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Couldn't Save Note, over and over and over

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Trying to use the web client and I open a note, wait 30 seconds.

Have made no changes, and see no green checkmark.

Then when I start to type I see a grey checkmark, and then "Couldn't Save Note" this happens over and over for 5-10 minutes I cannot edit my notes?

I have no other clients open, am not simultaneously using it on my phone. My Note has loaded but "Couldn't Save Note" just over and over again?

What I am supposed to do to access my notes and edit them via the web application?

1 - note loaded.png

2 - grey check.png

3 - failure.png

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I think the first thing that you should try is to move to the new version of the Web app. The version your are currently using is around 3 years old and is not receiving updates AFAIK.

See these threads for similar problems that arise from using the old web version and for instructions how to migrate to the latest version:



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Same thing has been happening to me all day. It is maddening. I've opened evernote on several browsers, shut down/restarted, created new notes to see if there was a glitch with the note I was using (new notes have the same "couldn't save note [title]" error.

I enabled the "V10+ web clients" under preferences, but still get the same error.

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I am having the same issue but I'm using Evernote through my Chrome browser and not using an app. About 5-10 seconds into starting a new note it cuts out and says it cannot save my note. When I try to delete the note it then says it cannot delete the note. If I sign out and sign back in I can then delete the note in question, but I cannot create any more notes without running into the same problem again. Apparently there's a hole in the bucket...

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15 hours ago, Boot17 said:

I think the first thing that you should try is to move to the new version of the Web app. The version your are currently using is around 3 years old and is not receiving updates AFAIK.

See these threads for similar problems that arise from using the old web version and for instructions how to migrate to the latest version:



Tried migrating to the latest version. Still not letting me edit/save notes on the web client, only on the Android app. What else is going wrong?

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5 hours ago, agsteele said:

I think there are two options to set, only the first didn't work for me. It is activated for several years.

enable under https://www.evernote.com/PersonalSettings.action webv10+

https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action  Evernote Web:    old version  vs.  [x] new version


(I think the last gives you three webversions:  An old version  an old v10 version and a new v10 version, depending on which v10 version you are )

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Its a bit confusing due to them using the word Upgrade all over the place to get you to pay for the service. 

I had the V10+ client enabled forever just had not "Upgraded" my client.

The post provided got me in the right direction, but once the V10 is enabled, you have to click your profile icon again. Then under the Upgrade your service button there is a upgrade text that looks like a green hyperlink, I believe it also says upgrade... You click that, it processes for a moment and then moves over to the new client.

Seemingly for a day or so this has helped with my problems of not saving notes and so fourth.

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It has historical reasons:

First the new web client (build around the new editor) was added, but some users insisted in staying with the old: Switch number 1 was introduced.

Then the extended v10 functionality like Home and Tasks were introduced, but initially could cut into performance: The second switch was introduced, the v10+.

We agree, if everybody would always accept to stay a jour, running the actual software, all these switches wouldn’t be necessary, and we would not have to troubleshoot problems that simply don’t exist when running on the latest release.

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There are also many many problem that arise with running the latest release and reasons to use the existing client. Many of us rely on the functionality of this platform and don't have the option for it to break and wait months for a possible future update to fix it.

Like where has are unlock pin gone for months? Shrug?

Especially when there is no direct support or interaction with the developer.

Maybe one day I wont have to dismiss the popup to upgrade to premium every other day, or confirm that I don't want the offer (That wont be available after I dismiss it, until tomorrow...)

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Actually those who are on v10 since 3 years (like me) are a little bit fed up with playing supernanny for the late birds making the switch now.

V10 has evolved, we are beyond 60 releases now since it started, and comparing it with a software not maintained for 3 years (or actually longer) leads to nowhere. V10 has evolved, and taken its own direction.

Take what you see as what you get. Check your workflows, adapt them where you want and can, find new ones because there are options today that don’t exist in the old clients.

If you don’t follow this path, you can continue to bet the old software will continue to work (somehow). We have clear signals it won’t last much longer, but hope dies last.

Or take your data to move on. You will find out that even when it’s different in some details, EN v10 is still the closest you will get to EN legacy. But there may be pastures beyond …

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You can be shocked - sometimes this happens when reality sets in. I think it’s better to say as it is. You can decide to prefer wishful thinking, that’s up to yourself.

Edit: Everybody can be shocked, close the eyes and dream about lala-land. Once the eyes are open again, you find yourself where you have been. Check the facts, take a decision.

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1 hour ago, NoLongerAUser said:

There are also many many problem that arise with running the latest release and reasons to use the existing client. Many of us rely on the functionality of this platform and don't have the option for it to break and wait months for a possible future update to fix it.

