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Header Styling Getting Removed From Notes

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Apologies if this has been reported. I did a search but didn't find anything.

I use custom styles for my three header styles (Large, Medium, Small) and recently when I open some notes I find my header styles have been removed from the note entirely and they're set back to the default header styles. This forces me to style some text and re-set my larger, medium, and small headers again.

This only started happening recently and it doesn't happen all of the time. Maybe it's related to the conversion of the notes to the real-time note format? It feels like it started roughly around the same time, but I'm not sure of that as I haven't discovered reliable reproducible steps.

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It was discussed as an aside in another topic on preserving tags in Templates but not as a focused topic...

I see this too...

1. In templates

2. In notes that are duplicated

I don't see it in old notes as they are converted to RTE.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, jh1989 said:

I use custom styles for my three header styles

Hi.  I agree that you need to advise Evernote this is happening,  but can you clarify:  what exactly do you mean by "custom styles"?

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

but can you clarify:  what exactly do you mean by "custom styles"?

When you update a header or normal text to match some new formatting. Previously these updated styles were retained in templates created from the note or if you copied or duplicated the note. Now each of those three actions resets the style to default.


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  • 5 months later...

Yesterday EN technical support closed my support ticket on this. They say


Our team has investigated this thoroughly. Despite our efforts, we were unable to successfully replicate the problem or identify any widespread issues.

I have opened a new support ticket and included a screen cast to demonstrate that it is still an issue. @Dave Green you were far ahead of me in raising your support ticket - what happened?

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@Mike P Nothing.  It was "confirmed" and went to development.  Their approach of closing those tickets instead of having a process of tracking them as in development not support, while maybe useful to the support team,  is frustrating to the user.

On this particular problem, it appears to me that the problem is associated with making the "copy" not playing it out.  

It is associated with capturing the header customizations and occurs with templates AND with just duplicating a note.

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5 hours ago, Dave Green said:

@Mike P Nothing.  It was "confirmed" and went to development.  Their approach of closing those tickets instead of having a process of tracking them as in development not support, while maybe useful to the support team,  is frustrating to the user.

On this particular problem, it appears to me that the problem is associated with making the "copy" not playing it out.  

It is associated with capturing the header customizations and occurs with templates AND with just duplicating a note.

Thanks for the update. It is all very frustrating. I'm not going to let them off on this one because there really is no workaround, unless you just don't use the header updating system or never copy, duplicate, make into a template, or export as enex, html or pdf! I like the aproach that @rdj used:


Well, apparently not everything in Tech Support is hopeless.  I persisted in posting samples to my ticket 3716753 for every Windows client update for the last four months (about fifteen of them), and saying "bug still not fixed" every time.  Six days ago I got an email thanking me for my patience and saying the export-date bug was fixed in 10.76.2, which I verified is true!  Yay! 😃


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My original ticket was closed because they could not reproduce it and I haven't had the time to follow up with this issue again, but it's been happening daily for me. I've opened another ticket. This is by far my most annoying bug at the moment. Every time I edit a note, I have to click away, and then click back to it to see if my styles get removed. A not-insignificant part of my life is fixing these headers these days. Hopefully, they can find a fix for this.

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  • Level 5*

Sorry to trot out the old work-around,  but maybe if you're having this issue use a word processor to set the styles and attach its output file to the note?  DOCX files are searchable for subscribers.

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On 12/1/2023 at 7:15 AM, Mike P said:

Yesterday EN technical support closed my support ticket on this. They say

I have opened a new support ticket and included a screen cast to demonstrate that it is still an issue. @Dave Green you were far ahead of me in raising your support ticket - what happened?

Well they closed my new support ticket for the same reason. I don't know how much evidence you have to supply. I've provided links to 4 different forum posts showing that different people have the issue. A response saying "we've decided to remove this functionaility from later releases of V10. If you copy, duplicate, export or make a note into a template the updatred styles will be lost", would at least be honest.

Yes I know there are work arounds but if updated styles are lost if you  do something as simple as export to a pdf, there is no point in having the ability to update the style in the first place.

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Wish I had an update, but still waiting to hear back from them myself. They only replied with a canned response about updating the application, restarting my device, etc., and emailing logs. I replied reiterating that the issue still happens despite all of these troubleshooting steps, but did provide my logs. Still waiting.

Super annoying issue, I am constantly clicking to and from notes to double-check that the headers don't get messed up because it happens all the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/15/2023 at 2:44 AM, Mike P said:

Keep us posted but I expect you will just be told they can't reproduce the issue.

You were right. Below is their response.

Is there anybody who isn't able to reproduce this issue? Simply setting the header styles and then duplicating a note will cause the new note to lose its header styling. For me this happens on every device and every environment. It seems amazing that they can't reproduce it.

I guess I'll try opening another ticket with more proof and a video of it happening on every environment.

When posting I try to stay focused on the issue and not rant too much about the software itself, but for me this issue is causing a huge waste of time fixing my notes nonstop, which is extra infuriating when my subscription is about to come due with like a 140% price increase. /mini-rant


"Hello there,
We sincerely appreciate your patience while waiting for an update.
Our team has investigated this thoroughly. Despite our efforts, we were unable to successfully replicate the problem or identify any widespread issues.
While we wish we had better news to bring you this time, know that we're working hard to prevent any such issues from arising in the future. Please be assured that enhancing the user experience of Evernote remains a top priority for us.
Your patience and continued loyalty to our product mean a great deal to us—we truly value your support!
At this stage, the ticket will be closed. Should you require further assistance, please feel free to open a new one. We remain at your complete disposal.
Kind regards,"

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  • Level 5

I never change my header styles, but I just tried it, duplicated the note, and got the styling removed like everyone else. I wonder if "we can't reproduce the problem", which is obviously false, really means "we can reproduce it but we don't consider it a problem because that's how it works now."

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/27/2023 at 5:22 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I wonder if "we can't reproduce the problem", which is obviously false, really means "we can reproduce it but we don't consider it a problem because that's how it works now."

Yeah, maybe, if they don't want to support custom header styles then they should just remove the option that allows us to set them though.

I opened another ticket, but may give up and just start switching all my notes back to the default header styles if my new ticket gets closed too. It just stinks because I have almost 2,000 notes and that could take a while to swap everything back, plus I don't like the default styling for headers, they blend too much together for my eyes.


On 12/27/2023 at 12:37 PM, Mike P said:

I've sent videos and links to the forums of other people having the issue. They still say they  cannot reproduce it. I've now given up.  

I'm trying the same one more time. I recorded the exact steps showing the issue occurring in both the Windows client and the web. We'll see if anything comes of it. By the sounds of it, nothing will, but I'll hold out hope for one more ticket.

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