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No access to notes offline on Win 10 PC

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I was under the impression that EN10 stores a local copy of my notes so they can be accessed when offline?  My interenet went down this morning and I found that I was unable to access my notes.  Please could someone explain this apparent discrpeancy (I did see a reference to going Account - Notebooks and chossing noebooks to make available offline but this did not sem to be there either (maybe it was on an older version).  

Am going away for work overnight tonight and will be somewhere without Wifi but am taking my Win 11 laptop and would like to know that I can still access my notes. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 


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Hi.  What prevented you accessing your notes?  Mobile devices have the 'offline' option because they don't keep local copies of all notes,  but provided you remained logged into your account an outage shouldn't have slowed you down.  I get a 'syncing paused' banner on screen,  but I can still add and edit notes and sync once the connection is regained.

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Thank you for your quick repsonse.  I was logged n the whole time but I could not view notes.  (I was stillconnected to my routere by Wifi but it could not go anywhere as the internet was down).

I saw the title but the body of the noe was either blank or said the note was unavailable.

Hope that clarifies things.


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Offline access on mobile has been unreliable since this time last year. The chances it will ever resemble the functionality we used to know and love are probably pretty low.

It seems now that desktop also stores only those notes that were accessed recently. I don't see a way to set notes or notebooks for offline access on desktop, so perhaps the overall functionality was removed in favor of a more limited set of notes chosen by EN instead of by the user. I guess your best bet is to open all the notes you think you might want to access and hope they're all still available after losing connectivity.

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That is sad if so, @thefryhole.  The thing is that with my iPad, I at least had (I assume still do!) the option to make a note or notebook available offline.  That then allows access to those note(s)offline.  I cannot seem to find the equivalent oprion for the desktop EN10.  (Not wanting to go back to it, but that was one of the things with Legacy - whatever was (or not) accessible on my iPad offline, it was all there on my laptop (provided I had logged in before going off line). 

Forgive me, I am a learner here, so I don't know if EN see these, but it would be great to have that the facility back to be able to accees all my notes offline on my laptop, if it is indeed not there!

Ever hopeful....... 

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9 minutes ago, thefryhole said:

It seems now that desktop also stores only those notes that were accessed recently.

It would make the Settings option in my app to "keep a copy of my notes on this machine" a bit redundant if that were true.  I've not seen any statement from Evernote to suggest that local storage is being downgraded.

2 minutes ago, alainfromepsom said:

it would be great to have that the facility back

I don't think it has gone away,  although you're obviously having issues with it - and it's not something we can resolve in time for your trip.  If you do have certain notes that you'll need,  and if this is practical - you could move them to a temporary notebook and export the whole thing to HTML files,  which will give you a local browser version of your content,  but otherwise you're dependent on your iPad by the sound of it!

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I just disconnected my Macbook from my WiFi network and found that only my most current notes are available!!! Older notes show the thumbnails but are 'unavailable'.



Thank god @alainfromepsom gave a heads-up to this issue.
Edit: So not only Windows is concerned

This is not funny anymore.  

Edit: this used to be a productivity app, now it is like a surprise box every time you open this sorry excuse of an app, where you only wonder what's broken today (again). I don't remember ANY application that was so buggy and unreliable like V10 is and I've been around in IT for a while.
I have ZERO confidence that this will ever change. 


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17 minutes ago, Feitz said:


I feel like going back to my previous avatar "don't panic"

So far we have one report of an issue which may or may not be server related,  and your single experience.  Feel free to contact Support (sorry) for their comment.

Meantime I put my desktop into airplane mode and am looking at notes dating back 10 years.  Tried closing the wifi connection too*,  and still got most notes - TWO from the early 2000's weren't available and I'd suspect that was because the server needs to translate them into the current format.

Evernote is also working on the new Server updates for RENT,  so could be running slow,  as with the backlink issue mentioned elsewhere.

EDIT - I did reconnect to post this note,  obviously!

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I have 5000+ documents for a legal case still in V10. I imagine being in court and finding out that these notes are not available. It wouldn't help if they reappeared mysteriously next day, would it? The essence of PKM is having a 'trusted platform' for your data and V10 simply can't be trusted anymore. 

Of course I have a local backup for these documents since I had to switch from Legacy, but that's hardly an excuse for V10.

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2 hours ago, gazumped said:

It would make the Settings option in my app to "keep a copy of my notes on this machine" a bit redundant if that were true.  I've not seen any statement from Evernote to suggest that local storage is being downgraded.

I couldn't agree with you more. My "keep a copy of notes" checkbox is filled, and yet, here we are. Suggesting there would be communication from Evernote about it is laughable, and you know it.

1 hour ago, gazumped said:

So far we have one report of an issue which may or may not be server related,  and your single experience.  Feel free to contact Support (sorry) for their comment.

No, we've seen multiple users report this issue. Even the briefest search of the forum turns up several in recent weeks. I just now checked after switching WiFi off, and notes I haven't accessed recently give me a "note unavailable offline" screen.

ETA: On Mar 28, Federico responded to a user on X that they're aware of a problem with offline notes and are "working to solve it soon." He did also state that "offline notes will remain." I would love to see both of those things come to fruition. It also puts to rest the suggestion that it's a new or unknown issue.

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20 minutes ago, thefryhole said:

"offline notes will remain."

well, that's a pretty basic feature of V10, if they take it away they could as well allow new notes only on Mondays...

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39 minutes ago, Feitz said:

well, that's a pretty basic feature of V10, if they take it away they could as well allow new notes only on Mondays...

Don't float ideas like that 😱

The subscription "optimizers" are always listening (just saw they removed "text encryption" from the Personal subscriptions, which is a clear feature downgrade).

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47 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

(just saw they removed "text encryption" from the Personal subscriptions

ok, but the way it was implemented it's not a big loss anyway. 

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Checked my offline notes. The results are not consistent - a few are there, many only show a notification they will be made available when online.

This is for the traveling folks like me a massive restriction. Especially since there is no way to force a download. And while it says the notes are unavailable, it takes the same amount of disk space like before. It blocks a significant chunk of drive space without giving me any use for it.

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I had claimed it with support. Standard advise "Update" (I had) and uninstall / install fresh (I had as well). I told them ...

After this - silence.

The usual behavior, not to look after relevant bugs that really gets in the way of classical, professional use cases. EN used to be rock solid in this basic stuff, but this is a boon of the past. Instead we get more chichi, untested as always.

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Yeah, EN10 should let you access notes offline, but you need to set it up first. Go to your Notebooks, right-click the ones you need, and select "Make Notebook Available Offline." This option can sometimes be hard to find, but it's there in the latest version.

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