This is beyond the scope of the original post, but it might be helpful for discussion to list some of the specific issues you're concerned about. Often enough people say "v. 10 can't" when it simply couldn't a year or two ago, but now can.

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Today I encountered this issue for the first time when I couldn't save the note via Google Chrome Browser. 
Even after setting my account at v10, the problem still persists no matter how many times I refresh the webpage...

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

You can be shocked - sometimes this happens when reality sets in. I think it’s better to say as it is. You can decide to prefer wishful thinking, that’s up to yourself.

Edit: Everybody can be shocked, close the eyes and dream about lala-land. Once the eyes are open again, you find yourself where you have been. Check the facts, take a decision.

There are many reasons to not jump versions when the existing one works just fine for simple needs. 3 years is probably enough time to adopt a new update can agree.

As previously mentioned they bugged their application and removed the pin lock as a temporary fix they stated would be addressed shortly. Months ago.

As also stated they clearly do not care about user experience, pushing their "upgrades" daily and then adding a secondary popup to confirm your choice until tomorrow when it pops up again.

I have no idea where La-La land came into it but Evernote is historically slow to fix their bugs.

Thanks for ignoring any problems Evernote has and making my post into a battleground.

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Sure EN is slow to fix bugs. But they are on a steeply rising curve: Legacy got one, maybe two updates a year. This meant the wait for bug fixes was between 6 months and a year, if ever. There are a lot of threads here in the forum that prove this misery. And this on an application that had maybe 50% of the current features, plus a few that got discontinued when v10 launched.

We talk about often weeks, maybe a few months for fixing things now.

Some are Android specific, like the passcode. It never was a problem on iOS, and it is still working there. The Android client has been difficult from the beginning, maybe due to a culture of not offering updates by many makers, plus a big number of OS modifications. The iOS client was buggy until 10.6, and since then quite a pleasure to use.

That EN is now actively pushing users to update their outdated clients has a very simple reason: Syncing was changed in May, and the new sync doesn‘t work with the old database structure. Currently they carry a parallel structure, only necessary because some users insist on running unsupported software.

This is not sustainable. They probably want to move as many users as possible from the outdated platform on good terms. There will be a hardcore rest who refuses - I think they will receive a message like „10 days until syncing stops“, and that will be it. Anybodies choice …

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5 hours ago, NoLongerAUser said:

Thanks for ignoring any problems Evernote has and making my post into a battleground.

But the solution to your problem was to update to the current version of the Web client. Resistance to doing that (not necessarily on your part) started the conflict, as I see it.

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I'm on V10 of the web client (in my browser) and I continually get the orange "Cannot Save Note" error message. This does NOT make me want to ever upgrade to a paid version of Evernote since I can't rely on the notes being saved. This issue has gone on for years in both the old and new versions. If there is a real fix, please advise.

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This same thing happened to me for the first time, starting last night. I couldn't save one single note or edited note. This morning I switched to the new Evernote web and so far, it seems to be saving my notes and edits. I wasn't even aware there was a new version I needed to switch to, so I guess making the classic version non-functional is one way of alerting me.

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10 horas atrás, Melusine disse:

This same thing happened to me for the first time, starting last night. I couldn't save one single note or edited note. This morning I switched to the new Evernote web and so far, it seems to be saving my notes and edits. I wasn't even aware there was a new version I needed to switch to, so I guess making the classic version non-functional is one way of alerting me.

There are some features you will lose, like reminders, nested tags, tag search by any part of the name (you will have to remember exactly the beginning of the tag name), speed and others you'll discover.


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11 horas atrás, Melusine disse:

This same thing happened to me for the first time, starting last night. I couldn't save one single note or edited note. This morning I switched to the new Evernote web and so far, it seems to be saving my notes and edits. I wasn't even aware there was a new version I needed to switch to, so I guess making the classic version non-functional is one way of alerting me.

Another one you'll lose: you can't quickly filter by notebook name, using a combo selection after you search a note, as you could do in the "old" (but functional) version.

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11 horas atrás, Melusine disse:

This same thing happened to me for the first time, starting last night. I couldn't save one single note or edited note. This morning I switched to the new Evernote web and so far, it seems to be saving my notes and edits. I wasn't even aware there was a new version I needed to switch to, so I guess making the classic version non-functional is one way of alerting me.

You'll have to do more clicks to change the notebook of a note than in the "old" version.

