web version of Evernote, althoug the note itself shows a label saying that it is in the old notebook. 

So, in the web version of Evernote the note has dissapeared from the old notebok but shows a label as it is in the old notebook. Even of this, it appears in the list of notes of the new notebook. 

In the Windows Evernote version, it reappears in the old notebook after a few seconds. 

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26 minutes ago, sva03066 said:

I have realized about this behaviour today. One thing to note is that I see the note moved to the destiny notebook if I use the web version of Evernote, althoug the note itself shows a label saying that it is in the old notebook. 

So, in the web version of Evernote the note has dissapeared from the old notebok but shows a label as it is in the old notebook. Even of this, it appears in the list of notes of the new notebook. 

In the Windows Evernote version, it reappears in the old notebook after a few seconds. 

so did you found a solution? I still dont received a response from the support

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I am also having this problem (move a note to a notebook, and it comes right back to the original notebook).

I tried updating to evernote 10.97.1-win-ddl-public (20240716023751) but that didn't help.  I also tried to log out and back in, but that didn't help either.😧

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On 7/17/2024 at 8:09 PM, robanero said:

I am also having this problem (move a note to a notebook, and it comes right back to the original notebook).

I tried updating to evernote 10.97.1-win-ddl-public (20240716023751) but that didn't help.  I also tried to log out and back in, but that didn't help either.😧

Let me know If you found a solution

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The only solution is simple but slower that moving a note between notebooks: You can copy the entire content of a note, crearte a new note in the destination notebook and delete the original note. 

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On 7/17/2024 at 1:09 PM, robanero said:

I tried updating to evernote 10.97.1-win-ddl-public (20240716023751) but that didn't help.  I also tried to log out and back in, but that didn't help either.😧

Just updated to 10.97.3 but still having the same issue.  Also noticed that notes are in the correct notebooks on evernote web.

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The web view is your best view into Evernote's servers, so you likely have some kind of syncing issue, quite possibly from an update that failed to install correctly. If I were you, I would do a complete uninstallation using Revo Uninstaller and then reinstall downloading the latest version from evernote.com.   Sign out of Evernote and uncheck the option to retain a copy of your data locally before you start the uninstallation process.  This will hopefully give you a clean slate to start from.  10.97.3 is the latest release anyway, so you would be killing two birds with one stone. 

After reinstalling, give the Evernote servers some time to download a new copy of your data and for everything to get synced.  How much time depends on the size of your database, the speed of your connection, and whatever other loads the Evernote servers are managing at the time.



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With so many people reporting this issue it must be a centralized bug and needs to be fixed. I do not want to totally uninstall and reinstall Evernote for something they should be fixing.

This type of ***** has been common since the company was sold - never before.

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I have just experienced this problem today. I am running 10.97.3 on Windows 10. I can't move notes. I also cannot create a new notebook within a stack. It says I did, I see the notebook for half a second, and then it's gone.

I can successfully move notes in the web app. It's not reflecting changes in the desktop app.

I've just attempted to create a new notebook on the web app and it worked. I tried to drag it to the stack I wanted it to be in and got a failed message. I just tried to create a new notebook again, and it gave me a success message, but the notebook didn't appear.

I am attempting to name it with a red circle emoji at the beginning of the notebook name. I created it without the emoji, and it seemed to create the notebook just fine, and I could move it into the stack just fine. I attempted to rename the notebook (web app still) to add the emoji, and it gave me a success message, but the name has not changed in the last 10 minutes. (EDIT: Just tried to add the emoji at the end of the notebook name, it appeared for two seconds and disappeared again. Still web app.)

Oddly enough, the newly created, no-emoji named notebook is now showing in my desktop app. However, trying to change the name to include the emoji (on desktop) looks like it works for a few seconds and then it reverts, just as before with moving notes. :(

Really don't want to have to do a complete reinstall, obviously something borked with a recent update...

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In Windows I am still having the move a note and it comes back 2 seconds later issue, but it is not for all of my notes. New notes and relatively old notes move and stay.  So this bug appears to only be effecting notes created during some recent time period.

Workaround: Therefore I am able to use "Copy to..." to create a copy of the note that won't move in the notebook where I want it to be, then delete the original (the original that doesn't stay where put).  But this is time consuming.

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I have the exact same problem. I have all my notes saved into Inbox initially, and I sort them manually every few days. Today I noticed notes I have already moved back in Inbox. Whatever, I tried moving them again, but to no avail - the're back after a few seconds. This goes for dragging and right-click menu moving.  I even tried moving notes on my iPhone, but they appear in Inbox nevertheless.

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33 minutes ago, CentralAla said:

Same thing is happening with trash....delete a note or trash it & then empty the trash....it refills shortly. Doesn't matter if you do it from the client or web.

Yikes. That's a show-stopping problem for anyone working with data retention or similar rules. Imagine the discovery nightmare that could result.

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