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Why Am I Not Seeing New UI?

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I have not received an update with the new UI, even though I seem to have the latest version. I do have a teams membership (even though I am only one person at the moment). How do I get the new version with the new UI? I’m actually looking forward to it.

Thanks in advance for your help

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To get the new UI you have to be both on one of the latest versions and to have your account enabled on the back-end. While everyone can update to the latest version, the account enabling is being rolled out over several weeks. I read somewhere that by the middle of next week it should be rolled out to all accounts.

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Also, if you rely on the updater that is part of the Evernote app, you may not be on the latest version of the app The auto-updater goes in waves, I imagine so as not to break the Internet.  But the latest version is always available using the download button on the Evernote website.



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11 minutes ago, VincentC said:

But the latest version is always available using the download button on the Evernote website.

Thanks Vinnie, I'll try that route, too and report back when I can.

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Huh!  I'm surprised.  Version 10.76.2 or later?  

Both my desktop and my laptop switched to the new UI when I upgraded to this version, which is why I thought everyone moving to the new version was being switched to the new UI.

Last variable: you downloaded from the website, right?  Not from the Windows or Apple store?  The "store" versions sometimes don't work exactly the same way as the direct downloads from Evernote.

I guess at this point, I would submit a support request and asked to be switched to the new UI.  I believe Evernote can make this change on the server side so, even with the challenges that support continues to have, maybe they can make this change quickly.



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Hey @VincentC

I downloaded 10.76.2 from the website.  I've refreshed caches in both Safari and Chrome and have rebooted.  Nothing.  Sent a support inquiry to Evernote, but they sent me a standard form response asking me to do standard things, so I'm going to reply one more time with the logs they asked for and a screenshot, but I don't expect to get anywhere.  I think they haven't fully rolled it out yet.  And since I'm using the teams version, we may be last.  Plus, now with the 6 hour time difference, getting any type of human is going to take some time.

Unfortunately, I may just have to wait. 😩

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6 hours ago, simonle said:

I'm eager to try the new UI, so I really hope you're right. :)

I wish I could trade places with you so that I could use the old Interface, Much easier to read and use than the New One.

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I've finally been updated today. Much better than the bungled release a few weeks ago but still lots and lots of things I don't like. What a monumental waste of time. The analogy of moving deck chairs on the Titanic springs to mind!

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Hi All.

I was finally updated on Monday afternoon 2/19.  The jury is still out for me, however on first glance I'm glad the heavy contrast is gone.  It definitely modernizes the app.  The notes interface is clean and I like certain ways they outline the note itself and the side bar to appear to have it floating.  That said, I think were many things that were not considered.  The first I'll touch on here is the Home dashboard.  I use this a lot, but now it's a mess.  Without any contrast or borders things are just floating and fading (especially the stuff that scrolls).  I really hope they're working on this to make it look better.  Honestly, I agree with some other users.  I think this is the first step toward them adding much more customizable/new features to catch up to the competition (Notion, etc.)

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  • Level 5
40 minutes ago, IdeaManFL said:

Hi All.

I was finally updated on Monday afternoon 2/19.  The jury is still out for me, however on first glance I'm glad the heavy contrast is gone.  It definitely modernizes the app.  The notes interface is clean and I like certain ways they outline the note itself and the side bar to appear to have it floating.  That said, I think were many things that were not considered.  The first I'll touch on here is the Home dashboard.  I use this a lot, but now it's a mess.  Without any contrast or borders things are just floating and fading (especially the stuff that scrolls).  I really hope they're working on this to make it look better.  Honestly, I agree with some other users.  I think this is the first step toward them adding much more customizable/new features to catch up to the competition (Notion, etc.)

I agree with you on the "floating" appearance. It's ... cool, in a childish sort of way, which I like. But for me and for many, the lack of contrast is an issue in the main view (left panel/central list/viewing-editing panel) as much as on the Home page. Contrast makes things visible. It may not seem "clean," but it enhances functionality, IMO. Obviously, the new look does appeal to some people (including, presumably, its designers), and I'd be fine if it was offered as an option, not a mandate.

I have an app on my Android phone where on the sign-in page the cursor is a white blob on a white background. It is literally invisible, unless you're able to find it and tap on it to get an outline. Super clean, super useless.

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27 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Super clean, super useless.

And that is the reason I hate most of the DIY solutions like Notion.  If I wanted to build my own information system, I'd hire a programmer.  Don't have time for that.  They give you a blank white slate and say "make it what you want."  It's the biggest stigma with PIM systems these days... people spend too much time fiddling and not enough time actually getting work done.

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