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@jonexx - I'd suggest you create a new thread for all these differences you are just now discovering and/or search the forums for existing threads to add to them. There are three years worth of them! This thread is about not being able to save data in the old version of the web app.

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2 minutos atrás, Boot17 disse:

@jonexx - I'd suggest you create a new thread for all these differences you are just now discovering and/or search the forums for existing threads to add to them. There are three years worth of them! This thread is about not being able to save data in the old version of the web app.

Agree! Why don't you focus this thread on solving the issue instead trying to promote the new version, then?

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Today, I'm having the same issue of immediate "Couldn't Save Note". However, if I wait a while and try it works for a time then starts the issue again.

I'm used to getting these messages from time to time as I have low-priced, slower Internet, however today is unusually bad.

As a side note, I find this system to be better than the old system when EN would automatically make copies of a note then you don't know which was the main one you were working on and had to delete these copies.

In fact, after getting the message and waiting, a while eventually the note I'm working on did fill in with my latest edits so that was helpful.

I'm on Chrome OS which means I don't download EN but always access it online in a browser window, leading me to assume that whatever version I see is the latest. But today looked at my Settings and it sez, "You're using the New Evernote Web" with another option to "Go back to the Classic version." 

So .... I empathize with everyone who has posted about experiencing this which seems to be some issue with the system today.

Thanks to those who are volunteering their help on this thread.


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2 minutos atrás, DreamWeaver2500 disse:


Today, I'm having the same issue of immediate "Couldn't Save Note". However, if I wait a while and try it works for a time then starts the issue again.

I'm used to getting these messages from time to time as I have low-priced, slower Internet, however today is unusually bad.

As a side note, I find this system to be better than the old system when EN would automatically make copies of a note then you don't know which was the main one you were working on and had to delete these copies.

In fact, after getting the message and waiting, a while eventually the note I'm working on did fill in with my latest edits so that was helpful.

I'm on Chrome OS which means I don't download EN but always access it online in a browser window, leading me to assume that whatever version I see is the latest. But today looked at my Settings and it sez, "You're using the New Evernote Web" with another option to "Go back to the Classic version." 

So .... I empathize with everyone who has posted about experiencing this which seems to be some issue with the system today.

Thanks to those who are volunteering their help on this thread.




Thanks for your feedback. 


I have to add that I've three main Internet access point, two of then with fast connection, but at all of then I'm getting the issue.

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I was using the non-V10 web client and have been having the "Couldn't save this note" issue since early this week.

Evernote has become Nevernote sighhh.

I found a way to reproduce in non-V10:

Create a new note.

Type some text.  Note saves.

Type some underlined text.  Note saves.

Press enter to make a new line.  Note does not save and the error is shown.

After much frustration and not knowing about the V10 interface, having enabled that the problem seems to have gone away for me.

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EN had warned already in 2022 the old client can give problems. As the old software was deprecated with the installed clients, it is no surprise in general. There was just no heads up information when the problems started - do it took a little to put 1 + 1 together.

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I could solve the problem for Evernote running in Chrome browser as follows:

  • Switch to v10+ version
  • Log out
  • Clear cache of browser
  • Restart browser
  • Log in again

So when switching on v10+ is not sufficient to solve the problem, you might also try the other steps.

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On 9/27/2023 at 8:48 PM, jonexx said:

Agree! Why don't you focus this thread on solving the issue instead trying to promote the new version, then?

Moving to the new version of the software is solving the issue for many. Lots of people don't even know they aren't on the latest version as evidenced by this thread.

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Actually nobody cares if you like it or not when proposing this solution - because it is what works.

Use the new version for a week or so, on computers and on mobile, and you will discover how convenient it is that nearly all functions look the same, feel the same and work the same no matter which client on which platform you use.

And then you will start to understand (if not like it then).

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14 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Actually nobody cares if you like it or not when proposing this solution - because it is what works.

Use the new version for a week or so, on computers and on mobile, and you will discover how convenient it is that nearly all functions look the same, feel the same and work the same no matter which client on which platform you use.

And then you will start to understand (if not like it then).

Thank you very much for that kind observation. I care whether I like it or not.

I'll take the advice. For one thing I don't like, on the new version is much reduced space for the actual note and 2 columns to the left instead of one; the column that purports to list the notes in a notebook is completely blank. 


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You can shrink the leftmost column to a column of icons, which takes up less space. Works on desktop and on tablets using the mobile client as well. On phones it doesn’t make sense.

You can expand the actual note by clicking the expand symbol top left, which closes the middle column.

And on desktop you can open each note in an independent window, which can be moved, resized and blown up to full screen if necessary.

Options enough, I think.

