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Hi all,

I'm using evernote for many years, always without problems.

Now my favourite filter (todo:false) suddently  stop working.

The problem is that ALL the notes newer than 5 june 2023 aren't displayed by the filter, even if they contain an unchecked checkbox.

The problem is present on Windows app, Android App and web version.

I never changed my filter, and even deleting and recreating it, newer notes aren't displayed.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry, have not real help so far. I checked it with my account - no limitation regarding creation date.
But i found that there is a difference in the list of found notes between EN10 and Legacy: Legacy showed me 365 notes - EN10 only 342 😞

I'check this out later - but if anyone sees similar effects, please note it here...

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I've noticed this too (i.e. "todo:*").  It seems to be that List Item check box is no longer included in this search, only the Insert -> Checkbox items are included.

There is also a similar problem with the "sharedate:*" search term in that it now only returns items shared with a link.  Anything shared with a specific email address doesn't show up.

I've opened an incident with the support team, but it's been slow going so far.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Same problem for me. The todo:false filter only returns old notes with unchecked checkboxes, but a new one (a cloned notice from an old one) is not found.

This happens with the web app as well as with the Android app.

Very annoying.

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  • Level 5*

Yup - confirmed that I just set up a couple of 'to-do' notes that don't show up in searches.  Windows 11 64bit desktop / EN 10.60.4 app.  @Morgan G - since you've already started a ticket on this you should get first dibs on any answers - please let us know what the Brains Trust comes up with!

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They seem to have made the code work like the documentation says (i.e. referring to checkboxes) without adding additional criteria for checklists.  The Filter that is selected in the list of notes only refers to (and operates on) checkboxes.

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Good info on tasks. What is missing in the documentation is the definition of sea h options to find unchecked checklist items (as opposed to checkboxes and tasks). 

Until recently unchecked checklists (and checkboxes) were findable with todo:false but that appears to no longer be the case and there is no support for checklist searching despite the choice to force (in some instances) more use of checklists rather than checkboxes.

Full disclosure, Evernote support says they can not duplicate my problem of not finding unchecked checklist items with todo:false but have referred it to another level of support. 

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  • Level 5*

I just ran the search again in 10.61.4 and found about 80 old notes with checklists which seem to convert to check boxes if edited,  though both can co-exist in a note if I add new entries.  I'm glad I tend not to use these things any more anyway....

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54 minutes ago, Dave Green said:

Evernote support says they can not duplicate my problem of not finding unchecked checklist items with todo:false

For me old notes containing unticked checklist items can be found with either the filter (filter 🢂 contains 🢂 checkboxes: not checked) or todo:false

New notes containing unticked checklist items do not appear.

With tasks, checklists and checkboxes EN are going to have to try to be much clearer about what they mean. On the face of it, the filter does what it is supposed to do - it finds check boxes which are not checked. However given the power of checklists it is odd that there is no way of searching for notes containing checklists, yet alone uncompleted checklist items. Changing the system so that only old checklists can be found is just confusing.

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1 hour ago, Mike P said:

For me old notes containing unticked checklist items can be found with either the filter (filter 🢂 contains 🢂 checkboxes: not checked) or todo:false

New notes containing unticked checklist items do not appear.

With tasks, checklists and checkboxes EN are going to have to try to be much clearer about what they mean. On the face of it, the filter does what it is supposed to do - it finds check boxes which are not checked. However given the power of checklists it is odd that there is no way of searching for notes containing checklists, yet alone uncompleted checklist items. Changing the system so that only old checklists can be found is just confusing.

I have the same issue, and that is what I reported complete with the test scenario. 

I also agree with your observations -- I think that the checkbox/checklist/todo terminology did not achieve clarity and consistency in documentation (or feature set, or code), and hopefully, they are working through this to a functional result. 

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3 hours ago, bwydoogh said:

Have you received any news about this from Evernote (Support)? Annoying issue 😕.

Only a transfer to another unnamed (and thus far unresponsive) staff member after initial staff could not duplicate situation (which was a bit of a surprise).  I’ll ask status. 

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7 hours ago, bwydoogh said:

Have you received any news about this from Evernote (Support)? Annoying issue 😕.

3 hours ago, Dave Green said:

Only a transfer to another unnamed (and thus far unresponsive) staff member after initial staff could not duplicate situation (which was a bit of a surprise).  I’ll ask status. 

I haven't heard anything since August 9th on my open ticket.

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  • Level 5*
6 hours ago, bwydoogh said:

Again, a ticket that either receives insufficient attention or they do not understand it....

Again,  a user that thinks finding and fixing a bug is 'easy' and should be done within days,  not weeks.  Please be patient - there's a lot to improve and only so many hours in the day to code and test...

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3 hours ago, gazumped said:

Again,  a user that thinks finding and fixing a bug is 'easy' and should be done within days,  not weeks.

I didn't say the development team doesn't understand the issue; that's why I contacted Federico. By the way, the same thing happened with the Readwise integration, which took 3 months to be resolved (including 2 months of discussion to determine if it was an issue or not).

Also, the issue with "todo: false" is a regression. We had the same problem in November 2022, it was fixed, and now it has reappeared.

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I received feedback from Evernote support.

The first feedback indicated that the issue was not a problem 🙄; it was working as intended. They referred me to the documentation regarding checkboxes. Once again, I had to act as the quality assurance (QA) for the company and refer to an old ticket from 2022 that described the exact same issue (and mentioned the issue got solved some time later). Fortunately, my ticket has now reached the development team.

Waiting for a fix 🤞.

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