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I have the free version, so now I'm limited to 2 devices. I tried to log in on my phone, but I was logged in on my home and work laptops. So I logged out of one. And I STILL cannot log into the app on my phone. When I've revoked access before, access was immediate. What other reason could there be for not being able to log in?

To be clear - I am NOT getting a message that says you are signed in elsewhere, so that may not be the problem. When I open the app, I get the log in screen. I enter my email, hit Continue, and the log in screen stays. If I use Google to sign in, I get returned to the log in screen. The attached screen shot is the screen AFTER I enter my email.




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  • Evernote Expert

Have you disconnected the device inside your account settings or just simply logged out? You need to do the former.

Account settings / devices

You can disconnect only twice per month to prevent a free user gaining a bonus by disconnecting every hour too use a different device.

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22 hours ago, agsteele said:

Have you disconnected the device inside your account settings or just simply logged out? You need to do the former.

Account settings / devices

You can disconnect only twice per month to prevent a free user gaining a bonus by disconnecting every hour too use a different device.

Sorry if my answer wasn't clear. I had already revoked access before posting my message. Since I did the above and still can't log in, what do you suggest?

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  • Evernote Expert

Sometimes the only solution is to pay for one month subscription. That removes all the limitations for that month and should get you going again. It would also give you access to technical support.

You should view the one month fee as payment for support for the month. If the payment resolves the issue for the time being then even better.

Alternatively you can wait until access resumes for you.

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Are you saying revoking access doesn't always work? Have there been other glitches with access based in revoking a device? Because that sounds like what you're saying. That in order for revoking to actually work, I have to pay for it. I've revoked access before and never had a problem. I got immediate access to the other device. Now you're saying I need to pay for a month to be sure it works. Or alternatively, that it will magically restore itself after some unknown time. Why would waiting restore access? How long is it supposed to take?

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  • Evernote Expert

No. But this doesn't sound like revoking has worked for you.

So there is only the option to wait a little longer and see if it is resolved or you pay for support which involves a one month subscription. Support should be able to fix what might be preventing you from resolving this. It might also resolve things.

Or you can wait and see what happens...

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I pay to be able to use Evernote across multiple devices and I am getting a similar message - I do not want to sign in with google as I already have an Evernote account but it doesn't allow me to enter an email. 

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  • Level 5
On 4/2/2024 at 1:24 AM, bagelnosh said:

I pay to be able to use Evernote across multiple devices and I am getting a similar message - I do not want to sign in with google as I already have an Evernote account but it doesn't allow me to enter an email. 

Welcome to the forums. This is an old thread, so it's not certain that the issue would have the same cause. More details would help: what version of Evernote, what version of Android, paid or free account....

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As stated, I have a paid account. My phone is a Samsung galaxy S21, my Evernote is 10.78.2-win-ddl-public (20240227143346). My phone and Evernote are up to date. I can sign in on my desktop computers through my email and password as per usual. 

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  • Level 5

First I doubt this is the correct version win-dll-public  for Android (although I can’t check, I don’t run any Android devices).

Second, and this is sure 10.78 is not the latest version. The latest version on mobile is 10.83 (on iOS). The PlayStore may be still showing 10.82 - it seems to be a few days behind the AppStore in getting new stuff on the ramp, and in the AppStore 10.83 is since 2 days now.

So first update your client to the latest version. Then check if the problem persists.

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To be fair, the win version is what I found on my desktop. The phone version is apparently 10.82.0; according to Google Play, this is the latest version, released on 3/26/24. Does that mean I need to wait until the Google Play store has the 10.83 version? It still seems odd that what looks to be a small update would mean that I can no longer use my regular email/password to log in, but perhaps that is the case. 

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