In general the new UI is less condensed than the old one. Easier on the eyes, and when I went back to legacy it felt cramped. Not an issue any more for me, I dropped legacy completely a year ago, and I don’t advise on problems with it any longer.

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7 hours ago, DreamWeaver2500 said:

For one thing I don't like, on the new version is much reduced space for the actual note and 2 columns to the left instead of one; the column that purports to list the notes in a notebook is completely blank. 

Can you say more about that last part? I've been using v. 10 for a couple of years and I haven't seen this. With a notebook selected in the left panel I get the view below. Maybe quitting Evernote entirely (File > Quit) and restarting might clear it up.


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So it was not just me.  I started having this "Cannot Save note" issue a few days ago ( maybe Mon 25-Sep-2023 or Tues ).

Since finding this post, I've "Switched to the new Web Version".  There was an option down at the bottom left corner of the old interface, which read: "<-> Switch to new Version of Evernote Web".  I guess the 'new UI' was something many of us opted out of years ago, and never looked back.

I clicked that option to Switch, and it just cut me over to this new UI.  Not a huge fan of it out of the gate, but I suppose I'll have to adapt ... :(

It does seem to have instantly fixed the "Cannot Save" issue, so that's something.

Maybe there is a way to set the interface to give some of the screen real estate back.

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On 9/26/2023 at 3:18 PM, NoLongerAUser said:

Its a bit confusing due to them using the word Upgrade all over the place to get you to pay for the service. 

I had the V10+ client enabled forever just had not "Upgraded" my client.

The post provided got me in the right direction, but once the V10 is enabled, you have to click your profile icon again. Then under the Upgrade your service button there is a upgrade text that looks like a green hyperlink, I believe it also says upgrade... You click that, it processes for a moment and then moves over to the new client.

Seemingly for a day or so this has helped with my problems of not saving notes and so fourth.

I (free version user) had the "couldn't save note" issue over and over in the web version (Chrome).

Solved it by clicking Upgrade. Then on the page where you select version, I just clicked on "Go to notes" (or similar - my version is Danish) which took me back to where I came from - but apparently updated to a new version, because now I'm saving without problems.

Hope this helps.

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6 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Can you say more about that last part? I've been using v. 10 for a couple of years and I haven't seen this. With a notebook selected in the left panel I get the view below. Maybe quitting Evernote entirely (File > Quit) and restarting might clear it up.



Thank you for reply ... at first that second column had only the title of the Folder (your "Business Card & Contact Info" column) and below that was blank, but your solution worked. Thank you!


Back to this thread, as a recap of my experience to date ...

To solve my Can't Save Note issue, I navigated to Avatar/Account>Settings>Account Summary and in the middle was offered 3 versions: the New, the Previous and the Classic. 

I chose the New version and that solved the Can't Save problem at issue; but. as that presented some unrelated issues, I went back to Account Summary, and chose the Classic Version.

Choosing the Classic Version resulted in a 3-column format similar to the New Version; this one did not have the Can't Save issue but presented unrelated issues. Went back to Account Summary and chose the Previous Version, which returned me to the older version, which has the Can't Save issue (on some notes), but not the issues of the Newer Versions.

Learned that Evernote welcomes user feedback, Googled for how to do that, and sent Evernote my personal feedback to date on the New Version versus the Old Version.

Sincere thanks again to all who helped out on this thread.


Screenshots show:

Place to choose "New," "Classic," or "Previous" Versions

Appearance of Notes in "Classic" Version

Appearance of Notes in "Previous" Version



Go Back to Classic Version.png

Go Back to Previous Version.png



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9 hours ago, bonfils said:

I (free version user) had the "couldn't save note" issue over and over in the web version (Chrome).

Solved it by clicking Upgrade. Then on the page where you select version, I just clicked on "Go to notes" (or similar - my version is Danish) which took me back to where I came from - but apparently updated to a new version, because now I'm saving without problems.

Hope this helps.

Do I understand it correctly: You pretended that you wanted to upgrade your account to a paid subscription, and on the page where you have to choose the plan you clicked on the button marked by the red arrow in the following screenshot? 


Unfortunately this didn't fix the issue for me.

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11 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

The sure fix for this issue is to switch to the new web version in account settings. There are 2 switches needed to make the change.

You have to switch also here, not only in "Personal Settings":


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Since September 25, most attempts to log in have ended with this - Evernote is unavailable
When the page loads, it's better not to open old notes - it will wipe everything it wants. Most of the notes from wikipedia or YouTube are wiped. When trying to get information from the history of the note - either it doesn't insert anything or just hangs and Everonte is inaccessible.
The old web version just doesn't save changes in most notes.
Question. Вот зачем было это делать?

