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Turn off Import Complete notification

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I get it. "Evernote has placed your imported note into a notebook called General."


How do I turn off this workflow killing "feature"?

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After some trial and error, it look like I can just keep scanning without having to click OK every time, but it is still nonsense that after dozens of imported notes, it still feels it has to tell me where it has imported the note to. Please let me know if there is a way to disable (or Evernote, please fix this).

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Thanks and sorry for the intensity of the frustration of the original post.

On PC. Win10.

Recent Evernote update at prompting from Evernote.

10.49.4-win-ddl-public (3782)
Editor: v161.2.19948
Service: v1.61.2

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  • Level 5*
8 minutes ago, adamcp said:

sorry for the intensity of the frustration of the original post

No problem - I'm wondering why you're getting so many notifications myself...  How are you capturing your scans?  Are these going through something like a Fujitsu scan manager to get to your PC?  Have you checked that software to see if there's a 'silent' (or at least less annoying) option?

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Thanks. Yes, I am using Fujitsu ScanSnap. It has it's own dialogue box to tell a scan to go to Evernote (or somewhere else, but I send to Evernote 95% of the time).

The new "notification" (and the need to click "Ok" to make it go away) appears to be Evernote (it mentions Evernote and uses a green button the same shade as all the Evernote logos). I attached a screenshot.

I have been an Evernote Premium user since 2011 and have never had to interrupt the flow of scans to grab the mouse and click OK between scans before. Any help would be appreciated.


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  • Level 5*

Well,  as a short-term workaround,  you could scan to a folder on your desktop while working,  then use office automation (or old fashioned brain power) to bulk move the files created there into an Import Folder to be bulk-vacuumed into Evernote.  See Create import folders if that's a new idea for you.

I'm pretty certain that SS Mgr includes a variety of notifications after a scan - though I agree that's an Evernote window.  I'm not near a testbed I can use for the moment,  but I'll look further into  that later...

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I have used import folders before and will look into that. I just get frustrated when things that were working perfectly fine are "fixed" to work less well. 

As I mentioned, I can keep scanning multiple documents while leaving the dialogue box open, but eventually do need to click ok to get that dialogue box to leave.

It just is a dialogue box that 1) has never been there before for over 10 years, and 2) is unnecessary since I know quite well which folder the scanned documents are being put in.

I very much appreciate any opportunity you may have to look into it further. Thanks again.


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  • Evernote Expert

I use ScanSnap too. You will get less, or at least different, interruption if, instead of using the Evernote button, you create an import folder for Evernote and then use the save to folder option in ScanSnap.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

It is very annoying to get this dialogue every time I scan a document into Evernote which I never had before, please give an option to get rid of it and simply get rid of it all together!

You can see the new note has been created anyway

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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Can you explain exactly how and where you are scanning?  We might be able to suggest some alternatives like using the Import Folder which does not generate that dialogue.

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  • 10 months later...

I too find this extremely annoying and it interrupts workflow.  I've been using evernote and loved it for 10 years. I kept using evernote legacy until i was forced to upgrade in march.   i've found that there are several things "fixed" that weren't broken and changes how I work for the worse. would you please have an option to turn this "feature" off?

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  • Level 5

Would you please post your OS if you want advise here ?

On the Mac it is my decision whether to turn „Notifications“ for an app on or off, in System Settings. There are more options for fine tuning it there as well.

Problem solved.

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  • Level 5

The try Windows notifications. I am sure they are there, somewhere in system settings. Notifications on the computer level are an OS function, not one of the app.

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There's a three dot menu in the notification bubble that Win 11 generates... you can turn them off from there.

Its part of the operating system so click the alarm icon at the bottom right of the task bar.

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