Скриншот 01-10-2023 000929.jpg

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Em 28/09/2023 at 11:14, Boot17 disse:

Moving to the new version of the software is solving the issue for many. Lots of people don't even know they aren't on the latest version as evidenced by this thread.


So don't imply that this solves the issue for everyone, because it's not solving it for all, and don't complain my listing the reasons why not.

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Em 01/10/2023 at 12:35, thedavidbeach disse:

Same *****.. cant save... really amazingly unimpressed with customer service.

Im using the web version.. not the app.


Wtf  its been a week and newer version doesnt work either

Evernote actually innovates the concept of user experience. Look at what the Evernote army tries to do in previous messages: they label user feedback as "resistance" and see users who don't give positive feedback as rebels to be fought. 

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Those last forum members who posted in this thread obviously make a virtue out of a bad habit: Post something that crosses your mind before reading & checking posted solutions first.

Anybody is welcome to challenge a solution that doesn’t work for him - but this requires trying it first !

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2 horas atrás, PinkElephant disse:

Those last forum members who posted in this thread obviously make a virtue out of a bad habit: Post something that crosses your mind before reading & checking posted solutions first.

Anybody is welcome to challenge a solution that doesn’t work for him - but this requires trying it first !

I've been trying it for about three years.

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8 hours ago, jonexx said:

I've been trying it for about three years.

This statement is completely wrong and not covered by facts:

This thread was started on September 25th THIS YEAR. The underlying problem may have existed longer - for a few days, max. It had never occurred in this forum before.

You just proved you didn’t read the thread, even after being pointed at doing so.

What do you want here, trolling a thread not owned by you ? 

If you have a problem, start your own thread, ask support or leave.

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59 minutos atrás, PinkElephant disse:

This statement is completely wrong and not covered by facts:

This thread was started on September 25th THIS YEAR. The underlying problem may have existed longer - for a few days, max. It had never occurred in this forum before.

You just proved you didn’t read the thread, even after being pointed at doing so.

What do you want here, trolling a thread not owned by you ? 

If you have a problem, start your own thread, ask support or leave.

My problem is the one appointed by the thread. Your solution doesn't work as I stated, cause it's not connected with the problem.

Read again the original post.

Solve the problem posted there.

You are the one trolling this thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Numerous times I'm working on  my phone app and when I go to the computer version the update isn't there, even after closing and opening again. Even after time has passed to give it time to catch up.
Then I open the computer app and the note (I originally created on phone app) and it's blank. 
THEN it "updates" the original by making IT BLANK TOO!!! 
BEYOND FRUSTRATING! Why am I paying for this app???
I'm so angry I can't even think of what I wrote to try and recover my thoughts.

And yes, EVERYTHING is updated
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Anybody is welcome to challenge a solution that doesn’t work for him - but this requires trying it first !

Chromebook, use Evernote Web Client.

I took the solution, and after a slight learning curve, V10 was working great, no "can't save note" issues. As more days passed clicking into a notebook, had to wait for the notes to open, longer and longer.

All other websites work normally on this Chromebook, no issues there.

Evernote auto-logs users out after certain amount of time requiring a new login. Went to webpage and can see Evernote home page. Logged in to see my notes. Blank white screen, no notices of any kind.

Viewing the loading process in Task Manager, it climbs to nearly 100K (it requires about 120 to show anything, up to that it's a blank white screen), then it goes back down to 70K or so and stops loading and 0 CPU activity.

I have cleared all cookies that say "evernote" and all local data associated with them, restarted my Chromebook, set "Always Allow Evernote Cookies including 3rd Party" ... and no luck.

At present I only have the Chromebook, no other devices to use to try and log onto Evernote. EDIT: I was able to try my Fire 8 tablet and same result, won't load on that although other websites work fine.

"Have you tried it in Incognito or with all extensions turned off?" -- yes and yes. No luck.

 All other websites work fine on my Chromebook.

I found a thread on a similar issue from March and posted there also:

I'll also be looking for a bug report site to mention this. 

I'm mentioning this here on this thread just as feedback on the solution given for the issue. Because, yes it initially worked. It worked great. But only for a few days.

Before I changed to V10, while I was on the Classic Version of Evernote, couldn't edit but at least could see my notes but now cannot even see my notes.

Since it will not load past a white screen there's no screen to make any selections, or juggle back to the Classic Version.

Appears I've lost all my notes at this point unless something changes.

Results will of course vary with user. 




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